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Skylar Brooks

Ms. Winter

British Literature, Period 1

1 May 2017

Goal Statement

In the next year I plan on doing a lot of changing. I am not only going to change my

location, but my school. I will no longer live with my parents. I plan to move to Napa in June

and attend the community college there called Napa Valley Community College. There I plan to

receive my general education as well as take a few dance classes.

In the next four years I plan to be attending either Sonoma State University or

Sacramento State. While attending college I plan to tackle a double major in English and Dance.

I also plan on receiving a two-subject teaching credential. I plan on getting my Bachelors in both

English and Dance and while working as a teacher I will pursue my Masters in dance.

In the next ten years I see myself working as a dance teacher either back at El Dorado or

anywhere there is a teaching job available to me. I plan to also work at a dance studio and train

kids who have the same amount of passion for dance as I do. When I become a retired adult, the

main thing I want to accomplish is to not only be a happy me, but change a childs life such as

my dance teacher did for me.

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