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Baby shower bliss

Carolina Lavorato January, 31


BLOOMFIELD, N.J. Courtney Lavoratos baby shower was an event

celebrated by her family and friends. It was held at a restaurant called,

Brookdale Tavern and Kitchen on Friday January 6, 2017. Hours before the

party, her family and in-laws spent many hours decorating the restaurant

and perfecting the menu for the guests.

Her guests swooned over the dcor, and they especially praised the

dessert table. Each cookie, cake pop, gummy bear, and even the cake had

been carefully crafted to perfection by the bakery. The three-tier cake, with a

teddy bear asleep at the top was a crowd favorite. The cake pops and crown

shaped cookies were a close second. The sea foam green and silver color

scheme was perfect for a baby boy while still allowing Courtneys girly

personality shine.

Since many of Courtneys friends already have young children, a few

were also in attendance. They were waddling around the restaurant and

playing with each other. Although there were many cries from these toddlers,

none of the other guests seemed to mind because the event was dedicated

to celebrating a new baby.


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