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Answering Islam Library of Classical Books and Articles

Answering Islam Library of Classical Books

Books and articles by

Al-Kalbi Ignaz Goldziher Theodor Nldeke G. Weil

Al-Kindi Alfred Guillaume Carl Gottlieb Pfander E. M. Wherry
James Levi Thomas Patrick Joseph Schacht Arthur N.
Barton Hughes Philip Schaff Wollaston
Richard Bell C. Snouck Hurgronje [Canon] Edward Sell Samuel Zwemer
Leone Caetani Arthur Jeffery Harold Spencer
Jens Henry Harris Jessup Aloys Sprenger
Christensen Duncan B. John Subhan
W. H. T. Macdonald William St. Clair-
Gairdner David S. Tisdall
Abraham Margoliouth Charles Cutler Torrey
Geiger Alphonse Mingana
H.A.R. Gibb Sir William Muir

We do not necessarily agree with everything written by each of the above authors.
Some conclusions have been superseded by newer work, on some
aspects we have fundamentally differing convictions. However, these books and articles are still a valuable basis for gaining deeper understanding
and doing further research.

>> See also the overview page for the writings of contemporary authors.

>> Documents sur les origines de l'islam is a vast resource of classical source materials in French.

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