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Danielle Kelley

Winter-Period 1

British Literature

1 May 2017

Goals Statement

When I think of my personal goals, I almost instantly think of me around ten years from

now, patrolling northern California with my K-9. My plan is to go to college at Sierra community

college in the spring semester, and take criminal justice and law classes. I'm going to be taking

classes to further my knowledge in law, and get a degree in criminal justice. Once I have my

degree in criminal justice, I plan on going into the California State Ranger Academy, to become a

peace officer. Once I have become a peace officer, I expect to continue furthering my education

and continue developing as an officer to climbing the ladder until I have become a K-9 unit.

Then, I will do my best to serve, and protect the innocent, with my bepartner at my side

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