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Bless Me, Ultima: Acrostic Poem Project

50 points
Due Friday, May 12.

An acrostic poem is the art of giving a word meaning by using the first letter of the word itself.
For this assignment, you will create an acrostic poem for one character from Bless Me, Ultima
and one for yourself. The goal is for you to select words using every letter from each name that
accurately capture both your chosen character and yourself. You will decorate your acrostic
poems in any manner that you like, and you will attach them together when you have finished.

In addition to the acrostic poems, you will write two pages that describe your character and
yourself. You will select two words from your characters name and use textual evidence from
the book that directly support the words that you chose for them. For example, if you choose
Antonio and identify that the A in his name represents his anxious behavior, you will find a
quote from the book that supports his anxiety. You must explain how the quote supports the
selected word. Consider what the quote means and why it matters. You will also select two
words from your own name and use personal examples from your own life that support your
words. For example, if I decide that the S in Ms. J represents my sentimental nature, I will
describe a moment in my life where I was particularly sentimental and explain why.

Grade Breakdown:
-Acrostic poem for one character from Bless Me, Ultima: 10 points.
-Acrostic poem for yourself: 10 points.
-Two pages describing two words from your characters name and two words from your own
name: 30 points.

Your acrostic poems must:

-Be words that begin with every letter from your name and your characters name.
-Be attached together.
-Be colorful!! Decorate them as you see fit (and please have fun with this!)

Your two pages must include:

-Proper MLA heading
-Two words from your characters name.
-Textual evidence that directly support how the words represent your selected character.
-Two words from your own name.
-Personal examples that directly support how the words represent you and your experiences.

Hint: the thesaurus is your friend! ;)

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