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Co-Teach Technology Activity

Myself and another teacher who taught off of the

Glen Paul site worked on using Google classroom to co

teach a class together. The purpose was to get students

engaged in technology for other purposes than just for

entertainment. Many of our students only see the iPad as

a tool to watch their favorite programs on. Together we

had to plan interactive activities using the iPad in a way

that would engage students and also to experience time

with students form another part of the county. The hope

was that the students would recognize each other in real

life. It was a social activity for the students. At the end of

the semester we had a fieldtrip to the other school site to

meet the other students in person. The students were

very excited to see the people that they had only

experienced on the tv using Apple television. This activity

lasted all semester long. We would do a group lesson

weekly to ensure that the students learned the faces and

names of the other students at the offsite campus.

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