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Alessandro Guaresti

Per 3


The socratic seminar that took place on May the fourth, was 1984 by George

Orwell. The topics that were brought up in the seminar were about technology spying on

us, reality and the control of it by the government and how science would be hindered,

and finally the most controversial of the topics in the seminar, best type of government. I

had my preference be both prompts 1 and 2. And while I thought I could do prompt 3, I

expected that prompt to get more chaotic and would end up like talking politics with your

drunk family on thanksgiving. But to my surprise when it came for prompt 3 to be

discussed, it did not get to that point. I felt sad because there were some points that I

would have liked to get across in the discussion. Similarly with prompt 1, the prompt I

did not get to to do, I wanted to mention a few points to rebuttal other peoples points.

Though my prompt that I had to discuss went well we did diverge into the discussion

points of prompt 1. There were some good things said within the group discussion, but

overall it was mostly repetition of previous statements. As for my strengths, I got my

points across and made references to other points given by other members of the

discussion as well as talking more than the previous seminar. My weaknesses, I felt,

were that I hesitated to include other people into the discussion and my poor timing to

jump into the discussion. Sadly this might be the last time I do a planned out discussion

on this sort of scale.

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