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Tithi Pravesh-5

Tithi Pravesh-1

Appeared in Jyotish Digest May 2002 (Rao & Rath)

Annual Horoscopy

The Tajika System of annual horoscopy employs a

chart cast for every year of life based on the solar
return (i.e. suns return to its natal sidereal position).
Many scholars of history and Vedic Studies have held
a view that this system is primarily not Vedic
Astrology and might be a borrowed feature from
Yavanas or Tajikas, who interacted with Indian
scholars. Notwithstanding the peculiar yogas like

Iasla, Easarpha etc nor divisional charts

like Amsa (D-8) etc, which are not a part of
Parasaras available teachings, outstanding scholars
like Neelakantha and Dr. Raman set a precedent by
accepting the Tajaka system as a branch of Vedic

However, the solar calendar has been widely followed

in India only since Varahamihira started Vikrama
Saka. India had been following the Vedic luni-solar
calendar for millennia. When Maharshis like Valmiki
and Vyasa mentioned the timing of events in epics
like Ramayana and Mahabharata, they identified
events only by the tithis. It maybe interesting to note
that traditional Hindus celebrate their birth days
(called Jayanti or Janma tithi) on the Vedic date (Tithi)
of the luni-solar calendar instead of the date of Suns
return. All festivals (except for Sankrantis)
commemorating the birthdays of deities, Gurus etc
are also based on the luni-solar calendar of Tithi. For
example, Hindus celebrate Lord Ramas birthday on
the Sukla Navami Tithi of Chaitra month every year
and Lord Krishnas birthday on the Krishna Ashtami
Tithi of Sravana month. If birthday as per the luni-
solar calendar is more important than birthday as per
the solar calendar, why do we cast a chart for Varsha
pravesha (commencement of a new year) based on
birthday as per the solar calendar? Does it not make
sense to cast a chart for the commencement of a new
year based on birthday as per the luni-solar calendar
of tithis?

In fact, not only does it make sense, but the technique

of annual horoscopy using the luni-solar calendar is
one of the most reliable techniques and hence a
guarded secret taught by tradition for fine


Tithi is the Vedic date of the luni-solar calendar and is

a measure of the angular displacement of Moon from
Sun. It is known that the period between two
consecutive full moons (i.e. exact 180

0 displacement of the Moon from the Sun) is about

29.5 civil days. The total movement of 3600 of the
angle between the Luminaries in transit in a month
was divided by 30 to obtain a measure of 120 called
Tithi (luni-solar day). Tithi is the period in which the
angular displacement of Moon from Sun increases by
exactly 12. There are fifteen tithis (15 x 120=1800) in
the waxing phase (Sukla paksha) and fifteen tithis is
the waning phase (Krishna paksha). The
displacement angle = Longitude of Moon longitude
of sun. When this angle is divided by 12, we get an
index to the tithi, starting from Sukla Pratipat.

The Luminaries

A child is a product of both parents and the

importance of the Moon, even over the Sun in the
determination of fortune is a well established aspect
of Vedic Astrology. The tripod of life is the ascendant
(body), Sun (soul) and Moon (mind). In another
sense, these are self (Lagna), Father (Sun) and
Mother (Moon). It is but natural that a better definition
of the moment of birth would be the angular
displacement of the Moon from Sun, instead of just
the natal Sun position. This is the Janma Tithi.

We should be equally careful to ensure that such a

definition does not dilute the importance of the sun as
it is the representative of the real self/the soul. For
this purpose Maharshis have defined the twelve
sunsigns (or simply signs of the zodiac) called
Dwadasa Aditya. These define the boundaries within
which the Suns placement causes it to have the
specific form of a deva and a Jyotirlinga. Thus
the longitude of Sun in a sign is not as relevant as its
placement in the very sign itself and this fact is taken
as an anchor for drawing the annual charts. As the
soul is the anchor of our existence, Suns transit in
its natal sign signifies the figurative re-establishment
of this anchor, i.e. a new beginning (In fact, it is
because of this re-establishment of anchor that
marriage is prohibited in the solar month of birth).

Such an anchorage would be meaningless without a

consideration of the Mind the emotions,
sustenance and fruits of existence. Thus including the
Moons angular return along with the annual solar
natal sign anchorage defines the astrological Janma
Tithi return.

Though birthday as per the luni-solar calendar is

traditionally celebrated when janma tithi returns in the
same lunar month (which is identified based on the
signs occupied by Sun and Moon at the beginning of
the month), this definition was probably adopted for
ease in civil usage. The most astrologically
acceptable definition is based on janma tithi and
sunsign (sunsign at janma tithi return and not sunsign
at the beginning of the month). This is the most
perfect method for defining the moment that is the
closest in emulating the moment of birth. Hence, this
is the truest astrological birthday or rather birth

Tithi Pravesha Chakra

As outlined above, the definition of the annual birth

moment is the moment when Sun transits its natal
sign and the Moon is at the exact displacement angle
from Sun (degrees, minutes & seconds) as at birth.

Pravesha means entry or return and Tithi Pravesha

Chakra is the chart drawn for the birth moment of Tithi
return every year. If the angle from Sun to Moon
matches that in the natal chart, it means that the Tithi
running is the same as birth Tithi and also the fraction
of Tithi remaining is the same as at birth. If someone
was born with Sun in Aries on Chaitra Sukla Navami
with 25% of the Tithi remaining, the natives
astrological luni-solar new year will commence every
year when Sun is in Aries and Sukla Navami is
running with 25% of the Tithi remaining. A chart cast
for this moment for the longitude and latitude of the
birthplace irrespective of where the native is
currently living will throw light on the events during
the coming year. This chart is called "Tithi Pravesha"
(TP) chart.

Example of Casting

Example 1:

Let us consider the chart of Indias Late Prime

Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

Birth data: 19th November 1917, 23:03:00 (IST), 81 E

52', 25 N 28'

It may be noticed that natal Sun is in Scorpio. At the

time of her birth, Kartika Sukla Shashthi Tithi was
running and 88.15% of the Tithi was left. Let us
consider the annual TP chart of 1976-77. Her luni-
solar birthday came on 26th November 1976. Sun
was in Scorpio on that day and Kartika Sukla
Shashthi Tithi was running. At 9:34:07 am, 88.15% of
the Tithi was left.

In other words, the displacement angle from Sun to

Moon at that time matched that at Mrs. Gandhis
birth. In her natal chart, Sun was at 4 7' 39.45' in
Scorpio and Moon was at 5 32' 57.86' in Capricorn.
The displacement angle from Sun to Moon was 61
25' 18.41'.

At the time of Tithi pravesha in 1976, Sun was at 10

30' 11.58' in Scorpio and Moon was at 11 55'
29.99' in Capricorn. The displacement angle from
Sun to Moon was again 61 25' 18.41'. This
matches the displacement angle at birth.

Annual TP Data: 26th November 1976, 9:34:07 (IST),

81 E 52', 25 N 28'

One can cast a chart for the above data and draw
conclusions about the events in the year.

Use of Weekday, Lagna and Hora

The annual chart is interpreted just like the natal

chart, but there are some special considerations:

(1) Weekday: Take the ruler of the weekday running

at the commencement of New Year. If he is a benefic
with respect to natal Lagna, it will be a favorable year.
If he is a malefic with respect to natal Lagna, it will be
an unfavorable year.
(2) Lagna: Take the sign occupied by Lagna in the
annual chart. If it is a quadrant or a trine from natal
Lagna, the year will bring the fruits of good actions of
the past, i.e. it will be a favorable year. If it is a
Dusthana from natal Lagna, the year will bring the
results of evil actions of the past, i.e. it will be a year
of obstacles.

(3) Hora:

Take the ruler of the Hora (hour) running at the

commencement of New Year. This planet will be the
most important planet during the year, even more
important than Lagna lord. The houses owned and
occupied by this planet will set the tone for the main
events of the year. The strength, placement and
yogas of this planet will have a tremendous impact on
the main events of the year.

In addition, all the principles applicable in natal

horoscopy will apply in annual horoscopy.

Example 2: Let us examine the 1976-77 annual chart

found in Example 1 (Chart 1).

The weekday on 26
th November 1976 was Friday. Its lord Venus is a
functional malefic for Mrs. Gandhis natal Lagna
(Cancer). So it indicates an unfavorable year.

Lagna in the annual chart is in Sagittarius, which is a

Dusthana from natal Lagna. It shows struggle during
the year.

Saturn Hora was running at 9:34:06 am on 26

th November 1976. So Saturn is the most important

planet during the year. He is a functional malefic with
respect to Sagittarius Lagna and occupies the
8th house. This shows that the main theme of the
year will be disappointments and fall (8th). Mrs.
Gandhi indeed experienced misfortune during

Dear Chitra,

> Dear Sanjay and Narasimha,

> Could you please teach us how to calculate the Tithi

Pravesha time.


> did you arrive at the time? What are the manual



> Thanks and regards

> Chitra

I use my software "Jagannatha Hora" for the


If you want to do it, here is how:

(1) In the natal chart, find the sign occupied by Sun,

tithi running

and the fraction of tithi left.

Let us take an example of my 1987-88 annual TP

chart. Birthdata is

4th April 1970, 5:47:20 pm (IST), 81e08, 16n10.

Sun is in Pisces. Krishna Chaturdasi tithi was running

and 85.979769%

of the tithi was left at birth.

(2) Find when Sun returns to his natal sign during the

year of

In 1987, Sun returns to Pisces and stays in it during

(roughly) March

15-April 15, 1987.

(3) In the period found in (2), find when the tithi found

in (1)


For example, take March 15-April 15, 1987. Krishna

Chaturdasi tithi

came back in this month on March 27-28, 1987.

(4) Find the starting and ending time of the tithi.

On March 27-28, 1987, for example, Krishna

Chaturdasi tithi started

at 21:25 on March 27, 1987 and ended at 19:39 on

March 28, 1987.

(5) Find when the same fraction of tithi was left as

found in (1).

The length of the tithi was 24 hrs + 19:39 - 21:25 = 22

hours 14 min,

i.e. 1334 min. Of this, 85.979769% is 1147 minutes,

i.e. 19 hours 7

So take 19 hours 7 min before the end of tithi. Then


85.979769% of the tithi is left.

Taking 19:39-19:07 is 0:32. So, at 12:32 am in the

early hours of

March 28, 1987, exactly the 85.979769% of Krishna

Chaturdasi was left.

(6) Now take this date and time and the longitude and

latitude of the

birthplace and cast the chart.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,


Tithi Pravesha FAQ

From: Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <>
Date: Nov 8, 2005 8:09 PM
Subject: [JyotishGroup] Re: A real-life example -
To: Vedic Astrology Group <vedic->, JyotishGroup@yahoo

Namaste friends,

When someone complained about too much

theoretical discussion, I gave a real-
life example in which some precise
predictions I gave someone came true.
Even that led to theorization and
theoretical critique. The following mail
slipped from my attention a few weeks
back. Somebody forwarded it to me and
let me try to address some points in it.

> (a).Can the ATP chart replace the Rasi

chart in prediction?

The natal chart shows the entire life.

But, if one uses a wrong or imperfect
dasa system, it is easy to err in timing
events. I am far more comfortable with
ATP (annual Tithi Pravesha) charts as
they are focussed on a one year period
and are easier to judge. Whenever I have
just a few minutes to spare and have to
give a quick reading, I rely on ATP
charts. And I am quite pleased with
their reliability.

> (b) Can badhakesa cause auspicious

change of place?

Yes, there are references in classics.

Narayan Iyer produced a nice paper on it
sometime back.

> (c) Arudha in ATP is as relevant as in


Of course, yes. To me anyway. Arudha

padas of houses show what manifests in a
tangible way. That is as relevant in ATP

> (d) Can the ATP Lagna Virgo rising

with Sun and Ketu under
> the aspect of Saturn be treated as
auspicious or harbinger of good?

Sun in lagna with Ketu and under

Saturn's aspect is not at all good. I
did warn the native about one specific
misfortune that is possible in the year
and suggested a remedy too.

> (e) Further ATP Lagna had Mars in the

8th in retrogression and Moon in

Mars in 8th in moolatrikona isn't bad at

all. From AL (arudha lagna,
manifestation of self, i.e. tangible
aspects of self, including status and
image), Mars is in 6th and shows great
success and overcoming all obstacles.
Natural malefics in 6th from AL give
material success.

Though Moon is in debility, he is with

Venus in 3rd. Moon and Venus in 3rd in
AL show good status and image during the
year and good for financial gains. Venus
is the 9th lord and Moon is in the 11th
lord. Their conjunction in an upachaya
from lagna and in AL is (was) in my
judgment excellent for material status.

> ATP Lagna had no benign aspect at all

and benefics were all below
> the horizon. With such a disastrous
ATP2005, could you have
> predicted positive developments in
one's life?

Mars in 8th in 6th from AL, Moon and

Venus in AL, conjunction of A9 and A10
(bhagya pada and rajya pada), aspected
by two benefics giving a raja yoga
(Jupiter and Mercury) - all these made
me think it was going to a good year.
Only Sun's eclipse in lagna made me
predict one misfortune. Moreover, if you
see D-10, you'll see several nice
combinations that made me predict to
this native a few months back that this
lunar year would start with a good

> Here you are speaking about the D-10

of the most inauspicious
> ATP 2005. Have a close look at that
ATP2005_D10: Lagna is
> between malefics, Saturn in 2nd and
Mars in 8th, Ketu in 6th.
> Lord of Lagna Budha is in 6th along
with debilitated Moon and
> malefics. With such a D10, you are
deriving the logic that 10th
> lord in 5th will be auspicious?

