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In todays society, technology has taken over.

Almost everyone in the world has access to

some sort of technology, thus it creates many vulnerabilities for its users. The problem is that
people do not realize the importance of protecting themselves cybercrime until it happens to
them, thus is important that you learn how to protect yourself against these hackers. To know
why cybercrime exists, you must start with the history of it. Cybercrime started when computers
and networks came into play in the late 1990s. In the past, Cybercrime was less malicious than it
is in our modern society. According to Cross Domain Solutions, hacking was mainly used in the
past to get more information regarding specific systems. It is also said that in the past people had
competitions regarding hacking to see who could hack the most secure servers out there. This
hacking competition resulted in the breaching of many servers, such as commercial servers, as
well as military information. At first hacking was not taken seriously because people though it
was just a small problem that they did not have to deal with, but eventually hackers decided to
hack technologies with malicious intent. Hackers started to steal peoples information, and even
purposely slow down systems. As times went by, technology grew and hackers became more
skilled. They quickly adapted to the constant advancement of technologies and started using their
newfound skills to exploit others. In modern society, cybercrime has steered away from simple
competition, Hackers started to realize that they could directly benefit from hacking. Instead of
getting a job and making money legitimately, they found out that they could easily exploit people
and reap the benefits that way. The fear of modern hacking is not like the traditional fear of
crime, such as stealing, mugging, or stealing. Cybercrime has a major advantage because the
person does not have to be physically there to commit the crime. Crimes can be committed in
any location across the world that has internet access, which makes it very difficult for law
enforcement to apprehend the criminals.
Ever since the big boom in the information age, people around the world have endless
access to information. They are able to look up definitions of any word they want, look up news
from their chairs. They can also look up any videos from other countries. The internet has played
a significant role in the creation of our current society, but any benefits always come with a con.
With the rise of the internet online shopping has taken a rise as well. People put their credit card
information into the websites and assume that their information is safe, butt little do they know
that they are not entirely safe because they have just put their information out in a vulnerable
place. No matter how safe of a website you think, there is always a chance that there is a
vulnerability in their website and that your information may or will be compromised one day.
People need to realize that the internet is a dangerous place, people are vulnerable to getting
hacked. According to Norton 1000 people are hacked everyday and eventually you could be
one of those people that get their information stolen. It is important that you learn how to be safe
on the internet. Cybercrime is almost unstoppable due to its anonymous nature. It is very hard to
catch the people that are stealing your information and jurisdiction proses a problem, since you
could be getting hacked from a different country. This limitation can cause many problems
because it is very difficult to fight against it if different countries have different laws regarding
cybercrime, thus the problem of jurisdiction comes into play. People think hacking is simply
stealing passwords, but hacking is much more. There are many different types of cybercrimes
that do different things. Some examples other than hacking include ddosing, which is denial of
service where the user sends large amounts of data to a server or computer to render the
computer useless. Another form of cybercrime also shows up in the dark net, where illegal online
deals are done. Weapons, drugs, and other services are sold there. Although people will most
likely not get this far, the most common type of hacking would be the information stealing,
which most people know. This type of hacking usually happens via phishing, where people
pretend to send emails as a company, and scamming where people sell fake services that may
seem legitimate. Users may also get their information from downloading nonlegitimate items,
where the program or file that they downloaded may contain a virus, such as a Trojan or a
keylogger, which keeps track of passwords that the user enters and sends them to a third party for
use. Either though people know of this threat, they generally ignore it because they feel that it
will not happen to them. I recommend learning some precautions regarding hacking so that the
chances are reduced significantly. You should take all measures to protect yourself against these
There are steps that you can take to lessen the chance you get hacked. According to
Malwarebytes lab there are certain precautions that you can take to lessen the chances of you
getting hacked. Some of the options include updating your OS [operating system] and other
software frequently., and password protect all your devices, including your desktop, laptop,
phone, smartwatch These are only a few of the things you can do to protect yourself. The
most common of the list and generally the most important one is to create difficult passwords,
and to change them frequently. This practice is beneficial because it makes stealing password a
little more harder for the hackers. According to statistics many people use the same password for
all their accounts, which could cause a major problem because if a hacker gets ahold of one
account, your other accounts may have been compromised as well. Generally your password
should contain numbers, letters, symbols, and capitalized letters. According to SCS computing
the single best method for generating passwords is to make up a sentence you can easily
remember and take the first letter of every word in the sentence and randomize the punctuation.
According to Norton hackers generally gain unauthorized access to accounts because people
choose very poor passwords. According to statistics the most commonly used passwords are
123456, and password.

