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How to Get a Job

Rosdely Ramirez, Diana Rosas, Vivian Vu

Cover Letters
Rationale(reasons) for submitting a cover letter
It tells the employer who you are and why they want you.
It showcases your writing ability.
It lets you highlight your strengths.
It shows that you're serious about the opportunity.
1.Clearly show what you are capable of
2.Start with a template or example
3.Be real
4.Dont use too much numbers
5.Add inspiration
Cover Letters
Content of cover letters:

Strong introduction describing

key strengths
Body paragraph explaining
why you should be hired,
accomplishments and rsum
(no first person)
Concluding paragraph with
personal contact, call to action
and signature if mailing
Categories in a rsum: Tips for writing a rsum:

Contact information 1. Format Your Resume Wisely "Do the

Objective Hiring Managers" Work for Them. ...
Education/Training 2. Identify Accomplishments not Just
Experience Job Descriptions. ...
Additional Areas: 3. Quantify Your Accomplishments
Activities/Honors/Special 4. Cater Your Resume for the Industry.
Skills ...
References 5. Network.
Job Applications
1.Do your research
2.Show personality
3.Double check your applications
4.Be convincing
5.Show your experiences
Job Applications
Preparing for the Interview
Must have answers to top ten most asked questions ready to go.
Your outfit must look presentable, no shorts, flip-flops, t-shirts instead
wear professional clothes wear; dress for success
Must make sure that the smallest thing are done right such as brushing
your teeth or chew gum if an emergency to not have a smelly breath.
Practice your handshake before hand.
Have your resume and all your paperwork ready in a portfolio not in your
Plan to be ten minutes early.
Interview Questions
1. What are your goals for the future?
2. Why should we hire you/What makes you standout?
3. What are your weaknesses?
4. What are your salary expectations?
5. What is your greatest strength?
6. Describe a difficult situation and what you did to overcome it?
7. Why do you want this job?
8. Why did you quit your last job?
9. What do you know about our company?
10. Tell me about yourself.
Interview Answers
Why should we hire you/What makes you standout?

I standout from other candidates because I share a passion for your

organization and I have a good education regarding to this
organization. I graduated and learned many good tips from my school
program.I have been experience in this field and i will use the best of
my ability to work. Im excited about the future of this organization,
and Im confident I can make an immediate contribution to the
Interview answers
Why did you quit your last job?

The main reason why I quit my last job was not because I didnt enjoy it
nor because I was fired. The reason was because I learned that not all my
life will I always work on the same job, therefore I wanted to go out and
experience the many job opportunities in the world. That is why I came to
this job and I hope I get hired.
Interview Tip
1.Being ten minutes early is being 6.Dont talk too much
on time, being on time is being late.
7.Dont appear desperate
2.Be focused and confident
8.Be prepared
3.Body language plays an important
9.Give specific examples when
questions are asked
4.Ask insightful questions
10.Follow up
5.Dress for the job
The Interview

Be confident
Be on Time

Body Language Dress for the Job

After the interview

1. Ask how you should follow up

2. Analyze how you did
3.Write a Thank You email or Letter
4. Keep up with the research
After the interview

Keep up with research

Write a Thank You email

Or Letter
Why You Might Not Get the Job?
1. Lack of Motivation

2. Improper language

3. Not well prepared

4. No well written resumes

5. Wrong employment

6. Not right times

After working on this project, many things have stood out to me that will be
useful for when I actually do apply to college, but the most important thing
that grabbed my attention were the top ten main questions being asked.
Although it gives the applicants an advantage to know what they should
respond to these questions, people never actually realize that these questions
are so basic. Many applicants have already discussed about these questions
beforehand yet many still get nervous or dont know what to say. At some
point of their lives they have been asked that same question or some what
similar. From the research that I have collected, I should feel more confident
now that I am prepared to have an interview.

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