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Steven Righter

Metawriting Over Revised Paper

Some of the revisions I made include: choice of words, paragraph structure and
sentence format. When reading over my paper I realized that there were a few
places where I could have used stronger word choices to either back up my
thoughts or share what my interviewees had to say. In one of my last paragraphs I
noticed I had included an article that wasnt necessarily needed, and didnt see
where it would work best so I took it out so my paragraphs flowed together easier.
Some of my sentences I felt as if they were run-ons, too long in general, or just
needed to be re-organized/worded. While I felt like my paper was somewhat strong
from my first submission, I feel like it only got stronger with my changes. I made
these changes so my paper went together more smoothly and was easier to read by
myself and others who may read my paper. I think that my paper is worthy of a
better grade now that I made these changes, as it all goes together better.

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