First of all, ATP 2005 is not "most

inauspicious". Secondly, Saturn is not
in 2nd. I don't know what ayanamsa you
use. With Lahiri ayanamsa, Saturn is
with Venus in 3rd, giving an excellent
raja yoga. Moreover, the raja yoga is in
5th from AL and shows recognition.

Out of the 4 planets in 6th, only Moon

is a benefic. Others are malefics.
Conjunction of malefics in 6th is good.

All these are adding to the placement of

10th lord 5th (in 7th from AL).

> With your program, I had a look at

the ATP2004-05 and by
> all known canons of astrology, the
ATP2004-05 is more auspicious
> than ATP2005-06 with which you have
predicted good. What are
> your comments on this fact?

Sir, this is not a "fact", but your

subjective judgment. In my judgment, ATP
2005-06 is a lot better than ATP 2004-
Look at rasi of ATP 2004-05. Lagna has
badhaka lord and 8th lord in marana
karaka sthana in it. Lagna lord is
eclipsed by Ketu. The 9th lord of
fortune, Jupiter, is in marana karaka
sthana in 3rd. Ruler of the year is
Saturn, who is the 8th lord and is in
marana karaka sthana in lagna.

Now look at the rasi chart of ATP 2005-

06. Though lagna is afflicted, lagna
lord and ruler of the year Mercury is in
well-placed in 2nd and gives a raja yoga
with Jupiter. AL has a nice combination.

Look at D-10 of ATP 2004-05. The 4th

house of happiness has 8th lord
Mer5cury. The 9th lord Moon is in marana
karaka sthana in 8th. The 5th lored of
recognition is in 8th. The 4th lord
(comfort) Rahu is in marana karaka
sthana. I fail to see why you think it
is good.
In contrast, D-10 of ATP 2005-06 has
lagna lord Mercury well-placed in 6th.
The 10th lord is in 5th. The 5th lord
joins 9th lord in the 5th from AL.

Based on all the canons of Jyotish t6hat

*I* know and use, the year 2004-05 shows
dissatisfaction, unhappiness and
frustration and the year 2005-06 shows
fortune and good breaks. The year 2004
was indeed like that and the year 2005
started very nicely.

The native got a job offer in the week

that I had predicted months in advance
and he sold his house pretty quickly, in
the 2 weeks that I predicted and to a
friend as I predicted. To those who may
be interested in this case further,
another prediction I had made was that
he would buy a new house in the town he
moved to during Venus TA dasa (2005 Dec
16-2006 Feb 24). Whether this too comes
true or not remains to be seen. But
those interested can easily see why I
made that prediction. Use D-4.

First, you said you had some "doubts".

Then you passed a judgment that I made
"serious errors" and passed several
harsh and possibly hasty judgments. If
you just want to disprove my approach,
there is no point in arguing with you. I
replied because throwing some additional
light on how I was thinking when I made
these judgments in real-time and made
these predictions can be useful to those
who want to learn from this example.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,


Customised Composite Annual Chart Analysis/ Tithi

Pravea (Pravesha) Chakra Analysis
The technique of the Tithi Pravea (Pravesha) Chakra
is especially useful in evaluating the course of a given
year. Earlier when this technique from the esoteric
traditions of East India had not been revealed to the
people at large, people tried to travel deeper into the
sub-divisions of the Vimottar Mahda (Vimshottari
Mahadasha) to try and develop a 'finer' picture.
Needless to say this caused some strain as the
increasingly finer sub-divisions of the periodicity
depend in direct proportion to their basic efficacy to
the accuracy of the birth time.

The other popular option was to resort to the Arabic

Tjaka (Tajaka) taken from the Tjaka Nlakath
(Tajaka Neelakanthi), a hybrid text resulting from
some sort of collaboration. With the Vars a Tithi
Praves a Cakra (Varsha Tithi Pravesha Chakra), these
issues are resolved and we can replicate the natal
analyses in depth and scope so that a given year can
be evaluated much as the life of the native is. It is like
a life analysis compressed into the duration of the

The horoscope is derived on the basis of the

replication of the Jama/ Janma Tithi in the transit
chart when Ravi/ the Sun revisits the Jama Srya/
Janma Surya Lagna. In other words the horoscope is
cast for the moment when the exact Tithi or the
angular distance between the Sun and the Moon is
repeated as at birth when the Sun is in the natal Sun
sign. The Tithi denotes the element of water/ Jala and
therefore shows connection, social events, the flow of
things, love, romance, marriage, feeling, wealth,
comforts and money. Therefore many of the nicer
things in life can be quite accurately studied from this

The dynamic aspects of the horoscope are studied

through the Mahdas/ Mahadashas in the Tithi
As tottar
Da (Tithi Ashtottari Dasha) scheme and
the year is divided and studied through the various
periodicities. Ketu being the overlord of the Da
(Dasha) does not have a Da (Dasha) assigned in
the system.

Note: This work details the horoscopic evaluation

for three years each for a couple subsequent to a
prior evaluation. The Analysis thus results in a
customised work where three successive years in
the lives of a couple are evaluated through the
Tithi Pravesh Chakra Analysis. This is especially
useful once the initial work on the horoscope has
been done through the device of the Detailed
Chart Analysis or the Detailed Dual Analysis as in
this case.

