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Giselle Doti

Mrs. Balden

English IV AP-4

March 21 2017

Beneath the Sea

Beneath the sea is where I want to be:

Intertwined in a blanket of salt and sand

While the grainy texture of elements lay in the palm of my pruney hand.

Forever.endlessly feeling the pure ocean breeze,

Ebbing and flowing with great ease.

Palm trees stretch higher towards the sun than leaning towers,

And the scent of fresh and fragrant flowers

Attack my nostrils and fill me,

Making me giggle with glee.

The harsh sounds of the roaring ocean explode,

While children play with countless, of careless days.

Therefore, when time begins to fade

And colors turn to greys

And the prunes on my hands turn into wrinkles on my skin

Beneath the sea is where I want to be.

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