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Evan Jones

August 12, 2015

Personal Phone Number - (512)-763-6767

Personal Email -

School Email -


I go to El Dorado High School in Placerville and I have a 3.4 GPA.

I have taken AP classes these last 2 years of high school but this year I am

focusing on Band and Choir.

In Band I am the Front Ensemble Captain for Drumline and hoping next year

to be Drum major.
In Choir I am the Section Leader for the Mens section.


I have worked for my dad, Robert Jones, since July of 2012 and I am still

working for my dad today. I do childcare, I clean the entire house, I do

laundry, I make dinner for my siblings, I do yardwork, and I do pet care. I

started with 0.00 dollars a week but now I get paid 20.00 dollars a week.
I have also worked for my youth pastor, Randy Edwards since March of 2013

and I still work for him to this day. I clean, do community service, assist the

elderly, play in the church band, work the caf, and do sound and media tech

for the church. I do this as a volunteer service so I do not get paid.

I have good articulation and good writing skills.
I make good judgments in any situation.
I set high goals then strive to achieve them.
I have very self-confident.
I can break down problems to help the situation.
I am very energetic and happy.
I am a very quick learner.
I can be trusted with equipment or information.
I can adapt to any change in the situation.
I am very resourceful.
I am a hard and diligent worker.

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