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Dear Consulter,
One had the chance to delve into the previous work
done for your family. Specifically, the Detailed Dual
Analysis that I had written for you and your husband
contains some very crucial information in this regard.
Regarding your husband, one could see two very
dominant factors, one the Matri Shrapa/ the Curse of
the Moon and the Pitri Rina/ the debt to the
forefathers. In this light it is very heartening indeed
that the remedial measures in the form of Shraddha
have been performed as without Tarpan and such
remedies, these life areas remain afflicted. I must
reiterate the overriding and overwhelming importance
of the remedial measures suggested for his
horoscope previously. The other dominant factor was
the Sade-Sati running in the horoscope which still
continues. I must reiterate the background importance
of continually reciting the Sri Rudra Chamakam which
is the most profound remedial measures for this
Gochar/ transit of Saturn. Once these natal afflictions
are addressed, the positive features of the horoscope
have greater play.
One has found frequently that the positive indications
of annual horoscopy give immaculate results once the
remedial measures for the birth horoscope and the
Rashi Chakra are performed diligently. At the cost of
repetition I am highlighting these facets so that there
is no confusion at all about their importance. The
technique of the Tithi Pravesha Chakra is very
sophisticated and works very well in furnishing a
picture as to the following distinct facets: (i) the overall
nature of the Hindu year: whether the year is likely to
demonstrate an overall favourable tenor or an
adverse one; (ii) the most dominant themes for the
year: this aspect tends to focus on the life areas that
emerge in some prominence during the course of that
year. This facet of the technique can help us in
understanding the focus of the Karmic forces for the
year so that we might align ourselves better with
them; (iii) the vitality factor/ Prana can also be
evaluated to judge the health situation at the outset.
Quite apart from the outline factors enumerated
above, the horoscope is to be and shall be evaluated
in detail much like the natal horoscope. The Varga
Chakra and other areas will be investigated identically
as in the natal horoscope. The Dasha applicable to
the Tithi Pravesha Chakra is the Tithi Ashtottari
With this background information, let me start by
looking at your husbands Tithi Pravesha Chakra for
the Hindu year 2008. I will combine some of the
facets of the analysis for the three years with standout
features from the natal horoscopic Analysis so that
the fundamental traits of the Karma to be experienced
are rendered explicit.
The Vedic New Year for Your husband in 2008 starts
in late January. The Tithi Pravesha Chakra for 2008 is
cast for the following data: (Omitted to protect the
privacy of the client)
The Lagna/Ascendant rising this year in the Rashi
Chakra in the Tithi Pravesha Chakra is Tula/ Libra
which is neither a Trikona/ trine or Kendra/ quadrant
from the natal Lagna in the Rashi Chakra which is
Kanya/ Virgo. It is the 2nd House therefrom. So this
year cannot be said to be either outright favourable or
unfavourable. If the Lagna was in a Dusthana from
the natal Lagna in the Rashi Chakra, that is, in the
6th, 8th or the 12th Houses, then it may be said that
the year carries an unfavourable tenor. But this is not
the case. So, in view of the ongoing Sade-Sati, this
may be said to be a middling year of a temperate
The next important determinant in annual horoscopy
is the judgments of the various factors relating to the
Hora Lord who is akin to the ruler of the year in Hindu
annual horoscopy. The Hora Lord for the year 2008-
2009 for Your husband is Saturn/ Shani. As Tula
Lagna rises in the Rashi Chakra in this years Tithi
Pravesha Chakra, Shani is the Yogakaraka planet for
the Lagna and is capable for giving Rajayoga on its
own. Given the fact that the overall nature of the year
is not outright positive, Shani being the Hora Lord and
Yogakaraka for the rising Lagna offsets much of the
lack of outright benefit. This is a positive feature in the
Rashi Chakra for the year.
Further, Shani is placed in the 11th Bhava from the
Lagna as the 4th and 5th Lord of the chart and can
help Your husband advance in order to fulfill his
ambitions and desires. Shani is joined Ketu in the 11th
Bhava from the Lagna which takes away somewhat
from the positive placement of Shani; this is a variant
of Jara Yoga and he must refrain from succumbing to
an all-suffering attitude as this may interfere with his
annual prospects this year. One must point out though
that this tendency of checked and curbed at the
outset is not likely to prove to be much of an
impediment as Shani and Ketu are naturally benefic
planets and are considered well-placed in the
Upachaya Bhavas denoting natural growth through
Parakrama/ self-effort. The 11th Bhava from the
Lagna is one such Bhava.
The overall indications as to health can be gleaned
from the Vara lord. The Hindu weekday on which this
years Vedic birthday falls is Ravivar/ Sunday and the
Sun is the lord thereof. The sun is placed in the 4th
Bhava and is Badhak for Tula Lagna. It may bring
unexpected troubles to health but these are very
unlikely to be serious. The sun in the 4th House
carries the minimum Digbala/ directional strength and
therefore, the risk lies in neglect. The symptoms of
discomfort must not be neglected this year otherwise
this can lead to both visits to hospitals as Budh/
Mercury joined the Sun in the 4th Bhava from the
Lagna is the 12th Lord of nursing homes and
hospitals. Further, the 4th Bhava from the Lagna is
also the 12th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna and
trading, stocks, mutual funds and personal health can
be sources of significant expenditure.
In this regard I would like to reiterate that as pointed
out in the Detailed Dual Analysis, the Curse of the
Moon must be remedied otherwise speculation will
lead to losses. This is what has come about also.
Though I was informed, I think, that remedial
measures for the Shrapa have been carried out, there
was nothing intimated about actual performance of
the remedial measures for the Matri Shrapa. You must
attempt to perform these as if I recall correctly upon
my revisiting the previous work done, the adverse
Moola Dasha for Your husband indicating the
fructification of the Shrapa is coming to an end and
there is no reason at all why the remedial measures
should not be done as they will bring unhindered and
immediate relief.
I am certain that you would also try hard to address
the Sade-Sati and what remains of the 7 years
period of this life-altering Gochar/ transit of Shani
through the recitation of the Sri Rudra Chamakam.
Despite these ongoing challenges in the horoscope
and also despite the fact that the Hindu year has not
promised to be outright positive, it is very clear that if
the remedial measures including the Ratna/
gemstones advised previously are adhered to, this
year also has significant positives.
The Arudha Lagna in the Rashi Chakra this year,
showing your husbands manifest personality lies in
the 5th House. The 5th House denotes children and
new beginnings. The manifest image can be
associated with these life areas this year along with
associated factors such as expression of intelligence,
fame and attainment. The 5th House is lorded by
Shani, the Hora Lord and shows the dominant themes
for the year. Rahu is placed here in Kumbha/ Aquarius
Rashi which it lords along with Shani. The placement
of Rahu in the 5th Bhava can show some non-
conformist moves this year. Rahu in the Arudha
Lagna cautions against anything rash and mired in
confusion so let him take important decisions only
after careful deliberation. Chandra is the Karaka for all
Arudha Padas and Rahu is opposed to the gentle
luminary, therefore, even in its own sign, Rahu poses
the danger of giving an unpleasant surprise in
external, social, financial and manifest life. If the
unconventional energies of Rahu are channeled well
then the year can bring in enormous bounty. In fact, if
these placements occur in a year which is not
conditioned by the Sade-Sati, it is certain to be one of
financial windfall.
The 11th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna shows the
source of gains. Jupiter and Venus are placed in
Dhanu/ Sagittarius in the 3rd Bhava from the Lagna,
which is the 11th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna. Guru
shows gains from consultancy and this is a strong
facet as the planet is placed in Dhanu Rashi. This is
the best year for your husband to begin the project
you have mentioned. Guru is the Karaka for lengthy
writing, teaching, wisdom and expression of
something meaningful. Guru is placed very powerfully
in Dhanu Rashi which is its Moolatrikona sign and the
Graha feels as if it would be best served by following
the work that it likes. The 3rd Bhava from the Lagna
relates to self-expression and to writing in particular
as it also shows working with the hands. Shukra
placed with Guru adds to the aesthetics and finesse
of the work contemplated. Both these planets in the
11th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna sow the seeds for
massive gains. There is Rashi Drishti/ sign aspect of
other Grahas to this 3rd Bhava from the Lagna which
is also the 11th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna.
Moon/ Chandra and Mars/ Mangal form the Shashi-
Mangal Yoga in the 9th Bhava from the Lagna. This in
itself is a great combination for significant wealth. As
these planets are in Mithun/ Gemini Rashi, they
aspect the 11th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna with
Rashi Drishti, adding to the source of gains. Thus real
estate and public dealing also shape up as avenues
for gains. I cannot stress the performance of remedial
measures previously communicated to you strongly
enough in the light of these promising combinations.
Before I dwell more on these positive combinations
from the view point of financial gains, I must pause in
the light of some of your specific concerns about your
husband. Both the Shashi-Mangal Narayan Dasha
Shukra-Chandra Yoga also go by the name of Rudra
Yoga. Both of these are adverse for health and
specifically cause disturbances in blood pressure.
Apart from that Guru governs the blood sugar and it is
Shukra who causes imbalances in the ability to
handle the blood sugar. Thus diabetes is usually
precipitated in the Vimshottari Dasha of Shukra in the
radix. Shukra opposes the effective handling of blood
sugar because it is naturally inimical to Guru.
The Rogapada/ A6 is the manifest expression of
illness. The Shashi-Mangal Yoga in the 9th Bhava
from the Lagna is conjoined the Shatrupada/ A6 in the
9th House. Symptomatic appearance of both the
conditions you have mentioned can happen this year.
Guru though in its own sign is placed in the 3rd Bhava
which is its Marana Karaka Sthana placement: it is
quite uncomfortable there. The Yoga of Guru and
Shukra aspects the A6 with Rashi Drishti.
There is Gajakesari Yoga formed by the excellent
mutual aspect of Guru and Chandra. This can make
the year very positive even given the limitations stated
at the outset.
The year is adverse for the mother as seen from the
Rashi Chakra for this instant Tithi Pravesha Chakra.
The Karaka Bhava for the mother is the 4th house.
The Badhak Surya is placed there with the 12th Lord
Mercury. Reckoned from the 4th Bhava as Lagna,
Sun is the 8th Lord and Budh is the 6th Lord. This
does not bode well for her as seen from Your
husbands chart. Chandra is the Karaka for the
mother. It shows Your husbands mental experience of
the mother this year. Chandra is joined Mars and is
aspected by Venus, which forms two Rudra Yogas
making this an extremely tough year for her health.
Ordinarily, the aspect of Guru could have salvaged
the situation but Guru is in Marana Karaka Sthana
and hardly able to better the situation. The manifest
expression of this facet can be seen from the Arudha
Pada of the 4th House, the A4. This is placed in the
6th Bhava from the Lagna and in the 2nd Bhava from
the Arudha Lagna, aspected by Rahu by Graha
Drishti/ planetary sight. The lord of the Arudha Pada is
Guru placed in Marana Karaka Sthana. All indications
seem to point at a worsening of the situation with
regard to the mother.
Unless he remedies the factors I have stated
speculation and investment even in mutual funds is
unlikely to be productive. Especially this Hindu year,
this area should not be ventured into as he will most
likely lose the money: the reason I have stated before.
Budh the Karaka is in the 12th Bhava from the Arudha
Lagna. However, hospitality and investment in real
estate are also good areas to think about, as is the
hotel/ motel business as Shukra, Mangal, Chandra
and Guru are all involved with the source of gains in
the Rashi Chakra this year. For more specific details
regarding career choices for the year, let us look at
the Dashamsha Chakra for the year.
The Hora Lord Shani is placed in the 10th Bhava in
the Dashamsha Chakra showing significant events
relating to career. Shani in the 10th House is
otherwise not welcome as it can threaten a sudden
rise and fall. It is joined Venus, the 3rd and 8th Lord.
Shukra is a bad planet for this Dashamsha Chakra.
The Dashamsha Chakra reveals that your husband
must avoid adventure the professional ventures at all
costs this year and take extremely conservative and
well-thought out steps no matter how inhibited they
might seem. This ties in well with the pressures of the
Sade-Sati. The 5th Lord Moon is placed in the 8th
House in Marana Karaka Sthana showing that
emotional and radical new beginnings are earmarked
for failure and disappointment. The Lagna Lord Guru
is placed in the 2nd House of motivation and future. It
is Jupiter he must rely on this year as in the Rashi
Chakra this planet promises gains. Rahu is in the
Lagna as the 12th Lord and Ketu is in the 7th Bhava
as the 9th Lord. I would not recommend partnership
this year as the person would be bossy and might
want to take a leadership role.
The best option appears to be research based work
such as writing. Anxiety and impatience must be
avoided as this Dashamsha Chakra warns against
any sudden moves in the career. Regarding his
writing and book he will be best advised to include
distant and foreign sources, publishers and others
who might be involved with his work. The placement
of Rahu, Saturn and Venus points to that. If the
Dashamsha Chakra was more supportive, then the
Rashi Chakra was showing heavy quantum of gains.
In this sense, this year is more about laying
The Tithi Ashtottari Dasha applicable to the chart is
given below for a view of the timelines operating in
the Tithi Pravesha Chakra.
Tithi Ashtottari Dasha of Janma tithi (useful especially
in Tithi Pravesha charts):
Maha Dashas:
Ven: 2008-01-15 - 2008-03-30
Sun: 2008-03-30 - 2008-04-20
Moon: 2008-04-20 - 2008-06-12
Mars: 2008-06-12 - 2008-07-10
Merc: 2008-07-10 - 2008-09-09
Sat: 2008-09-09 - 2008-10-15
Jup: 2008-10-15 - 2008-12-20
Rah: 2008-12-20 - 2009-02-02
Ven: 2009-02-02 - 2009-04-18
The year starts off with the Dasha of Venus which will
tend to give the results of Guru due to Yuti. The theme
of gains and overall optimism and width will come but
Jupiter will give adverse events related to mother,
being the lord of A4 in Marana Karaka Sthana. In the
Dashamsha Chakra, Shukra Dasha will give the
results of the Hora Lord Shani and your spouse may
take some important career decision. Let him do so
with the caution I have recommended hereinabove.
The next period of the Sun is likely to lead to
expenditure as the planets are placed in the 12th from
the Arudha Lagna. The period may also bring some
unforeseen troubles. Your husband may want to work
for someone in this period.
The next two Tithi Ashtottari Dasha of Moon and Mars
run the risk of precipitating the health related issues
that I have written about previously but will also likely
bring mass exposure and interaction with sources of
gains. The Guru-Mangal Yoga will prompt the spouse
to make strong plans for the year with greater clarity
and forthrightness. He should be especially careful to
not attempt any Greenfield project at this time
because new projects undertaken in the Tithi
Ashtottari Dasha of the Moon shown by the 5th House
lordship of Moon are susceptible to damage and loss,
shown by the 8th Bhava placement of Chandra. The
only exception is research which is a signification of
the 8th Bhava. The placement of Venus, the 8th Lord,
in the 10th House also suggests this and only this.
Budh Tithi Ashtottari Dasha will precipitate heavy
expenditure as it is placed in the 12th Bhava from the
Arudha Lagna. Foreign lands and learning,
communication and the like could become dominant
themes during such a phase. The next Tithi Ashtottari
Dasha of Shani will be the most crucial and important
phase of the year as this will be the Dasha of the
Hora Lord, placed in the 11th Bhava from the Lagna
and in the 7th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna. He
would try and emerge out of the shell of the past few
years imposed by the Gochar of Shani and may feel
susceptible in some manner. Otherwise Shani is well
placed and will give a very realistic idea as to what
needs to be surmounted in order for life to fully
fructify. Mercury Mahadasha prior to Shani will also
give some intermittent and independent work of a
contractual sort. Shani Mahadasha as that of the Hora
Lord will give some important events pertaining to the
career and this will likely involve foreigners and
foreign lands. Shani is also the 12th Lord of the
Dashamsha Chakra.
Guru Tithi Ashtottari Dasha is likely to be extremely
good as the planet is placed in the 11th Bhava from
the Arudha Lagna and also in the 2nd Bhava of the
Dashamsha Chakra as the Lagna Lord. Financially
the period will be very promising and motivation and
specific direction in the career will emerge. The future
patterns and directions in working life will emerge in
this Dasha. Consultancy and writing etc will reveal
their true import in this period. Rahu is in the 5th
Bhava in the Arudha Lagna and shows some
unconventional out-of-the-box thinking at the social
