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INGLES II_90021A_361



ABRIL 2017


Understand the structure of job recommendations, highlighting important aspects of

curriculum skills and competencies

Identify the skills of peers and those that are relevant to include in a job recommendation

Make job recommendations according to the structure identified



Full Name: Cesar Augusto Alczar Sarmiento

Age: Thirty one years
Occupation: financial manager
Marital status: single
What do you study: Master's degree in organizational management
Free time activities: o exercise, to go to the cinema, to walk, to read, to study, to take care of my
Interests: Obtain the title of magister, improve my professional profile being my best qualified
resume, aspire to a better position, increase my salary and allow me to improve my quality of life
Skills: I have skills in teamwork, computer tools and analysis of accounting and financial
Work experience: quality Analyst, Hseq coordinator
Years of experience: Six years as a quality analyst, A year as hseq coordinator

Full Name: ngela yuliedt llanos Garca

Age: Twenty seven years
Occupation: Administrative assistant
Marital status: Free Union
What do you study: Business Administration
Free time activities: Do university work, listen to music, watch TV and go out with my friends
for a walk
Interests: I want to be a good administrator, to have my own business being my own boss, to
take my family forward, to continue studying an engineering and to go very far with my
Skills: It facilitates me to establish relationships with other people, ability to listen and perceive
moods, Communicative ability to listen and present my ideas consistently, Ability to work as a
team and analyze problems.
Work experience: Administrative assistant in the company Hacienda la cabaa S.A, Cashier in
the company Dihego ltda, Dispatcher at Alejandra rice mill
Years of experience: One year in Hacienda la cabaa S.A, Two yearsand six months in Dihego
ltda, Nine months Alejandra rice mill

Full Name: Lina Paola Espinosa Pinzn

Age: Twenty four years
Occupation: secretary
Marital status: single
What do you study: Business Administration
Free time activities: I like to share with my family, study, read, listen to music and walk
Interests: To be a good administrator, to fight for my dreams, to achieve my goals, to get my
own company and to be an excellent leader, to get ahead with my family, which is the biggest
desire in my life
Skills: I have good communication and listening skills, good companionship and I establish very
good relations in a working group, absolutely trust in the elaboration of my works
Work experience: Administrative assistant in the neil amstrong school, Saleswoman in the
company Infantiles La Llave, Administrative assitant in the company aluminios y vidrios
Years of experience: One year in the Neil amstrong school, Two yearsand six months in the
company infantiles la Llave, One year in the company aluminios y vidrios Guacheta

Full name: Heidy Natalia Monroy Snchez

Years: twenty six years
Occupation: Housewife and recruitment in social work
Marital status: happily married
What you study: Psychology At the National Open and Distance University (UNAD)
Free time activities: I like to sing, dance, listen to music, and go for a walk in the countryside
with my family
Interests: At this moment my priority is to finish my career, since I am in the last semester. Work
more definitely in my profession and dedicate more time to my family, dad, mom, brothers.
Skills: I consider myself a very understanding, cooperative person, I like to work with the
educational community in workshops that help improve school, family and community life.
Work experience:
- I worked in the City Hall in part of contracting.
- I have done parents' schools and the last year

- I have worked with an ONG called REDEPAZ on issues related to school coexistence in the
- Work in an independent business
Years of experience: seven years of experience.

Name: Luis Carlos Moreno

Age: 29 years old
Occupation: I am commercial manager of the company .
What do you study: Im studying Systems Engineering.
Free time activities: In my free time, I am with my family, I listen to music.
Interests: My interest is to have my diploma and from company.
Skills: My Skills are meeting my goals, being fulfilled and respectful with people.
Work experience: My work experience stars 10 years old, I have worked as a cash aid assistant,
systems support and now, I am a commercial manager in the company.

Stage 2

Dear Mr. Thompson, I would like to recommend to my colleague Ms. ngela Yuliedt Llanos,
who is currently pursuing professional studies in business administration at the Open and
Distance National University - UNAD, has skills in generating ideas, teamwork and problem

On the other hand, ngela has more than four years of work experience in positions such as
administrative assistant, cashier and dispatcher, which has allowed her to acquire competencies
specific to the administrative work and is suitable to be part of the human talent of her

As a person, ngela is committed and responsible with the projects she undertakes, injecting
them with her experience and knowledge to achieve the desired professional, work and personal

To expand the information you can contact me through the phone and email consigned at the
bottom of my signature.