People think that hacking is no big deal because it rarely happens, but according to Norton
cybercrime has now surpassed illegal drug trafficking as a criminal money maker. People are
getting hacked constantly. Somebodys identity is stolen every 3 seconds as a result of
cybercrime. From personal experience I have seen a small automated system crack passwords at
a very fast rate. After 2 hours, the bot that I saw managed to crack about 15 account passwords.
Imagine if an advanced bot was used. The advanced bot would probably be able to crack
passwords at quadruple the rate. In todays society, technology has taken over. Almost everyone
in the world has access to some sort of technology, thus it creates many vulnerabilities for its
users. The problem is that people do not realize the importance of protecting themselves
cybercrime until it happens to them, thus is important that you learn how to protect yourself
against these hackers. To know why cybercrime exists, you must start with the history of it.
Cybercrime started when computers and networks came into play in the late 1990s. In the past,
Cybercrime was less malicious than it is in our modern society. According to Cross Domain
Solutions, hacking was mainly used in the past to get more information regarding specific
systems. It is also said that in the past people had competitions regarding hacking to see who
could hack the most secure servers out there. This hacking competition resulted in the breaching
of many servers, such as commercial servers, as well as military information. At first hacking
was not taken seriously because people though it was just a small problem that they did not have
to deal with, but eventually hackers decided to hack technologies with malicious intent. Hackers
started to steal peoples information, and even purposely slow down systems. As times went by,
technology grew and hackers became more skilled. They quickly adapted to the constant
advancement of technologies and started using their newfound skills to exploit others. In modern
society, cybercrime has steered away from simple competition, Hackers started to realize that
they could directly benefit from hacking. Instead of getting a job and making money legitimately,
they found out that they could easily exploit people and reap the benefits that way. The fear of
modern hacking is not like the traditional fear of crime, such as stealing, mugging, or stealing.
Cybercrime has a major advantage because the person does not have to be physically there to
commit the crime. Crimes can be committed in any location across the world that has internet
access, which makes it very difficult for law enforcement to apprehend the criminals.
Ever since the big boom in the information age, people around the world have endless
access to information. They are able to look up definitions of any word they want, look up news
from their chairs. They can also look up any videos from other countries. The internet has played
a significant role in the creation of our current society, but any benefits always come with a con.
With the rise of the internet online shopping has taken a rise as well. People put their credit card
information into the websites and assume that their information is safe, butt little do they know
that they are not entirely safe because they have just put their information out in a vulnerable
place. No matter how safe of a website you think, there is always a chance that there is a
vulnerability in their website and that your information may or will be compromised one day.
People need to realize that the internet is a dangerous place, people are vulnerable to getting
hacked. According to Norton 1000 people are hacked everyday and eventually you could be
one of those people that get their information stolen. It is important that you learn how to be safe
on the internet. Cybercrime is almost unstoppable due to its anonymous nature. It is very hard to
catch the people that are stealing your information and jurisdiction proses a problem, since you
could be getting hacked from a different country. This limitation can cause many problems
because it is very difficult to fight against it if different countries have different laws regarding
cybercrime, thus the problem of jurisdiction comes into play. People think hacking is simply
stealing passwords, but hacking is much more. There are many different types of cybercrimes
that do different things. Some examples other than hacking include ddosing, which is denial of
service where the user sends large amounts of data to a server or computer to render the
computer useless. Another form of cybercrime also shows up in the dark net, where illegal online
deals are done. Weapons, drugs, and other services are sold there. Although people will most
likely not get this far, the most common type of hacking would be the information stealing,
which most people know. This type of hacking usually happens via phishing, where people
pretend to send emails as a company, and scamming where people sell fake services that may
seem legitimate. Users may also get their information from downloading nonlegitimate items,
where the program or file that they downloaded may contain a virus, such as a Trojan or a
keylogger, which keeps track of passwords that the user enters and sends them to a third party for
use. Either though people know of this threat, they generally ignore it because they feel that it
will not happen to them. I recommend learning some precautions regarding hacking so that the
chances are reduced significantly. You should take all measures to protect yourself against these
There are steps that you can take to lessen the chance you get hacked. According to
Malwarebytes lab there are certain precautions that you can take to lessen the chances of you
getting hacked. Some of the options include updating your OS [operating system] and other
software frequently., and password protect all your devices, including your desktop, laptop,
phone, smartwatch These are only a few of the things you can do to protect yourself. The
most common of the list and generally the most important one is to create difficult passwords,
and to change them frequently. This practice is beneficial because it makes stealing password a
little more harder for the hackers. According to statistics many people use the same password for
all their accounts, which could cause a major problem because if a hacker gets ahold of one
account, your other accounts may have been compromised as well. Generally your password
should contain numbers, letters, symbols, and capitalized letters. According to SCS computing
the single best method for generating passwords is to make up a sentence you can easily
remember and take the first letter of every word in the sentence and randomize the punctuation.
According to Norton hackers generally gain unauthorized access to accounts because people
choose very poor passwords. According to statistics the most commonly used passwords are
123456, and password.

People think that hacking is no big deal because it rarely happens, but according to Norton
cybercrime has now surpassed illegal drug trafficking as a criminal money maker. People are
getting hacked constantly. Somebodys identity is stolen every 3 seconds as a result of
cybercrime. From personal experience I have seen a small automated system crack passwords at
a very fast rate. After 2 hours, the bot that I saw managed to crack about 15 account passwords.
Imagine if an advanced bot was used. The advanced bot would probably be able to crack
passwords at quadruple the rate. In the past hackers generally did the hacking themselves, but
now hackers have evolved. Hackers are able to create new programs and tools that can crack a
users password by generating random letters and numbers until the password is correct.
Generally these programs will go through most common passwords, then will randomly generate
passwords, until it is right. This bot is a big deal because it means that people will never be safe
from hacking, since a bot can eventually hack your account. This begs the question, what is the
point of securing myself then, if my password is already going to be cracked? It is important
because changing your password to unique characters and changing them regularly can prevent
the bot from easily getting into your account. The bot will have more trouble getting into your
account if you change the password frequently, and making your password unique. Just because
a bot can crack your account eventually, does not mean you should give up. Changing your

Brenner, Susan W. Cybercrime and the Law: Challenges, Issues, and Outcomes. , 2012. Internet
Brenner, S.W. Crime Law Soc Change (2006) 46: 189. doi:10.1007/s10611-007-9063-7
Cardwell, Kevin. The Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period. Burlington,
Syngres, 2007. Internet resource.
Wall, David. Cybercrime: The Transformation of Crime in the Information Age. Cambridge:
Polity, 2007.

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