and manifest level. As suggested, he ought to guard
against moves that may cause anxiety at the overt
and visible level.
The next Hindu year starts on (data omitted for
reasons of privacy). The first factor to be noticed for
the year is that the Lagna rising is Dhanu/ Sagittarius
which is the 4th Bhava/ quadrant/ Kendra from the
natal Lagna in the Rashi Chakra, Kanya/ Virgo. This
indicates that the overall tenor of the year is positive.
This basically means that if we take the Hindu year to
be an independent entity then it promises to favour
us. The more specific factors must be examined from
the Yogas obtaining in the horoscope for the year.
The Hora Lord/ the ruler of the year is again Shani
and it is retrograde, placed in the Bhagya Sthana in
the 9th Bhava from the Lagna. This placement of
Shani is not entirely welcome as it interferes with luck
and fructification of destined positives. Again Shani
happens to be in the 7th Bhava from the Arudha
Lagna. The 7th from the Arudha Lagna is the Dwara
through which the Jatak emerges into the world and
the placement of Vakra Shani here shows that your
husband still has to wait for plans to fully fructify. You
must note at this stage that if the Karmic Dashas as
judged in the natal horoscope show that adverse
Karma is basically over and the positive time has
started and still one runs into a heavy and problematic
Tithi Pravesha Chakra, the in the ultimate analysis
what shall happen is that the better features from the
radix will not fructify fully in that year.
Conversely, if the Tithi Pravesha Chakra is excellent
and there are some issues to iron out in the radix then
the native shall feel that his troubles have been
mitigated to a considerable extent. If, however, both
the radix and the Tithi Pravesha Chakra show
undiluted positives then the native can reap a rich
harvest due to the auspicious confluence of Jyotish
There are five planets in the 2nd Bhava from the
Lagna with Guru Neecha and Surya in Parivartana
with Shani. These are not very good factors at all.
Further, all these planets are in the 12th Bhava from
the Arudha Lagna showing losses and expenses.
Guru gets Neechabhanga/ cancellation of its debility
due to exalted Mars but specifically real estate
consultancy must be completely avoided this year as
it may make a very heavy dent in the finances.
Mangal exalted will show extreme expenses on
commercial property. The planets are joined the A6
and continue to show challenges to the health and
some other issues to iron out.
Stocks, mutual funds and the like should be avoided
this year but if he is able to make beginnings in the
hotel/ motel business in the Tithi Pravesha Chakra for
2008, then this will be an extremely rewarding
avenue. The reason is that Shukra, the Karaka for this
business, is exalted in the 4th Bhava from the Lagna
and in the 2nd Bhava from the Arudha Lagna. This
planet can bring in immense gains for the year
because it also aspects the 11th Bhava from the
Arudha Lagna, which happens to be the Lagna itself
in the Rashi Chakra. His own resources, effort and
intelligence will bring the fruits in this business and for
that reason it will be very rewarding. He should limit
himself to this professional avenue for the year as
anything else will be prone to extreme losses and
expenses as seen from the Rashi Chakra. The other
details can be had from the Dashamsha Chakra.
His mind is likely to be very troubled through the year
since the Naisargika Karaka for psychology, the
Moon, is placed in the 8th Bhava in Grahan Yoga with
Ketu. The 8th Bhava is Marana Karaka Sthana
placement for Moon and the only saving grace is that
the Graha is placed in its own sign. The worst
experiences of the emotional mind are avoided due to
this. The Gajakesari Yoga persists this year as well
but the fullest benefits do not come, just as in the
preceding year. In the preceding year, Guru was in
the 3rd Bhava in the Marana Karaka Sthana while this
year it is debilitated in Guru Chandala Yoga with Rahu
and also in the 12th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna.
The Dashamsha Chakra reveals that this year he can
think of partnership as the same would be on a more
equal footing. Independent enterprise would be
rewarding. Writing and communication can be positive
as Budh is exalted in the 7th Bhava from the Lagna.
The 5th Lord Moon in the Lagna shows new
beginnings. The foreign influence continues this year
and this is intriguing as your family is already settled
abroad. The Lagna Lord is debilitated and placed with
Rahu in Guru Chandala Yoga. Debility in Varga
Chakra related to finances and work is not bad and
can bring new openings. This can specifically be in
writing. Shani is also debilitated in the 2nd House but
retrograde showing that this is a year of serious effort
towards securing a more reliable future work profile.
Your husband will show a more independent streak in
work due to Mangal placed in the 9th Bhava in the
Arudha Lagna in the Dashamsha Chakra this year.
The Tithi Ashtottari Dashas for the year are given
Tithi Ashtottari Dasha of Janma tithi (useful especially
in Tithi Pravesha charts):
Maha Dashas:
Ven: 2009-02-03 - 2009-04-12
Sun: 2009-04-12 - 2009-05-02
Moon: 2009-05-02 - 2009-06-20
Mars: 2009-06-20 - 2009-07-17
Merc: 2009-07-17 - 2009-09-10
Sat: 2009-09-10 - 2009-10-13
Jup: 2009-10-13 - 2009-12-14
Rah: 2009-12-14 - 2010-01-23
Ven: 2010-01-23 - 2010-04-01
The Shukra Mahadasha is the best for starting the
year because it is the single best placed planet in the
Rashi Chakra. It is exalted and placed in the 2nd from
the Arudha Lagna: it will sustain and feed the external
image in society and in financial and working life. It is
also likely to bring valuable realisations regarding
aesthetics and such other inputs which may prove to
be important from the viewpoint of the business he is
contemplating. The following Sun Tithi Ashtottari
Dasha will bring sporadic work opportunity
interspersed with short breaks as the 6th Lord Sun is
in the 3rd Bhava in the Dashamsha Chakra. At the
mainly physical level, the Graha is part of the cluster
in the 12th from the Arudha Lagna so not much might
be expected of it.
The Moon Tithi Ashtottari Dasha, though afflicted in
the Rashi Chakra and likely to bring intense emotional
experiences and some unrest, is well placed in the
Dashamsha Chakra and could open fresh avenues in
work as this planet is the 5th Lord placed in the
Lagna. Mars Tithi Ashtottari Dasha which follows can
be impressive if Your husband does not succumb to a
burst of misplaced drive and aggression: Mars is
exalted in the Rashi Chakra. In the work arena it can
give independent thoughts of how to proceed. This
period may also be one of the most important through
the year as it will define the working image for the
Mercury Tithi Ashtottari Dasha will be excellent for
communication and writing in the work sphere but it is
yet again in the 12th from the Arudha Lagna in the
Rashi Chakra, therefore investments in the stock
market or in mutual funds is not recommended during
this period. Independent work and meeting very
suave potential partners in work could be a feature of
this phase.
The Tithi Ashtottari Dasha of the Hora Lord Shani will
be the most crucial period for the year and because it
will first bring a sense of being locked in and not being
able to bring out of the grip of circumstances due to
its placement in the 9th Bhava from the Lagna, Your
husband will try hard to open the Dwara/ doorway to
the image and emerge in his own right. This will take
serious effort and it will be in this period he will try and
make this effort. Shani is debilitated in the 2nd House
in the Dashamsha Chakra and shows motivational
factors regarding the future of his work. He will strive
out of concern for the future of his work, seen from
the 2nd House from the Lagna because it happens to
be the 5th House (future) from the 10th Bhava of
Karma. Both Guru and Rahu Tithi Ashtottari Dashas
that follow will try and continue the theme of effort as
Guru is the Neecha Lagna Lord placed in the 11th
Bhava of gains, income, opening up and extroversion:
as indicated, planets in debility in the Dashamsha
Chakra are as good as exalted ones.
The chart for the Hindu year for 2010 is cast for the
following data: (data omitted for privacy reasons).
Even though one wishes fervently that easier Karmic
patterns visit you and your family at the earliest, there
is no getting around communicating the fact that
testing times do not appear to be entirely over for
Your husband. The Lagna rising for the year is Simha/
Leo which is the 12th Bhava from the natal Kanya
Lagna. The 12th Bhava is considered a Dusthana/ evil
Bhava and therefore, the year must be deemed to be
less than favourable. The astonishing thing is that
Shani is the Hora Lord for the third straight year in a
row and this is a very surprising feature.
The Hora Lord is a functional malefic for Simha Lagna
and is placed in the 2nd Bhava from the Lagna. The
Lagna is in a Papa-Kartari Yoga formed by Shani in
the 2nd Bhava and Mangal in the 12th Bhava. Your
husband may feel trapped between the realities of
dependant family and expenses. Shani in the 2nd
Bhava cautions against bad speech and junk food. He
must avoid stimulants through the year. The thing
about Mangal for Simha Lagna is that it is a
Yogakaraka planet and can give Rajayoga on its own
without the help of any other Graha.
There is a specific rule about Yogakaraka planets.
Mangal is Neecha in the 12th Bhava from the Lagna
in Karka/ Cancer Rashi. This can give a powerful
Rajayoga. The best thing is that it is not conjoined any
other Graha else the significations of that conjoined
planet would have been destroyed. This is not the
case here. In its Tithi Ashtottari Dasha Mangal can
give great material benefits despite the ordinary
overall nature of the year for your husband.
The year shows marked improvement in health as the
Vedic weekday on which the year commences is
Guruvar/ Thursday. Guru is almost exalted in Kumbha
Rashi and aspects the Lagna. It will protect the
health. The Moon is again afflicted in the Rahu-Ketu
axis but it is placed in the Arudha Lagna. He may tend
to be slightly more sociable this year but must avoid
mistakes as Ketu in the Arudha Lagna threatens the
Guru shows the most dominant source of gains as it
aspects the 11th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna with
Rashi Drishti. It does appear that Jupiter has been
providing the saving grace through the preceding
years and it would be advisable for Your husband to
work with the opportunities relating to consultancy
and writing apart from the avenues in hospitality
which also appeared positive in the first annual
horoscope that we worked with.
Once again the foreign angle and the unhindered
flights of the mind appear dominant as Guru is in
Parivartana/ exchange Yoga with Neecha Rahu in
Dhanu Rashi in the 5th Bhava in the 7th Bhava from
the Arudha Lagna. Due to this exchange the spouse
has a realistic chance of emerging into the world on
his terms this year because Jupiter will aid this effort.
This year learning, reading and broadening his
horizons will be very important for him as the Lagna
Lord showing applied intelligence is in the 6th Bhava
of growth through effort and is conjoined the 3rd lord
Shukra. This forms Dhimantah Yoga which is
indicative of notable intelligence and this shall be
visible through the year.
Despite the fact that the Lagna rising is in the 12th
Bhava from the natal Lagna, this year would prove to
be full of opportunity which is evident from a look at
the Dashamsha Chakra. Ketu the 10th Lord is placed
in the Lagna forming Simhasana Yoga: there is a real
chance of attainment this year. Please have him
perform the remedial measures by this stage fully and
without exceptions.
Once again own work and independent enterprise
appears to be the dominant work theme. It is very
interesting that nowhere through this extensive study
of three years has the 6th House of service in the
Dashamsha Chakra been stronger than the 7th Bhava
of partnership, business and independent work. There
are three Grahas in the 7th Bhava including Mangal
and Shani: this shows some prospects of working with
real estate through the year and given the Rajayoga
formed by the Yogakaraka Mangal, Neecha in the
Rashi Chakra in the 12th House there is a strong
chance of heavy financial gains through land and
commercial property and dealing in such areas this
Venus is the Yogakaraka in the Dashamsha Chakra
for the year and is exalted in the 2nd Bhava from the
Lagna. Whatever he wants to accomplish in hotels,
motels, aesthetics and hospitality will come easily and
with success and these areas will motivate him
strongly through the year. Given the great strength of
Venus I would recommend pursuing all these avenues
without fear. Now, this is a very fine look at the Karmic
trends through the three years for the spouse and you
must combine this with the findings in the radix and
how the days unfold in the three years. This would
require frequent reference to this paper from time to
time and also to the Mahadasha dates given
hereinabove and below as well.
The Tithi Ashtottari Dasha for the year is given below:
Tithi Ashtottari Dasha of Janma tithi (useful especially
in Tithi Pravesha charts):
Maha Dashas:
Ven: 2010-01-23 - 2010-04-01
Sun: 2010-04-01 - 2010-04-22
Moon: 2010-04-22 - 2010-06-10
Mars: 2010-06-10 - 2010-07-06
Merc: 2010-07-06 - 2010-08-31
Sat: 2010-08-31 - 2010-10-02
Jup: 2010-10-02 - 2010-12-03
Rah: 2010-12-03 - 2011-01-12
Ven: 2011-01-12 - 2011-03-22
Venus Mahadasha again triggers the Hindu year and
since the Graha is joined the Lagna Lord in the 6th
Bhava from the Lagna it shows heavy thinking and
other characteristics of the Dhimantah Yoga. Crucially,
in the Dashamsha Chakra, the planet is exalted in the
2nd Bhava from the Lagna and can show future
guidance and plans taking shape especially in the
domains ruled by the planet such as cultural settings
and the hospitality sector. It is also the 10th Lord of
the Rashi Chakra and is quite likely to give important
events pertaining to professional matters in its Tithi
Ashtottari Dasha. The next Dasha of the Sun, while
good for intellectual pursuits will show a scarcity of
resources in the realm of work as the planet is placed
in Marana Karaka Sthana in the 12th Bhava in
Dashamsha Chakra and since it is Karaka of that
Varga Chakra, caution would be well advised in
career matters during such a phase.
The Moon Tithi Ashtottari Dasha is much like the Sun
in work related matters as the two are conjoined in the
Dashamsha Chakra in the 12th Bhava. In the Rashi
Chakra, of course, the Graha is placed in the Arudha
Lagna but is joined Ketu and the social interaction is
likely to be curtailed by the possibility of mistakes in
He can look forward to the next Tithi Ashtottari Dasha
of Mars as being one of the phases for the year since
the Graha is Yogakaraka for the Lagna and is
debilitated in the 12th House giving Rajayoga. Even in
the Dashamsha Chakra, it is placed in the 7th House
of own work and is likely to be a fine period to strive in
the area of real estate etc.
The Budh Mahadasha can give new openings in the
realm of career but is afflicted by Rahu in the 5th
House in the Rashi Chakra, so lack of clarity should
be guarded against. The Mahadasha of the Hora Lord
can give painstaking advances in the career as it is
joined the Rajyapada/ A10 in the Rashi Chakra but in
the Dashamsha Chakra it is well-placed so the
avenues opened by the Mangal Dasha can be
continued during this phase.
Guru Mahadasha will support the external life as it is
placed in the 9th Bhava from the Arudha Lagna but
these effects will be felt more in the succeeding Rahu
Mahadasha due to the exchange between the two
Grahas. It is quite evident that the road is not
completely clear for Your husband just yet and the
benefits of the better phase shall take some time in
registering as the Tithi Pravesha Chakra for the three
years are fairly ordinary. Having said that, with the
Sade-Sati abating, relief will be discernible and in
order to maximize the positives, at the risk of
repeating myself many times over, I must again
remind you that the remedies must be performed.
The Hindu year for 2008 starts for you on (data
omitted for reasons of privacy).
Just as with the Tithi Pravesha Chakra of the spouse,
we must first evaluate whether the rising sign in the
Lagna in the Tithi Pravesha Chakra is well placed
from the Lagna in the Rashi Chakra in the radix. The
Lagna rising in the Tithi Pravesha Chakra is Makar
which is the 4th Bhava from your natal Tula Lagna.
This promises an overall favourable year.
The Hora Lord is Venus and this planet is placed in
the 7th Bhava with the Sun and Ketu. The 7th Bhava
relates to marriage and shows a focus on marriage
this year. Shukra is also the 5th and 10th Lord of the
chart and also shows some developments in the
expression of intelligence seen from the 5th Bhava
and also skills in work seen from the lordship of the
10th Bhava.
This is a sensitive year for the marriage though as the
8th Bhava showing the source of the Mangalsutra is
occupied by both Mangal and Shani. These planets
also aspect the 2nd Bhava from the Upapada Lagna
showing the issues facing the marriage. You must be
aware of these facets and conduct yourself
accordingly. These things are easier said than done
but since you know the finer details about the annual
experience based on the Tithi Pravesha Chakra in
your husbands horoscope, maybe this can turn out to
be slightly easier.
The fact that Shukra lords the 2nd from the Upapada
Lagna and is joined two malefics, the Sun and Ketu
makes these issues notable. Of course we have
already examined this factor from the natal chart so
all that is needed is to minimize the disquiet that may
result from trials and stresses in daily life.
I am stating this because even otherwise the 8th Lord
Sun is in the 7th Bhava and the Naisargika Karaka for
marriage is cursed. The 7th Lord showing the spouse
is also joined Rahu and aspected by the Sun in the
Lagna pointing at some emotional upheavals due to
the experience in the marital realm.
Mangal and Shani in the 6th Bhava from the Arudha
Lagna in the Rashi Chakra for the year promise
excellent prospects and drive in the social, financial