Dear Mr. Thompson

I am pleased to note that I know Mr. Csar Augusto Alczar, who is currently studying
professional studies in organizational management at UNAD and I can attest to his moral
qualities and a high spirit of self-improvement.
He has seven years of experience as a quality analyst and coordinator of Hseq and his
development results very satisfactory for the company I represent.
One of the main skills of Mr. Csar Augusto that makes him very valuable for any company is
his great availability to work as a team and his great gift of knowledge in computer and financial
I know that I would be abole to fulfill a cabin with the tasks that were entrusted to it so I would
gladly recommend it.


Dear Mr. Thompson,

I am pleased to note that I know Mrs. ngela Yuliedt Llanos, who is currently pursuing
professional studies in business administration at the Open and Distance National University -
UNAD, has skills me to establish relationships with other people, ability to listen and perceive
moods, Communicative

ngela Llanos Has four years and three months of work experience, in positions such as
administrative assistant, cashier and dispatcher.
Is a person with experience in administration and a great sense of responsibility as well as high
vocation in service, capable of generating added value to the organization through the creation of
ideas and own initiative to solve problems. It would be, dynamic, wanting to carve a future.

Good presence. With experience in leading teams of work, imagination and initiative to develop
new ideas and with ease to make decisions.
For proof of the above, it is signed in Villavicencio on the twenty-five (25) days of the month of
April of the two thousand and seventeen (2017)


Skype: LinaP

Dear Mr. Thompson

I would like to introduce you to Miss LINA PAOLA ESPINOSA, she is a very persistent person
when it comes to fighting for her goals. At the moment she is a student of the Business
Administration Program of the National Open and Distance University (UNAD).
She has some great future intentions about conformation of her own company to get along with
her family, she is an excellent leader.
Within her abilities, she finds that she is a Woman who establishes good relationships, through
good communication parameters and the others and the most important person who has
confidence in herself in her knowledge and skills.

In the experience part she was Administrative Assistant in the School Neil amstrong, sales clerk
at the infantile company La Llave, administrative assistant at the aluminum and glass company
Guacheta. In which it adds four (4) years and six (6) months of experience.
I appreciate your attention and I hope to consider Lina according to the recommendations I have
given about her, any concerns to contact me.
Cellphone: 3123926589
Skype: sajuna7
A hug

Mrs Jimenez

Kimberly sa

Av 32- 12


Luis Carlos Moreno


Av 33-45

New York

May the 8, 2017

Dear Jimenez,

It is my pleasure to recommend Heidy. Her performance working as a cooperator proved that

she will be a valuable person inside the company.

I have known Heidy for two years in my capacity as an Assistant Manager at Redepaz Company.
Heidy worked as a telecommunications instructor, and based on her performance, I would rank
her as one of the best workers we have ever had.

Heidy distinguished herself by being perfectionist and has good relationships with their team
group. Heidy is highly intelligent and has good analytical and communication skills.

If her performance in our company is a good indication of how she would perform in yours, she
would be an extremely positive person in your company.

If you should need any more information about Heidy, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards, Luis Carlos

Stage 3
Csar Augusto Alczar Sarmiento
Escojo el rol de revisor porque puedo desempear la labor de revisar la uniformidad de la
presentacin del informe final y la organizacin del mismo, verificando las completitud de la
informacin entregada por cada compaero.
Sugiero que cada uno consolide en formato Word los aportes organizados por etapas y los
enviemos al foro para que el compaero que desempee el rol de compilador se le facilite al
momento de realizar su labor y no tenga que buscar lo que cada uno envi al interior del foro.

Angela Juliedt Llanos

Mi rol es de entregas, desempeare la labor de alertar a los compaeros sobre las fechas de las
actividades a entregar en el tiempo estipulado, indicando tambin sobre los recursos destinados
para realizar el envo y entrega del trabajo.

