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Justin Coppola

Mrs. Lucarelli

Comparative Civilizations

May 2017


Indias first law against child trafficking was introduced in the 1990s, however this failed

miserably because the law did not stop the crime from happening, it only punished the trafficker.

Also, police involvement often did not reach the more rural areas, which allowed human

trafficking to flourish. conviction rates for child trafficking are extremely low, making it seem

like a low risk-high reward situation occurring. One of the reasons I selected child trafficking is

because I think it is a huge problem that is just being pushed around the plate so the Indian

government doesnt have to deal with it. Of course, they are trying to stop child trafficking, but

they have not been able to stop something so morally wrong. Forced marriage is a big part of

certain cultures, especially when involving slaves. Slaves are bought and sold and traded like

baseball cards. There isnt much background on this topic, except for the fact that it was always

kind of around, and then the trafficking department shot up and this huge problem started to

show its ugly head. It is much more of a recent problem and something that future generations

are definitely going to have a problem dealing with.

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