and material realm. You would be in the mood to
ruthlessly overpower all challenges in work. Mangal
and Shani in such a location bring Kshatriya attributes
of fearlessness and there may be an element of fixity
of purpose and ambition through the year.
These indications are also confirmed by the
placement of Guru in Dhanu Rashi. However, this
planet is retrograde and indicates three times
Cheshta Bala or the desire to put in effort in order to
succeed. The energy with such a planet is kingly in
scope and you are likely to work tirelessly and with
incredible energy towards your professional goals.
Guru is the lord of the Arudha Lagna and placed in
the 10th Bhava therefrom in Simhasana Yoga.
Through sustained and directed effort you are likely to
attain a position of prominence in work and the
pressures that you may have been facing after the
change you have made at your place of work is
largely a product of the Kantak Shani operating. You
have been advised Upaya to deal with the same and
once you do that the Rashi Chakra this year is
capable of delivering very good things in the career.
Recognition of merit will also not pose a problem
though to attain this it will take some doing. The
Mantra Pada/ A5 is placed in the 7th Bhava from the
Arudha Lagna showing that this recognition will open
the Dwara for you this year and the recognition of
your working abilities will properly allow you to
emerge as a professional in the new field. There is no
Graha in the A5 but the lord Mercury is powerfully
placed in Mithun Rashi showing computers and
software writing and the A5 is aspected both by a
strong Budh and a strong Guru, assuring good returns
in this direction.
The Dashamsha Chakra likewise shows good things.
The 6th Bhava is the house of service and has an
exalted and Vakra Guru joined Venus therein. Guru is
akin to debility and being the 2nd Lord shows that this
year you would form the foundational framework for
future growth. It does appear that you have made the
perfect career move and if the progress is slow then it
is only because of the Kantak Shani operating. Guru
shows immense work load and effort and Shukra also
makes it clear that a corporate environment and
management strategies form the fulcrum of the work
Consulter, the Dashamsha Chakra for the year is very
conclusive because Shukra and Chandra are in
Parivartana/ exchange in the Dashamsha Chakra
showing the product (Moon) management (Shukra)
will sow the seeds for independence in the work
profile due to this choice being made. I say this
because Chandra is placed in the 9th Bhava of
independence and the boss. It could also mean very
fortunate and career-furthering interaction with your
superiors in work. The effects of Gajakesari Yoga
resulting in fame and excellence in work shall also
come about due to this.
Your other work with children etc is fully supported by
the Karma shown in the Dashamsha Chakra as Guru
is the Karaka for children and has a powerful Yoga
with Shukra and Chandra. Guru is also the 11th Lord
of gains and you can take it that all this facets will
finally lead to financial gains as well. These gains are
also supported by the Yoga between Shukra and
Chandra which always leads to heavy money income
and is very welcome in Varga Chakra that deal with
Artha or matters of finance and material.
Rahu is the Lagna Lord and is powerfully placed in
the 4th Bhava: it may lead to slightly erratic and long
working hours but the same would be conducive to
growth. This is also supported by the fact that Mangal
is exalted and forms Guru-Mangal Yoga. The only
think to check would be that if you feel something is
not being done right do not compromise your position
because it offends you. If it is possible for you to take
a mellow view of the same, then do so as it will diffuse
some aggressive interruptions in the excellent work
situation for the year.
Tithi Ashtottari Dasha of Janma tithi (useful especially
in Tithi Pravesha charts):
Maha Dasas:
Sun: 2008-07-12 - 2008-08-02
Moon: 2008-08-02 - 2008-09-25
Mars: 2008-09-25 - 2008-10-23
Merc: 2008-10-23 - 2008-12-23
Sat: 2008-12-23 - 2009-01-28
Jup: 2009-01-28 - 2009-04-05
Rah: 2009-04-05 - 2009-05-18
Ven: 2009-05-18 - 2009-07-31
Sun: 2009-07-31 - 2009-08-21
The Sun is likely to be a malefic period because it is
the 8th Lord placed in the 7th Bhava and may stress
the marriage. The Moon Tithi Ashtottari Dasha though
likely to persist with the emotional issues and maybe
intensify them would be quite good for the career and
you would be able to forge ahead. The independence
and happy working relationship with the bosses and
superiors would come about fairly early in the year. In
fact, this Dasha could be said to be formative of the
working image for the rest of the year.
The Mangal, Budh and Shani Dashas are all good for
matters material and for professional growth.
Especially the Mangal and Shani Dashas are very
fruitful due to their good placement from the Arudha
Lagna in the Rashi Chakra. They will help you in
driving forward and forging ahead with your plans.
However, the Mangal and Shani Dashas are adverse
for marital matters as they are badly placed in the
Mangalya Bhava showing a lot of domestic issues
and tensions.
Guru Mahadasha in the Tithi Ashtottari Dasha scheme
will be the best for the year as it is the lord of the
Arudha Lagna placed in the 10th Bhava therefrom
and it is also well-placed in the 6th Bhava from the
Lagna in the Dashamsha Chakra showing very potent
work and service profile for the year. The results
attributed to the work and job in the preceding
paragraphs will accrue in this Mahadasha of Guru.
Rahu Tithi Ashtottari Dasha is not good for the
personal front as it will precipitate much of the anxiety
and delusion that is likely to come in the Chandra Tithi
Ashtottari Dasha referred to above but on the
professional front apart from the erratic working hours
it would be a good period as the Lagna Lord is placed
in Vrishabh Rashi in the 4th Bhava from the Lagna.
The Venus Dasha would be that of the Hora Lord and
would show the most important events for the year.
You must be cautious regarding the experience from
love and marriage while the working life shall continue
to prosper due to the fortunate exchange between
Shukra and Chandra: this appears to be a very
positive and heartening year for the profession.
True Copy of the Hindu Year, cast for the following
data (omitted for reasons of privacy).
This year, the Lagna rising is Tula/ Libra itself,
showing a favourable year again. This is the same as
the Lagna in the Rashi Chakra in the radix and shows
positive forces emanating from the Hindu New Year.
The Hora Lord is Guru who is the ruler or the king of
the year and this planet is placed in debility in Makar
Rashi: this detracts from the overall positive nature of
the Hindu year. Further, the planet is in the 12th
Bhava from the Arudha Lagna and joined Rahu in
Guru Chandala Yoga. This really weakens the chart
and the Hora Lord. Even otherwise, Guru is a
functionally malefic Graha for Tula rising and this too
takes away from the benefits of this rising sign for the
The Lagna Lord Shukra is placed in the 9th Bhava is
a friendly Rashi In Mithun and this is a good Rajayoga
of application of intelligence and decision making to
benefit ones own self in a Dharmic and well-
considered way. Mangal just as the previous year is
placed in the 8th Bhava stressing the marriage
somewhat due to arguments and fights and it is also
the 7th Lord of the Rashi Chakra in the Tithi Pravesha
Chakra. Thus, the cautionary stroke struck in this
direction for the past year must be continued to some
extent through this year as well. The Guru Chandala
Yoga and the presence of Moon with the combination
can again lead to some serious emotional unrest and
psychological difficulties especially as these Yogas
occur in the Sukha Bhava of the chart showing
meddling and interference with the happiness and
sating factor. The Rashi Drishti of Budh and Mangal to
the 7th Bhava of intimacy might make for an element
of indifference and neglect in domestic harmony.
These indications are corroborated and confirmed by
the mutually 6-8 position of the Arudha Lagna and the
Upapada Lagna in the chart as too the affliction of the
Upapada Lagna by the Yuti of Surya and Ketu while
the 2nd Bhava from the Upapada Lagna shows the
presence of Budh and Shani aspected by the terrible
Guru Chandala Yoga. You must guard against
coldness and absence of interest in the other facets of
the marriage for the year as they can bring friction into
The Hora Lord is excellently placed in the Dashamsha
Chakra in the Lagna showing independent growth in
the profession and a lot of optimism and wisdom
manifesting in official decisions taken by you. The 6th
House of job and service is again stronger than the
7th Bhava of independent enterprise as Budh the
Karaka for computers and software is placed there. It
specifically indicates software writing and codes. In
Vrishchik/ Scorpio you would do well to involve
yourself with research aspects of work or those that
involve depth and study; of course one is not
advocating a return to development but you would
probably know how best to apply this information to
your work.
Budh is also the Lagna Lord for the Dashamsha
Chakra in this Tithi Pravesha Chakra and shows
complete immersion of the self in work. It is also the
4th Lord and working hours would depend on you and
how you chose to pace yourself. The 5th Lord Venus
is placed in the 5th Bhava with Rahu, the 9th Lord
and these are excellent indications for exploring fresh
avenues and new frontiers in work. The debility of
Shani is also good for finances in the 11th Bhava from
the Lagna.
Tithi Ashtottari Dasha of Janma tithi (useful especially
in Tithi Pravesha charts):
Maha Dashas:
Sun: 2009-07-31 - 2009-08-20
Moon: 2009-08-20 - 2009-10-09
Mars: 2009-10-09 - 2009-11-04
Merc: 2009-11-04 - 2009-12-30
Sat: 2009-12-30 - 2010-02-01
Jup: 2010-02-01 - 2010-04-04
Rah: 2010-04-04 - 2010-05-14
Ven: 2010-05-14 - 2010-07-21
Sun: 2010-07-21 - 2010-08-10
The Sun Tithi Ashtottari Dasha is positive for
accentuating the skill structure in overall work and
also for an intellectually fuelled drive to participate
through the year.
Moon Mahadasha is bad for the mind and emotional
peace due to its involvement with Guru Chandala
Yoga in the 4th House and due to its gross affliction in
the Rahu-Ketu axis. In the Dashamsha Chakra it
brings fulfillment of desires only after a detached
submission to work.
Mangal Mahadasha stresses personal relations and
marriage and due to these issues you may have to
take a short break from work or even disassociated
from the personal front, work may register a minor
hiatus through the operation of this Mahadasha. All of
Budh, Shani and Guru Dashas are positive for work
and though Guru is the Hora Lord, I must say that at
the physical level of the Rashi Chakra this year, its
bad affliction in the 12th Bhava from the Arudha
Lagna shows a very stressful time. Do be careful
regarding children and expenses and the consequent
loss to mental peace as this happens in the Sukha
Both Rahu and Venus Tithi Ashtottari Dasha are
unambiguously positive for the work but the Rahu
Mahadasha will be poor for happiness due to the
formation of the Guru Chandala Yoga.
True Copy of the Tithi Pravesha Chakra cast for the
following data: (omitted for reasons of privacy).
The Lagna rising in the Rashi Chakra for the Tithi
Pravesha Chakra is again Tula/ Libra showing that the
intent of the Hindu year as an entity is to favour and
can be considered positive. The rest shall depend on
the Hora Lord and the individual Graha placements
for the year in the horoscope. The Hora Lord Shani is
the Yogakaraka for Tula Lagna and as this Yoga
happened with another Graha for one of the Tithi
Pravesha Chakra for Your husband, so too the
Yogakaraka Hora Lord Shani is placed in the 12th
Bhava of the chart giving a profound Rajayoga.
There is a rule that a malefic Yogakaraka gives
Rajayoga in the 12th Bhava from the Lagna or
another Dusthana/ evil Bhava therefrom. The bad
thing is that Mangal is joined this planet and the
natural significations of this latter planet are stressed
in some way; the Naisargika Karakattwa of Mangal is
siblings. If I recall correctly I have spoken to one of
your brothers over the phone. So the sibling (s) ought
to be careful in matters that could be identified based
on their own charts. The Lagna Lord Shukra is well
placed with the 9th Lord Budh in the 11th Bhava of
fulfillment of desires. This is also a straight forward
Rajayoga as a Kendra lord is joined a Trikona lord:
this also goes by the name of Lakshmi-Narayan Yoga
and shows a fortunate union of effort shown by
Kendra lordship and divine blessings shown by the
9th Bhava lordship of Budh. However, the theme of
aggression that had been running in the Tithi
Pravesha Chakra for the past two years is absent in
this final year of analysis. In fact this shows itself to be
a year of changes and inner transformation as the two
benefic planets Shukra and Budh are joined the A8/
Ashtama Pada in the 3rd Bhava from the Arudha
Lagna. The transformation will not be severe in nature
but will accompany a gentle manifestation is society
rather than the undiluted ambition and drive that your
charts usually exhibit. Ketu debilitated in the Arudha
Lagna also shows an introverted and spiritual or
reflective image through the year in the eyes of those
who know you: you yourself, friends, family and
Despite the gentleness, the very Grahas causing
inner transformation also show themselves to be the
main sources of gains. Budh shows software and
those connected with computers while Shukra show
the private sector.
This is a much better year for the marriage and there
is focus on the relationship and romance shown by
Shukra in the 7th Bhava in the Navamsha Chakra. In
the Rashi Chakra, the Upapada Lagna is well fortified
and the 2nd Bhava from the Arudha Lagna is
occupied by great benefics sealing the marital bond
strongly. Hardware and mathematics and computation
become string factors in the Dashamsha Chakra
shown by the placement of Ketu in the 6th Bhava of
job and service reckoned from the Lagna. This is the
3rd straight year in which the 6th Bhava of service is
stronger than the 7th Bhava of independent practice
and business.
Contractual nature of work is indicated or work
spaced by short breaks as the 6th co-lord Mars is
placed with the Sun in the Lagna. Venus gives a fresh
line of work and a new break in the best possible way
since it is the 5th Lord exalted in the 10th Bhava of
attainment, growth and excellence in work. Maybe
product management will yield its richest harvest
through the year or it would be the positive influence
of Venus in some way.
The exaltation of Budh in the 4th Bhava from the
Lagna shows excellent working hours to your liking
where optimum output accrues. Health would be good
through the year as the Vara lord Moon has Digbal in
the 4th Bhava from the Lagna in the Rashi Chakra in
the Tithi Pravesha Chakra. Both the 6th and 8th Lords
are also well-placed. In the 2009 Tithi Pravesha
Chakra you need to take special care of your health
as the Vara Lord Guru is badly afflicted in the 4th
Bhava in Guru Chandala Yoga. It is also the 6th Lord
and so sugar, weight, calm evaluation of the trials all
need to be watched due to the affliction of Guru. The
chest region and the mind are vulnerable areas for
manifestation of illness for that year. In 2008
gynecological issues are likely to manifest as there is
a blemish in the year caused by Shukra being the
Vara lord and the Hora Lord and afflicted in the 7th
Bhava of the privates.
Tithi Ashtottari Dasha of Janma tithi (useful especially
in Tithi Pravesha charts):
Maha Dashas:
Sun: 2010-07-20 - 2010-08-11
Moon: 2010-08-11 - 2010-10-04
Mars: 2010-10-04 - 2010-11-01
Merc: 2010-11-01 - 2010-12-31
Sat: 2010-12-31 - 2011-02-05
Jup: 2011-02-05 - 2011-04-14
Rah: 2011-04-14 - 2011-05-26
Ven: 2011-05-26 - 2011-08-08
Sun: 2011-08-08 - 2011-08-30
The Sun Tithi Ashtottari Dasha will heighten the skill
structure in work just as the previous year because
the Graha has Digbala in the 10th Bhava from the
Lagna. Do not take any drastic professional decisions
in the Chandra Mahadasha as the Graha is placed in
Marana Karaka Sthana in the 8th Bhava in the
Dashamsha Chakra relating to the career. Mangal can
bring some short breaks in the career and will be an
unusual period. Either the challenges relating to the
siblings will come in this period or in Shani Dasha. I
would think they would come in the Shani Dasha but
the same remains to be seen. Budh Mahadasha is
likely to give excellent results and be creative of the
working image through the year which would be of a
very talented software profession due to the exaltation
of Budh in the 4th Bhava from the Lagna in the
Dashamsha Chakra. Despite the gentle manifestation
of the personality, it would contribute to the gains in
the Rashi Chakra as well.
Shani Dasha would be that of the Hora lord and would
give the most conspicuous events for the year. The
Rajayoga promised will either come in this Dasha or
in the preceding Mangal Tithi Ashtottari Dasha. I
would predict Rajayoga in the preceding Mangal Tithi
Ashtottari Dasha.
Jupiter is likely to be an excellent overall period both
at the overall physical level and also at the working
Venus Tithi Ashtottari Dasha ending the year can rid
the times of some of the confusion fostered by the
Rahu Mahadasha and the Shukra Dasha appears to
be very promising for the career despite the gentle
mannerisms created due to the 3rd Bhava placement
from the Arudha Lagna.
It does seem that I was distracted enough to
completely ignore the size and nature of this
consultancy. You can see the sheer size of the
Report. I do not know what I was thinking at the time
you commissioned it. In any case, having once begun
I could not have compromised on the task and have
gone through with this rather massive task.
I trust this will afford a reliable blueprint for the coming
years for both you and your husband and give you a
realistic impression of what is to come Karmically
from year to year. Both the challenges and positives
have been sought to be communicated with diligence
and frankness.
Best Wishes,
Anurag Sharma.
Principles of Tithi Pravesh Chakra

