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Unites UMD
April 9, 2017

COLLEGE PARK, Md. For luck, for confidence or
for the best UMD pictures you could ask for the
Testudo statue in front of Mckeldin can help with it
all. The trust that students put in the statue never
seems to falter when midterms and finals come
around. Students rely on Testudo to get through
their exams, ward off parking tickets and be the
iconic symbol of the University of Maryland.

Since its unveiling by the Class of 1933
outside Ritchie Coliseum the 300-pound heroic-
size bronze statue has guarded the students and

Testudo statue by Melannie Arolick faculty of the University bringing good luck and
fortune. As all good things do, Testudo has had to
go through some rough patches before it earned its rightful and current spot in front of
McKeldin Library.

For the first 15 years of the statues existence, Testudo sat in front of Ritchie taking
several beatings from rival schools. Then in 1947 it was stolen by Johns Hopkins University
students and buried at their Baltimore campus for safekeeping causing riots and outrage
from the UMD students.

It had become the symbol of luck for the University and without it the students were
devastated. When it returned in 1949 it was given its rightful place in front of Mckeldin
along with 700 pounds of cement and steel rods to ensure that the statue was never
kidnapped again.


Since arriving at its new home Testudo has continued to be the symbol of the
university and the center of campus. The tradition of rubbing its nose for good luck has
stuck with UMD as a tradition starting with its unveiling in 1933.

More recently is the offering of
unopened food, drinks, alcohol and even
furniture during finals and midterms.
Beginning in the 1990s students will leave
these items for the turtle the night before an
exam as a cautionary measure to ensure

I touch Testudo's nose not because
I think he's good luck. I believe that there's
this collective sense of hope from people at
UMD who are all struggling to do well even
if they come to the statue out of desperation.
Everyone touches his nose and I feel a sense
of community behind that. says sophomore
kinesiology major Paige Qi.
Testudo statue during finals week by Melannie
Arolick via Snapchat

Whether you came to UMD for the academics, the sports, the location or any other
reason Testudo has created a sense of community for everyone. The statue unites the
40,000 students and others that come here everyday looking for that statue and the sense of
hope and good fortune it gives us all.

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News crew shot on air
Monday April 24

ROANOKE, Va. At around 6:45 a.m. at
Bridgewater Plaza in Franklin County, Alison
Parker, 24 was conducting an on-air
interview with Vicki Gardner, the head of the
local chamber of commerce, when Parker and
her camera man Adam Ward, 27 were shot
and killed by a lone gunman.

Gardner, the interviewee is currently recovering at Carilion Roanoke Memorial
Hospital where she underwent emergency surgery from injuries suffered from the shooter.

It has been confirmed that the gunman is Vester Lee Flanagan II, 41 a former
employee of the news station WDBJ7, where Parker and Ward work, who went by the name
Bryce Williams while employed.

After the shooting, Flanagan fled the scene. Virginia State Police Sgt. Rick Garletts
sent state troopers out in search of the vehicle after using a license-plate reader to locate
the suspect. He was then found at around 11:30 a.m. driving eastbound on Interstate 66.

After being spotted, the suspect drove his car off the road and collided with a
median. When state troopers approached the vehicle they found him suffering from a self-
inflicted gunshot wound. He was then transported to Inova Fairfax Hospital where he died
from the gunshot around 1:30 p.m.

There have been videos and messages about the shooting all over social media
including a video of the shooting. There is no confirmation as to the source of the video.

"This gentleman was disturbed at way things had turned out at some point in his
life. Things were spiraling out of control," said Franklin County Sheriff W.Q. "Bill" Overton Jr.
The suspect also sent a 23-page letter to ABC News explaining his motives as
revenge for racial discrimination and workplace bullying. He attributed the Virginia Tech
and Columbine High School shootings as influences.

The employees of WDBJ 7 were all very close. Both victims were romantically
involved with other employees of the station.

"Our hearts are broken," said WDBJ General Manager Jeff Marks. "We have people
walking around here in tears, lots of hugs."

Parker had just turned 24 and had received this job as a news anchor after joining
the station as an intern and graduating from James Madison University.

Ward, 27 was a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He
had been working at the station since July 2011.

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First Amendment Priorities
February 11, 2017

COLLEGE PARK, Md. The University of California, Berkeley campus broke out in protests
this weekend in Sproul Plaza over an upcoming speaker--Milo Yiannopoulos, editor at
Breitbart News.

The anticipation for his
appearance on campus prompted
liberals to protest over hate speech
and harassment from Yiannopoulos
and his news organization in the past.
More than 100 faculty members have
come to similar conclusions about the
speaker as well.
Lucas Nolan/Breitbart News
Some republicans on campus believe it is their right to hear the speakers that they
have invited to speak.

Im tired of getting silenced, as many conservative students are, Naweed Tahmas, a
junior who is a member of the Berkeley College Republicans said to The New York Times.

If we support freedom of speech, we should support all speech including what they
consider hate speech.

Roughly $100,000 in damage occurred from the rioting. The event has started a
discussion about whether protesting should be regulated or not.

I think we need to have a serious conversation about protests. This is going to be a
big part of our lives for the next four years, said Kirsten Pickering to The New York
Times, a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley.

The debate between the freedom of speech and the right to protest has come into
question at the University of California - Berkeley and it has caught the attention of students
in College Park as well.

The destructive protests at the University of Maryland have been few; the last
protest after Trump won the presidency consisted of nothing more than chanting and

The University of Maryland is located close to the Capitol and is politically diverse.
This has prompted a wide range of discussion following the recent election.

