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To :

Bandarlampung, October 1th 2016

HRD The Naripan Hotel
JL.Naripan N0.31-35 Bandung

Dear Sir,

Based on the information i got from Radar Bandung newspaper that Naripan Hotel opens job
vacancies for hotel secretary. Therefore, I submit an application to fill the position.

Following up on the information, I am the undersigned:

Full Name : Vinika Asmarani, S.Tr.Par.

Place and Date of Birth : Bandarlampung, 15 February 1997
Address : Jln Purnawirawan No.49 Gunung Terang, Bandar Lampung
Marital status : Single
Last Education : S1 Hospitality and tourism
Phone number : 089631318901
Email :

I am able to operate the computer properly and correctly and i can speak english active both
oral and written. With this ability I am sure I can contribute well to this company.

For your consideration, I attached some file :

1. Copy of Curiculum Vitae

2. Copy of last diploma and transcript
3. Copy of KTP
4. Police Note Certificate (SKCK)
5. Photos 3x4, 2 sheets

I am looking forward to an interview, so that I can explain in more detail all the potential and
ability that I have . Thank you for your attention and concideration.

Sincerely yours,

Vinika Asmarani

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