Blog by Pramod Kumar


Tithi pravesh chakra is one of the cornerstones
of Vedic astrology and was hidden in tradition
of SJC until the knowledge was given out by Pt.
Sanjay Rath. Vedic astrology widely uses the
solar return chart or the surya varsha pravesh
chakra to predict the event of a year and this is
widely known as Varshaphala. However,
from time immemorial the scholars and pundits
of India used the Tithi based calendar to
reckon time, since the time needs to be
reckoned from both the luminaries, as they
represent two different aspects of our self.

Thus, the start of a year needs to be reckoned

from the time when the exact portion of tithi
commences again after a full cycle of Sun in
the zodiac. Since the Moon phase calendar or
the tithi calendar is synchronised with Sun, we
need to see the tithi when the Sun returns
back to the same sign after a year and the
exact amount of the birth tithi has elapsed.
When the event happens, that commences a
new year in the life of native and the
horoscope drawn for that moment can show
the events of the year.

However, the tithi pravesh chart can not be

read independently from the natal chart, since
the natal horoscope has an over-riding
influence over the native. This article shows
how to analyse the tithi pravesh chart, while
simultaneously taking the natal chart into

In addition to analysing tithi pravesh chart like

a normal rasi chart, there are specific factors
which need to be analysed while analysing a
tithi pravesh chart. They are:

1. Weekday: Take the weekday running at the

commencement of the tithi new year. This
becomes the lord of the year and has the most
predominating influence on the native. Here
the day needs to be reckoned from Sunrise to
next sunrise and thus, somebody who is born
after 00:00 hrs need to be considered to be
born in the previous day. Only when the birth
is after Sunrise, the weekday becomes the
current weekday. Thus there can be minor
discrepancy between the weekday as reckoned
as per the English calendar and the one
reckoned as per the Hindu calendar.

If this planet happens to be a functional

benefic for the natal lagna and placed
favourably in the horoscope, then the year
would be favourable, otherwise unfavourable.
The intensity of the results can be seen from
how well the planet is placed in the natal
horoscope, what are the yogas the planet is
involved in etc. The year lord shall activate all
the yogas and results related to it in the natal
horoscope during that year. This is based on
the principle that whenever a planet is strong
to give results, it will give the results of its
ownership, placement and yogas in the natal

2. Lagna: The lagna is the key which

chanalises the energies of the natal horoscope
to the Tithi pravesh chakra.

Thus, if the tithi pravesh lagna is placed in

Kendra to Natal lagna, it will bring happiness;
in trikona it will bring prosperity and if placed
in Dusthana or badhakasthana, it will bring
troubles and obstacles.
The lagna lord in the tithi pravesh chakra
needs to be studied for success or failure in
different endeavours in the year.

3. Hora: The Hora lord at the commencement

of the tithi New Year set the focus of the
events that are going to happen in that year.
The events can be seen from the ownership,
placement and yogas the Hora lord is involved
in the tithi pravesh chakra.

This is the most important factor of the three

and the strengths, placement or ownership and
the yogas it is involved in will have tremendous
impact on the main events of the year. If it is
badly placed or afflicted, then the events can
leave us with some bad experiences.

The influence on the hora lord can be seen

from the different divisional charts to find the
exact nature of events likely to take place in
different area of life represented by the
divisional chart.

The principle of the Year lord, Lagna, Lagna

lord and Hora lord can be applied to any other
pravesh chakra such as Masa pravesh chakra
or Dina pravesh chakra.

Friday, October 19, 2012

How to Judge day to day activties using daily

Tithi pravehsa and moon tranist

Day to Day Events analysis using daily

Tithi Pravehsa and Moon tranists

After we gets up in the morning ,our mind tend

to plan our day to activities ,in our grandfather
days we used to check daily panchang before
news paper arrive ,nowadays getting panchang
itself is diminishing in our modern people and
they dont know how to read the panchag and
planetary position of day
Ok Gargee is requested me to how to I derive
day to day prediction
Before going inside There is one concept in set
theory call union and intersection
Union means :-
In set theory, the union (denoted by ) of a
collection of sets is the set of all distinct
elements in the collection.[1] It is one of the
fundamental operations through which sets can
be combined and related to each other.-
the intersection (denoted as ) of two sets A
and B is the set that contains all elements of A
that also belong to B (or equivalently, all
elements of B that also belong to A), but no
other elements.[
above definition from Wiki

How to understand day to day activities there

are lot of ways to arrive day to day activities
As per Shri Khullar
he mentioned to me prana and shooksma
lord ,primary and supporting cusp denotes the
activities of day but these also going more than
day ,then he inform me to check moon transit

Say example
Death of the day ,prana and shookshma should
denote 1,8 or 2,7,badaha house ,then moon
star lord also denotes the same
If we get shooksha ,prana cusp indicating along
with moon transit ,we get some cusps
signification union ,that indicate the event
Based on Shri Khullar input I made small
Day to day activities = Shooksha U Prana U
Transit Moon.

Ok what is my approach to get this type of day

to day activities
Every body know Tithi pravesha chakra I dont
want to go details of calculations
We have 30 tithis ,which tithi born is our janma
tithi ,same way calculation of vimostari dasa
we have to calculate the balance of thithi in
Say example I born in Janama thiti Astamhi
,balanced tithi is 11.65% so calculation of
daily pravesha is also same it should left
11.65% in all thithis in daily basis ,that time we
have to erect call daily pravesha chakra.
Please refer calculation parts from some other
website to know details about this .
Daily tithi pravesha chakra (J horo is
My concept
Day to day activities = Shooksha U Prana U
tithi prvesha lagna cusp sub lord .
Example Gargee case study
Natal Chart
Date: November 3, 1963
Time: 21:31:00
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 76 E 20' 00", 26 N 53' 00"
Eevent on 13/10/12

Pranalord and shooskma lord is venus

venus in star of saturn
Saturn in 1,2,8,9,10,11
Daily Thithi pravesha chart
October 12, 2012
Time: 13:25:54
Lagna lord is in 6th house.
Lagna cusp on 13/10/12 daily pravesha
Sub lord is Rahu
Rahu has PS
Rahu Appears in
We can go upto Sub lord .too for
commitments, due to lack of time I stopped
here .
Now as per me
Day to activities = Shoosma U prana U Thithi
pravesha lagna cusp sub lord
=1,2,8,9,10,11 U 1,2,8,9,10,11 U 1,2,3,8,9,10
=1,8 indicates death
=8,10 indicate abnormalities in professions etc
Again for refresh
Shri Khullar Approach
Day to day activities = Shooksha U Prana U
Transit Moon.
My approach
Day to day activities = Shooksha U Prana U
tithi prvesha lagna cusp sub lord .
Some tips of day to day activities we have to
use Vimosttari dasa of day ,that will indicate
routine day to day activities
breakfast with family 5,6,11
making telephone calls 3,9
going office, 1,3,10
meeting persons 7,10
Lunch 2,6
Predicting day to day is not easy ,we need
patience and common sense .,but I cant say
it is impossible to predict ,but if any body ask
question we can predict in particular day
definitely daily tithi pravesha would help to get
the particular results
Bye for now

Tithi Pravesh-1

Appeared in Jyotish Digest May 2002 (Rao & Rath)

Annual Horoscopy

The Tajika System of annual horoscopy employs a

chart cast for every year of life based on the solar
return (i.e. suns return to its natal sidereal position).
Many scholars of history and Vedic Studies have held
a view that this system is primarily not Vedic
Astrology and might be a borrowed feature from
Yavanas or Tajikas, who interacted with Indian
scholars. Notwithstanding the peculiar yogas like

Iasla, Easarpha etc nor divisional charts

like Amsa (D-8) etc, which are not a part of
Parasaras available teachings, outstanding scholars
like Neelakantha and Dr. Raman set a precedent by
accepting the Tajaka system as a branch of Vedic

However, the solar calendar has been widely followed

in India only since Varahamihira started Vikrama
Saka. India had been following the Vedic luni-solar
calendar for millennia. When Maharshis like Valmiki
and Vyasa mentioned the timing of events in epics
like Ramayana and Mahabharata, they identified
events only by the tithis. It maybe interesting to note
that traditional Hindus celebrate their birth days
(called Jayanti or Janma tithi) on the Vedic date (Tithi)
of the luni-solar calendar instead of the date of Suns
return. All festivals (except for Sankrantis)
commemorating the birthdays of deities, Gurus etc
are also based on the luni-solar calendar of Tithi. For
example, Hindus celebrate Lord Ramas birthday on
the Sukla Navami Tithi of Chaitra month every year
and Lord Krishnas birthday on the Krishna Ashtami
Tithi of Sravana month. If birthday as per the luni-
solar calendar is more important than birthday as per
the solar calendar, why do we cast a chart for Varsha
pravesha (commencement of a new year) based on
birthday as per the solar calendar? Does it not make
sense to cast a chart for the commencement of a new
year based on birthday as per the luni-solar calendar
of tithis?

In fact, not only does it make sense, but the technique

of annual horoscopy using the luni-solar calendar is
one of the most reliable techniques and hence a
guarded secret taught by tradition for fine

Tithi is the Vedic date of the luni-solar calendar and is
a measure of the angular displacement of Moon from
Sun. It is known that the period between two
consecutive full moons (i.e. exact 180

0 displacement of the Moon from the Sun) is about

29.5 civil days. The total movement of 3600 of the
angle between the Luminaries in transit in a month
was divided by 30 to obtain a measure of 120 called
Tithi (luni-solar day). Tithi is the period in which the
angular displacement of Moon from Sun increases by
exactly 12. There are fifteen tithis (15 x 120=1800) in
the waxing phase (Sukla paksha) and fifteen tithis is
the waning phase (Krishna paksha). The
displacement angle = Longitude of Moon longitude
of sun. When this angle is divided by 12, we get an
index to the tithi, starting from Sukla Pratipat.

The Luminaries

A child is a product of both parents and the

importance of the Moon, even over the Sun in the
determination of fortune is a well established aspect
of Vedic Astrology. The tripod of life is the ascendant
(body), Sun (soul) and Moon (mind). In another
sense, these are self (Lagna), Father (Sun) and
Mother (Moon). It is but natural that a better definition
of the moment of birth would be the angular
displacement of the Moon from Sun, instead of just
the natal Sun position. This is the Janma Tithi.