Learn how to fight back. Dont say, Oh, no. We cant allow someone to speak
because someone might be offended. said Jack Radey, who was a 17-year-old activist
during the original free speech movement at Berkeley.

The right to freedom of speech is a right and not a privilege. This is something that
some Americans seem to forget when they hear something they dont agree with. This
conversation is far from over and will continue to change as the debate over what is
politically correct continues.

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Ruptured pipeline causes explosion
April 19, 2017

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. Shortly after 8 a.m. there was an explosion near the
neighborhood bounded by Duffy Street and Highland Avenue from a rupture in the Calnev
Pipeline. The fuel from the pipeline has ignited causing severe flames around the area.

There is no clear answer as to what caused the pipeline to rupture. Officials from the
Calnev gas company believe it could be a result of the freight train that derailed about two
weeks ago in the same area.

Two people have died in a home on Duffy Street. One victim is believed to be a man.
Firefighters are looking for a third victim as well said Paul Allaire, San Bernardino Fire
Department spokesman.

We were sitting at the table and we heard this loud noise, and it just started getting
bigger. I ran to the window and looked out and could see nothing but smoke; then we both
hit the floor. We waited for it to blow over, but it didnt go away. Martha Franklin a resident
of Donald Street a block away from the explosion told her insurance agent.

Seven homes in the area are believed to be on fire. Jed Robinson the General
Manager for the Calnev Pipeline believes a valve, which would normally stop fuel from
flowing out of the pipeline, might not be completely closed. This will influence the time it
takes to put out the fire.

About 700 people have been evacuated to the Red Cross evacuation center that has
been set up at the Job Center, 3753 Kerry St. according to Gregory Garcia, a spokesman for
the mayor. Highland Avenue at Macy is closed to motorists.

Officials from San Bernardino County Medical Center have admitted seven burn
victims whose conditions are unavailable at this time. Tina Blackburn has been treated for
second degree burns. Members of the Howard family are being treated for burns and smoke
inhalation as well.
A woman ran in her house, she left behind her sister and her cousin and a 6-month-
old baby inside, and she looked back and the house blew up behind her. said San
Bernardino Councilwoman Valerie Pope-Ludlam who was at the scene.

We were assured by the pipeline people it was safe (after the railroad accident) and
the experts who examined it said there was no danger. said San Bernardino City Attorney
Jim Penman.

The pipeline is 550 miles long and consists of two parallel lines the larger one being
14 inches. It is buried six feet underground and carries unleaded fuel from Colton to

Southern California Gas Company workers are in the neighborhood to shut off gas
lines to avoid any possibility of natural gas explosion.

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Press Release
For more information
Melannie Arolick, Acme Inc.
123 Acme Way
College Park, MD 20742
(555) 555-5555

For Immediate Release May 1, 2017

Remembering Wand

COLLEGE PARK, Md. People are constantly forgetting what they were supposed to buy at
the grocery store or walking upstairs and wondering why they did. The light and easy to use
Remembering Wand can be carried in a purse or backpack in order to record all your
thoughts throughout the day.

Later you can play them back and remember what you were thinking earlier. This
product hits close to home for CEO Dan Croce.

Im very excited about this new product. said Croce I think it can really help to
make peoples lives easier. Especially those like my mother who were diagnosed with

The Remembering Wand will be released in two months on June 26 in local home
stores such as Target, Walmart and Bed, Bath & Beyond for $50 and comes in red, black,
gold or silver.

This product is great for when I go on an impromptu shopping trip. I can use the
Remembering Wand to remember what food we are out of in the house. said Jane Doe a
focus group participant.

Acme Inc. has been awaiting the opportunity to release a product that can help
people in need. The corporation is also excited to announce that 50 percent of the profit
from this product will go to the Alzheimers Association.
Election Night Recap
Novemer 8, 2016
For Her Campus online magazine

COLLEGE PARK, Md. Yesterday was the day we have all been waiting for. It was the
day when countless Americans rushed to the polls to do their part in determining
the outcome of our country for the next four years.

Yesterday was a day that will go
down in history forever. Whether you were
looking to Make America Great Again or
be Stronger Together everyone was
awaiting the outcome of this epic election.

In order to win, a candidate needs to
get at least 270 electoral votes. Right away
Google Images there were states that each candidate
needed to win. Florida was a big deciding
factor for both candidates as well as Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Donald J. Trump was able to gain support in almost all of the major states
including Iowa, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Of the 14 total key race
states, Clinton gained support in 3.


In the end, Hillarys only support came from the Northeast in which she won
every state as well as the West Coast, although she won the popular vote by 0.1%.
The entire middle of the country gave their support to Donald J. Trump. This caused
Trump to win with 289 electoral votes and 218 for Clinton according to CNN.

Republicans also gained control of the Congress winning the Senate 51-47
and the House of Representatives 235-191, also according to CNN. This will be an
interesting factor in Trumps presidency. Usually, when the president and congress
are from the same party it is very easy for them to get things done.

Many Republican politicians in this election did not give their support to
Trump. Whether these politicians stick with this now that Trump is president could
change what he does for our country.

Whether this was the expected result of the election or not, it is safe to say
that this will become a story to tell the grandchildren. Who you were with, where
you were, and how you felt about the 2016 election will become a common question
people will be asked.

This election will change the way many people think about the medias role
of influence and the idea that only politicians can be president. Now that the election
is over all eyes in the U.S. and abroad will be on Trump to see what he will do next.
Everyone will be waiting and wondering just how he plans to Make America Great

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