Lina Paola Espinosa

Mi rol seleccionado es Evaluador

Heidi Monroy
Mi rol compilador, aunque el compaero ya lo ha venido ejerciendo, a partir de este momento
me tomare este tema ms de acuerdo a mis funciones.

Luis Carlos Moreno: Mi rol para esta actividad ser el de alertas, teniendo en cuenta que los
otros roles ya han sido escogidos

Stage 4

Dear Mr. Thompson:


We consider this recommendation, in which we present the training acquired, work experience,
skills and abilities of each one to be part of the human talent of the company that you lead.
My name is Csar Augusto Alczar Sarmiento. I am currently pursuing a master's degree in
organizational management at UNAD and I possess moral qualities and a high spirit of self-
I have more than seven years of experience as a quality analyst and coordinator of Hseq and with
very satisfactory development results for the company in the activities entrusted.
On the other hand, I am Mrs. ngela Yuliedt Llanos, currently studying professional studies in
business administration at UNAD, I have skills to generate ideas, teamwork and problem
I have more than four years of work experience in positions such as administrative assistant,
cashier and dispatcher, which has allowed him to acquire specific skills for administrative and
management work.
Finally, I am Lina Paola Espinosa, I study business administration at UNAD, and I work as
secretary and account with more than four years of work experience at the Neil amstrong school,
children's company la Llave and the aluminum company and Guacheta glasses.
In addition, I have communication and listening skills, I establish relationships in a working
group and I absolutely trust in the elaboration of my works
To extend the information of the resumes, you can contact us through the telephone and e-mail
registered in the foot of signatures.


Mobilphone: 3112116586

Mobilphone: 3143687949


Skype: LinaP
Mobilphone: 3134502275


Cellphone: 3123926589

Stage 5

Conversation group

Angela: hey guys! How is everything going on?

Cesar: Great, and you Lina?

Lina: I am excellent

Luis Carlos: well are you prepared for the interview?

Heidy: Sure, so, who is going to take us to the agency?

Angela: we can go in my car

Cesar: great idea

LIna: so, lets get into the car

Luis Carlos: sure time is running!

Heidy here we go!!


20 mintues after

Cesar: how do you feel guys? Are you nervous?

Angela: I am so relaxed, what happened to the highway? There are many glasses; I think that
there was a car accident here. (A big sound) oh oh I think that the car went by a piece of glass.

Lina: what happened?

Luis Carlos: Oh God! We wont be on time

Heidy: so, lets call to the director of the human resoruces of the enterprise and explain the

Angela: Yes, because we have a flat tire

Cesar: hi! Is the agency? Well, I am calling because we wont be on time. We had a flat tire and
for us, it is so difficult to arrive at the time fixed. Please is it possible that you can give us
another chance for the interview?

Lina: What did he say?

Luis Carlos: Please tell us

Cesar: No problem guys! The manager said that we can go when we fixed the problem

Heidy: we have luck guys


Angela: yes we are, but Is it possible that you can help me with the Tire? Is too heavy!!

Stage 6

Csar Augusto Alczar Sarmiento

My ideal job is the one that allows me to apply the knowledge acquired during my professional
training, developing skills and strengthening my competitions in the work performed. Also,
where I can continue to grow and aspiring to improve my profile, giving me the opportunity to
ascend to more demanding positions, coming to these for the merits and confidence gained with
my superiors.

Angela Juliedt Llanos

My ideal job ... to become my own boss, having my business where I apply all my acquired
knowledge in my professional training and develop my skills and strengths, where I execute each
of my goals and fulfill my goals.

Lina Paola Espinosa

My ideal job would be.

Develop projects and crate my own company with discipline, commitment and responsibility

Strengthen my knowledge and skills to continue to grow as a leader and professional

With great aspirations for my work and personal profile, acquire opportunities and confidence to
have an excellent team

Heidi Natalia Monroy

Luis Carlos Moreno


It is necessary to know the structure of the labor recommendations, which can favor other
people with important skills and competences

The labor recommendations are a means to refer colleagues, friends, collaborators,

among others

The information described in the labor recommendations should be specific and real to
the person to whom it refers

Bibliographic references

UNAD Florida,

UNAD Florida,

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