We should be equally careful to ensure that such a

definition does not dilute the importance of the sun as
it is the representative of the real self/the soul. For
this purpose Maharshis have defined the twelve
sunsigns (or simply signs of the zodiac) called
Dwadasa Aditya. These define the boundaries within
which the Suns placement causes it to have the
specific form of a deva and a Jyotirlinga. Thus
the longitude of Sun in a sign is not as relevant as its
placement in the very sign itself and this fact is taken
as an anchor for drawing the annual charts. As the
soul is the anchor of our existence, Suns transit in
its natal sign signifies the figurative re-establishment
of this anchor, i.e. a new beginning (In fact, it is
because of this re-establishment of anchor that
marriage is prohibited in the solar month of birth).
Such an anchorage would be meaningless without a
consideration of the Mind the emotions,
sustenance and fruits of existence. Thus including the
Moons angular return along with the annual solar
natal sign anchorage defines the astrological Janma
Tithi return.

Though birthday as per the luni-solar calendar is

traditionally celebrated when janma tithi returns in the
same lunar month (which is identified based on the
signs occupied by Sun and Moon at the beginning of
the month), this definition was probably adopted for
ease in civil usage. The most astrologically
acceptable definition is based on janma tithi and
sunsign (sunsign at janma tithi return and not sunsign
at the beginning of the month). This is the most
perfect method for defining the moment that is the
closest in emulating the moment of birth. Hence, this
is the truest astrological birthday or rather birth

Tithi Pravesha Chakra

As outlined above, the definition of the annual birth

moment is the moment when Sun transits its natal
sign and the Moon is at the exact displacement angle
from Sun (degrees, minutes & seconds) as at birth.

Pravesha means entry or return and Tithi Pravesha

Chakra is the chart drawn for the birth moment of Tithi
return every year. If the angle from Sun to Moon
matches that in the natal chart, it means that the Tithi
running is the same as birth Tithi and also the fraction
of Tithi remaining is the same as at birth. If someone
was born with Sun in Aries on Chaitra Sukla Navami
with 25% of the Tithi remaining, the natives
astrological luni-solar new year will commence every
year when Sun is in Aries and Sukla Navami is
running with 25% of the Tithi remaining. A chart cast
for this moment for the longitude and latitude of the
birthplace irrespective of where the native is
currently living will throw light on the events during
the coming year. This chart is called "Tithi Pravesha"
(TP) chart.

Example of Casting

Example 1:
Let us consider the chart of Indias Late Prime
Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

Birth data: 19th November 1917, 23:03:00 (IST), 81 E

52', 25 N 28'

It may be noticed that natal Sun is in Scorpio. At the

time of her birth, Kartika Sukla Shashthi Tithi was
running and 88.15% of the Tithi was left. Let us
consider the annual TP chart of 1976-77. Her luni-
solar birthday came on 26th November 1976. Sun
was in Scorpio on that day and Kartika Sukla
Shashthi Tithi was running. At 9:34:07 am, 88.15% of
the Tithi was left.

In other words, the displacement angle from Sun to

Moon at that time matched that at Mrs. Gandhis
birth. In her natal chart, Sun was at 4 7' 39.45' in
Scorpio and Moon was at 5 32' 57.86' in Capricorn.
The displacement angle from Sun to Moon was 61
25' 18.41'.

At the time of Tithi pravesha in 1976, Sun was at 10

30' 11.58' in Scorpio and Moon was at 11 55'
29.99' in Capricorn. The displacement angle from
Sun to Moon was again 61 25' 18.41'. This
matches the displacement angle at birth.

Annual TP Data: 26th November 1976, 9:34:07 (IST),

81 E 52', 25 N 28'

One can cast a chart for the above data and draw
conclusions about the events in the year.

Use of Weekday, Lagna and Hora

The annual chart is interpreted just like the natal

chart, but there are some special considerations:

(1) Weekday: Take the ruler of the weekday running

at the commencement of New Year. If he is a benefic
with respect to natal Lagna, it will be a favorable year.
If he is a malefic with respect to natal Lagna, it will be
an unfavorable year.

(2) Lagna: Take the sign occupied by Lagna in the

annual chart. If it is a quadrant or a trine from natal
Lagna, the year will bring the fruits of good actions of
the past, i.e. it will be a favorable year. If it is a
Dusthana from natal Lagna, the year will bring the
results of evil actions of the past, i.e. it will be a year
of obstacles.

(3) Hora:

Take the ruler of the Hora (hour) running at the

commencement of New Year. This planet will be the
most important planet during the year, even more
important than Lagna lord. The houses owned and
occupied by this planet will set the tone for the main
events of the year. The strength, placement and
yogas of this planet will have a tremendous impact on
the main events of the year.

In addition, all the principles applicable in natal

horoscopy will apply in annual horoscopy.

Example 2: Let us examine the 1976-77 annual chart

found in Example 1 (Chart 1).

The weekday on 26

th November 1976 was Friday. Its lord Venus is a

functional malefic for Mrs. Gandhis natal Lagna
(Cancer). So it indicates an unfavorable year.
Lagna in the annual chart is in Sagittarius, which is a
Dusthana from natal Lagna. It shows struggle during
the year.

Saturn Hora was running at 9:34:06 am on 26

th November 1976. So Saturn is the most important

planet during the year. He is a functional malefic with
respect to Sagittarius Lagna and occupies the
8th house. This shows that the main theme of the
year will be disappointments and fall (8th). Mrs.
Gandhi indeed experienced misfortune during the
year and her party was ousted from power in the
General Elections of 1977.

In addition to the above points, one may note that

Lagna lord is in a Dusthana.

A functional malefic afflicts Lagna.

The 9th and 10th lords are in the 12th house of

losses, showing a loss of fortune.

One may contrast this annual chart with the annual

charts of 1966-67 and 1970-71, when her party won
elections emphatically.

Example 3:

Annual chart of 1966-67, when Mrs. Gandhi won an


The weekday was Thursday. Jupiter owns 6th and

9th from natal Cancer Lagna and is considered a
functional benefic. Lagna of the annual chart is in the
11th house from natal Lagna and shows gains during
the year.

Lagna lord, 4th lord and 5th lord form unblemished

raja yoga within a 2-degree arc in the 7thhouse and
aspect Lagna together. This excellent raja yoga
promises much success during the year. Mercury is a
functional benefic; he owns the 5th house of power;
and, he takes part in this raja yoga. His Hora was
running at 17:08:21 on 17th November 1966. Thus
the year is likely to bring power and authority (5th,
7th and raja yoga).

Example 4:
Annual chart of 1970-71, when Mrs. Gandhi won
another election

The weekday was Thursday again. Lagna in the

annual chart is the same as in natal Lagna. This
shows favorable developments and a fresh and
powerful new beginning. Hora at the commencement
of the New Year belonged to Mars. He is a
Yogakaraka for Cancer Lagna and takes part in a raja
yoga that involves 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th lords. Again,
the strength and Yogas of the most important planet
of the year suggests power and authority in the New
Year. As Mars owns 5th and 10th, power and career
are the main theme of the year. Moons aspect on
Lagna indicates mass support.

Example 5:

Annual chart of 2001-02 for the nation of Pakistan ;

Birth data: 14th August 1947, 0:00:01 (IST), 67 E 3',
24 N 52'

Annual TP Data: 16

th August 2001, 15:27:00 (IST), 67 E 3', 24 N 52'

Scorpio rises in the annual chart and it is the 8

th house from Pakistans natal Lagna (Aries). This

shows that results of the evil actions of the past will
have to be experienced, i.e. it shows a year of
obstacles. In addition, one may note that that the
8th house of the annual chart is occupied by 4
planets, including two key marakas 2nd and
7th lords. Moon and Rahu are also in the 8th house.
This also confirms a year of obstacles, tension,
frustration, sudden changes and reversals.

However, Lagna lord Mars is in Lagna and hence

Lagna is powerful. Moreover, Mars Hora was running
at the time of the chart and hence Mars is the most
important planet of the chart. He sets the theme of the
year. As Mars owns and occupies Lagna, this is a
year of a fresh and bold new beginning. Overall, this
is a year in which Pakistan has to go through the pain
of paying for past mistakes and make a fresh and
bold new beginning amid turmoil and frustration.

During this year, the nation of Pakistan had to desert

their friends in Afghanistan and unwillingly support the
international war against terrorism, in the backdrop of
unrest and revolt within the militant religious circles of
Pakistan. Pakistans laudable attempts to curb
extremism and return to the mainstream international
polity as a progressive society are taking shape very
slowly. Because of the strength of Mars, General
Musharrafs position has only improved despite
speculations about challenges to his leadership.
While the strength of lagna and hora lord shows an
auspicious new beginning, the strength of the 8

th house and the placement of TP lagna from natal

lagna clearly show that this happens in the backdrop
of past mistakes that bring immense suffering.

Example 6:

A native who stood first in his state (AP) in

intermediate (higher secondary school) examinations
with a record score in May 1987; Birth data: 4th April
1970, 17:47 (IST), 81 E 8', 16 N 10'

Annual TP Data (1987-88): 28

th March 1987, 0:31:15 (IST), 81 E 8', 16 N 10'

Weekday was Friday (note: weekday of Jyotish
changes at sunrise and not at midnight). Venus is a
functional benefic with respect to the natal Lagna
(Virgo). This shows favorable events. Sagittarius rises
in the annual chart and it is the 4

th house from natal Lagna. This being a quadrant,

favorable results are indicated. The fruits of the
natives past learning (4th) will be experienced in the

Lagna lord Jupiter also happens to be the Hora lord.

Thus Jupiter is the most important planet during the
year and he sets the tone and tenor for the year. As
he owns Lagna and 4

th and occupies 4th, good results related to education

are to be expected. As Jupiter conjoins 9th lord Sun
within 35 arc-min, there is a powerful raja yoga
between Jupiter and Sun. This raja yoga brings
fortune in education and explains why academic
success was the main theme of the year.

Usually, whenever the Hora lord or the Lagna lord is

involved in a good yoga in a Tithi Pravesha chart, very
favorable results related to the houses involved will be
experienced in the year. On the contrary, whenever
the Hora lord or the Lagna lord is badly placed in a
Tithi Pravesha chart, the year will be disappointing.

A Fine System

As these examples may have demonstrated, Tithi

Pravesha is a very sophisticated, and yet simple,
technique of Jyotish that enables us to quickly see the
main events of a year without much ado. One can get
an accurate big picture without hairsplitting with
complicated techniques. It is simply an amazing

However, Tithi Pravesha is not just about getting the

big picture easily. There is much more to it than what
has been seen so far. As mentioned earlier, all the
techniques applicable in natal horoscopy are
applicable in Tithi Pravesha. Several techniques like
divisional charts and Ashtakavarga can be considered
for finer readings of Tithi Pravesha charts. For fine
timing of events within a given year, we even have a
special dasa that goes together with Tithi Pravesha
charts. With the blessings of Maharshis, more
aspects of the Tithi Pravesha system taught by our
tradition are planned to be covered in the coming few
issues of Jyotish Digest.

Sanjay Rath

H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India


-------Original Message-------


Date: Sunday, April 13, 2003 07:03:30 PM



Subject: [vedic-astrology] TP chart/TA Dasa

Dear Friends,

Can anybody kindly explain how a TP chart is erected

& TA dasa calculated.
How does one find the time for the annual return of
the birth Tithi. I have read the TA dasa tutorial by PVR
Narasimha Rao & the related TP article in Jyotish
Digest, but i still need some guidance regarding
erection of TP chart & calculation of TA dasa for a
given year.
Is there a software available which does these




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........ May Jupiter's light shine on us


|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||

Personal Panchang and Its Influence on the Natal


List of Articles & Writings

Vedic Astrology - The Astrology of India

Myths of Saturn
Shani Upaya - Remedial Measures for Saturn

Vedic Astology, Yoga & Vedic Philosophy

Brihaspati - Myth of Pushkara & Pushkara


Pushkara: Navamsha Bhaga

Gandanta, The Spiritual Knot


Personal Pachang

Nadi Granthas & Palm Leaf Astrology

Vakri Grahas - Retrograde Planets

Atmakaraka - Knowing the Souls Desire

Nakshatras - The Fixed Stars of Destiny

Rahu Ketu - The Shadow Planets

Vedic View
Research on Vargotamma and Elements

Komilla is doing a new consultation called Personal

Panchang. This covers the panchang on the day of
birth, how it relates to your natal chart , the best name
for you, the yogi planets and how to make the best
use of the light expressed by the Panchang. View
Pachang Consultation

Panch means five Anga means limbs. Panchanga

means the five limbs of the day. Panchanga is the
Indian ephemeris, which takes into account the five
sources of energy that support each day. The
essence of the Panchanga is how the Sun and Moon
relate to each on a daily basis. Panchanga is used for
almost every branch of Vedic astrology: natal,
election, prashna (horary), religious calendars and to
understand the energy of the day.

Panchang of the day birth effects our emotions,

temperament and nature. It can give added
information about who we are and how we feel. It can
strengthen the effect of the planets and give us
additional qualities that we may not understand purely
through the natal chart. Panchanga is what sustains
the birth chart, its supporting energy. This has never
been properly understood, we continue to judge the
natal chart without looking at the energies that
surrounding the birth. Ancient classics like Jataka
Bharnam, Hora Ratnam and Maan Sagri have much
information on this subject, which somehow never got
incorporated into present day Jyotish in analysing
natal charts.

The panchang is a combination of the:

1. Dina (solar day)

2. Nakshatra ( the transit of the Moon on a day)

3. The Tithi (Lunar day)

4. Karana (The half day)

5. Yoga (the relationship between the Sun and

the Moon)

Dina is connected to the Sun and Nakshatra to the

Moon, the other three components of the Panchanga
show the connection between the two.

The Sun, Moon and the Panchanga

The Sun and the Moon are the vital component. The
panchang follows the transits of the Moon, its daily
quality as it travels through the zodiac and the
nakshatras and the Moons daily interaction with the
Sun. The Sun is the Atma, eternal soul, our
connection to the divine and Moon is the Jiva Atma,
the living soul, our contact with the earth. How the
mind and the soul interact is the story of the

The natal positions of the Sun and Moon are very

important. Other planets are important but only to
support the Luminaries interaction. The quality of the
Sun and Moon in a natal chart by rashi, conjunction
and aspect will impact on the qualities expressed by
the panchang. If they are weak, despite the panchang
promising a lot, it does not deliver to its best level.
This is when the negative qualities of the panchang
can take root. Similarly a very negative panchang can
be improved, if they are in dignity and strong in the
natal chart. If one is in dignity and the other is weak, it
gives more neutral effects.

Remedial measures can be performed for a negative

panchang connected to a negative panchang.
Dina or Solar Day

Dina means day. Dina is one solar day that begins at

sunrise and ends at sunrise of the next solar day.
There are 360 dina in a solar year, one day for one
degree of the zodiac. Different planets rule the days in
the week. The day is known as Dina or Vaar and the
name of planet is prefixed to Vaar to give a particular
day. Dina connects to the Sun and therefore to the
soul. Dina is the most important component of the
panchang as it is the primary influence on the soul
and the planet that rules the dina has a lot to say
about how the soul feels about this incarnation.

From Sun to Saturday the Dinas and their planetary

rulers are:

1. Ravivaar- Suns day

2. Somvaar- Moon's day

3. Mangalvaar- Mars day

4. Buddhvaar- Mercury's day

5. Brihaspativaar or Guruvaar - Jupiter's day

6. Shukravaar- Venus's day

7. Shanivaar- Saturn's day

Vedic day begins at sunrise and ends at Sunrise of

the next day. So when we are discussing Saturday, it
will be Saturday after sunrise, the time before that
belongs to Friday. The Dina of the day of birth will be
weekday on which the Sun rose at a particular place
(local time). In effect two people born on the same
date may have different dina according to the place of
birth. If the sun rose in UK at 5.30 am on Sunday
morning on the 1st of June, someone born at 5.25 am
will be born on Saturday and birth at 5.35am would be
on Sunday. Even someone born at the same time and
in the same country can have different dina as the
Sun may rise earlier at one place than the other. This
changes the quality of their personality, their
connection with the eternal. As one inherits Saturns
qualities and the other the Suns. Most Vedic software
give the sunrise time of the place you are born and
will also show the Panchanga.
The Nakshatras

Nakshatra is the original language of the stars that the

ancient rishis connected to. To study the Moons
movement in the backdrop of the stars gave them an
understanding of the deeper meaning of life. One
nakshatra is how long the moon travels in one day.

Nakshatra literally means a star in Sanskrit. A star is a

point of cosmic light. Naksha means to get closer and
Tra means to preserve.

Moon is the significator of the mind and therefore

nakshatras prime connection is with the ebb and flow
of the mind. Dina reflect the soul, nakshatra the mind
and is the 2nd most important component of the

The day is divided into four portions, sunrise, midday,

sunset and midnight, therefore the nakshatras are
also divided into four parts known as padas. The four
parts also reflect the four cardinal directions and the
four main aims of the incarnating soul. Padas link
divine part of the Moons energy to that of the Sun.
The nakshatras and the rashis are joined together by
the navamsha and padas.

Although in natal astrology we would study all the

planet positions in their nakshatras, in Panchanga, we
are only concerned with Moons position.

Nama Nakshatra

According to Vedic Tradition, the first letter of your

birth name was chosen from the special consonant or
vowel related to your birth nakshatra. This way you
are perpetually connected to your birth energy. The
name becomes like a mantra and whenever someone
says your name it creates an auspicious energy.

The nakshatras reflect the complete Akshara

(alphabet) of Sanskrit. Each nakshatra has four
special consonants or vowels, one for each pada. The
moment a child is born, the parents ask the Jyotishi or
priest for the right consonant/ vowel to name their
child correctly. This is known as Nama nakshatra.
Nama means name. The choice is not from any four
consonants of the Moon nakshatra but the one that
belongs to the specific pada the Moon was in. This is
a tradition has got lost as many dont know the
significance of the nama nakshatra. It can be difficult
to find the Sanskrit alphabet names that can convert
into western names.


Humans, according to Sage Mahatapas the great

ascetic, are born from the Hiranyagarbha, the cosmic
womb in their different forms to the world we live in.
They represent separate principles of creation, all
being distinct yet the same. Each person is connected
to the Atma, the eternal soul that never dies. A portion
of this eternal soul comes through the Hiranyagarbha
to earth in the form of the Jiva Atma, the living soul.
Sun is atma and Moon is Jiva atma. The daily
distance between the Sun and Moon is a tithi. The
principles of divinity are the deities that rule the tithis.
These are Agni, Ashwini Kumaras, Gauri, Ganapati,
Nagas, Kartikeya, Aditya, Matrs, Durga, Diks, Kubera,
Vishnu, Yama, Rudra, Chandra and Pitris. Birth on the
tithi will show what divine principle you are working
with and how to deal with and get the best out of it.

Tithis represent the different natures of human life if

when properly understood give us the opportunity to
preserve our precious amrita that the soul has
gathered over its previous lifetimes. It shows our
weaknesses, our strengths as well as the connections
to the deities. Each tithi is a personification of a deity
that divided itself in two halves. One that remained in
eternity and the other that came down to earth to face
the law of karma and guard the soul.

The Tithi Basics

From their conjunction at the New moon, the Sun and

the Moon move away from each other 12 per day.
This is known as a lunar day or as a Tithi. A lunar
month has 30 tithis. Each tithi is slightly shorter than
the solar day. A lunar year is of 48 weeks. Tithis are
the lunar steps to and away from the Sun, the daily
interaction of the living with the eternal.

The lunar month is divided into two fortnights known

as Pakshas. The Pakshas are

1. Shukla Paksha- the bright half of the Moon,

from the New Moon to the full Moon. 15 tithis
belong to the waxing cycle of the moon.

2. Krishna Paksha- the dark half of the Moon,

from the Full Moon to the New Moon. 15 tithis
belong to the waning cycle of the Moon

In the Indian almanac, the tithis are always represents

by numbers from 1 (the first day) to 15 (the full moon).
After the 15th day of the Lunar cycle, the next tithi is
known as the number 1 again, then 2, 3, 4 and
onwards to 14. The 30th day- the darkest night of the
lunar month is known as Amavasya and number 30
represent this. Amavasya is when the Sun and
Moon's longitude is the same again.
The lunar days (tithis) of both the bright and dark
half of the month are below:

Day Tithi Quality Deity

One Pratipada One Giving Agni


Two Dwitiya Auspicious Ashwini Kumar/B

Three Tritiya Strength and Gauri - Wife of Sh


Four Chathurt Negative Ganapati


Five Panchami Laxmi/Wealth Naga

Six Shasti Fame Kartika-Mars

Seven Saptami Friendly Surya - Sun

Eight Ashtami Conflict Shiva/Matrgana

Nine Navami Agressive Durga

Ten Dashami Soft Yama - the Go

Godesses of the T

Eleven Ekadashi Happiness Vishwedeva/Kube

Twelve Dwadashi Fame Vishnu

Thirteen Trayodas Victory Kamdeva/Dharma


Fourteen Chaturda Agressive Shiva/Rudra


Fifteen/Full Purnima Soft Soma


Thirtieth Amavasy Inauspicious Pitris

You always refer to the days as Shukla Trayodashi
meaning the 3rd day of the waxing Moon or Krishna
Pratipada, the 1st day of the waning Moon.

4th, 9th and 14th tithis are known as Rikta tithis. Rikta
means unsupported and they are generally avoided in
starting auspicious projects.

Originally the birth dates were always given in terms

of tithis rather than the date of birth. When I asked my
grandmother the date of birth, she told me that she
was born at sunrise on the 5th tithi of the month of
Bhadra ( Sun in Virgo) in the year George V visited
India (1911).

The annual birthday is usually celebrated in two ways.

One is celebrated on the day the Sun is in its birth
rashi and the Moon is in the birth nakshatra. If you
sun at birth is in Leo and the Moon in Ashwini. The
annual birthday will be the date when these two are in
their natal positions. The annual birthday would be
different on different dates.

The second is Tithi Pravesh. Pravesh means to enter.

The day the Tithi is the same as on the day of birth -
in effect the angle between the sun and the moon is
the same - is taken as the annual birthday. The yearly
chart analysis is also done from tithi pravesh rather
than solar return chart. As solar return only takes the
sun and its return as the main factor, not both the
luminaries, it does not give the complete picture of the
coming year.


The Karana is half a tithi. Karna means to take action,

to do. The karanas have the ability to strengthen or
mar a tithi. They represent the underlying influences.
Karana are underlying energies and have to be
studied as subordinate to the tithis not the other way
round. Karana are the 6 difference between the Sun
and the Moon. They are 60 in all. There are thirty tithis
and sixty karanas. There are 11 types of Karanas.
Four fixed and seven movable. The fixed Karanas are
Shakuni, Chatuspada, Naga and Kintughna are
negative. The seven movable Karanas are Bava,
Balava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti. They
start with Bava on the second half of the first tithi and
repeat themselves in the same order eight times in a
lunar month. The four fixed Karanas start with the 2nd
half of the 14th day of the Krishna paksha, Amavasya
and the first half of the 1st Tithi of the Shukla Paksha.
The first karana in shukla paksha is always the fixed
Kintughna. The fixed karanas do not repeat

Nitya Yoga

Nitya means daily and yoga means a yoke or

connection. The Panchanga yoga is different from the
yogas formed by the planets. The yoga is formed by
the daily connection between of the Sun and Moon.
The Moon travels 13 20' away from the Sun each
day. These 13 20' sections (similar length of a
nakshatra) form a yoga. A yoga is a subtle blending of
solar and lunar energies that give special indications
every day. There are 27 such yogas formed and each
one is linked to a particular nakshatra. Some are
malefic in nature and others benefic. The yoga at the
time of the birth influences the personality and also
gives the yogi and avayogi planets. The yogas are
connected to the nakshatras but are different from the
planetary nakshatras.

Yogi planet and Yogi Point

Yogi planet is a planet for prosperity and avayogi give

the opposite results. The exact degree of the yoga
becomes the yogi point. The ruler of the nakshatra
where this point is yogi planet and the ruler of the
Rashi the nakshatra is in, is known as the duplicate
yogi. The 6th nakshatra from the yogi nakshatra is the
avayogi nakshatra and its ruler is the avayogi planet.

Yogi point is an extremely positive degree in the natal

chart, when benefics transit over this point, you can
expect major material success. The house where the
yogi planet is placed in the chart gets enhanced.
Avayogi can cause trouble. The duplicate yogi is also
a planet that helps. There is no duplicate avayogi. The
dasha of yogi planets give good results and avayogi
will give negative. In relationships compatibility, if your
partners ascendant ruler is your yogi planet, it bring
good fortune to your relationship whereas if it is your
avayogi planet, it can bring debt, pain and

It is important not to get carried away by the principle

of yogi and avayogi planets but to view them as
supplementary information that enhances the natal
analysis. While they have the ability to alter the final
judgement, they are not the only factor to consider.

The Yogas

Yoga Nakshatra Yogi Plane

1 Vishkumbha Pushya Saturn

2 Preeti Ashlesha Mercury

3 Ayusmana Magha Ketu

4 Saubhagya P Phalguni Venus

5 Shobhana U Phalguni Sun

6 Atiganda Hasta Moon

7 Sukarma Chitra Mars

8 Dhriti Swati Rahu

9 Shoola Vishakha Jupiter

10 Ganda Anuradha Saturn

11 Vriddhi Jyeshta Mercury

12 Druva Mula Ketu

13 Vyaghata P Ashadha Venus

14 Harshana U Ashadha Sun

15 Vajra Sharvana Moon

16 Siddhi Dhanishta Mars

17 Vyatipata Shatabhishak Rahu

18 Variyana P Bhadra Jupiter

19 Parigha U Bhadra Saturn

20 Shiva Revati Mercury

21 Siddha Ashwini Ketu

22 Sadhya Bharani Venus

23 Shubha Krittka Sun

24 Shukla Rohini Moon

25 Brahma Mrigasira Mars

26 Indra Ardra Rahu

27 Vaidhrati Punarvasu Jupiter

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