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BBC News - Iran earthquake- Dozens die after powerful impact

Published on Apr 17, 2013

Iran has been struck by its most powerful earthquake for more than 50 years, with tremors felt across
Pakistan, India and the Middle East.
However, there has been just one confirmed death in the country whereas in Pakistan more than 30
people were killed and dozens more injured.

BBC News - North Korea enters state of war with South Korea

Published on Mar 30, 2013

North Korea has said it is entering a "state of war" with South Korea in the latest escalation of rhetoric
against its neighbour and the US.
North Korea has threatened attacks almost daily since it was sanctioned for a third nuclear test in
An armistice at the end of the Korean War was never turned into a full treaty.

BBC News - Boston explosions: Student heard 'loud booming sounds'

Published on Apr 15, 2013

Two people have been killed and 23 injured after two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.
The blasts shattered the carnival atmosphere of one of the biggest sporting events in the US, causing
panic and confusion.
Bloodied victims were initially rushed to a medical tent set up to care for fatigued runners.

BBC News - Floods wreak havoc in Mauritius

Published on Mar 31, 2013

A day of national mourning has been declared on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, where at
least 11 people have died in severe floods.
Torrential rain hit the island's capital Port Louis on Saturday. The Mauritian weather service says isolated
thunderstorms could cause further flooding in the days to come.
Loempia Boom ala mereka namanya LooBoom. Isinya nggak sekedar sayuran, tapi
ada pilihannya. Ada isi ayam, udang, ampela ati, bakso, sosis, jamur, cumi, dan
bombastic (isinya campuran bakso, daging sama sosis). Untuk lumpia harga
berkisar 6.500 - 8.000. Itu belum plus nasi yang dijual terpisah, harganya 2.000
/porsi. Untuk minumnya harga standar lah. Minum sebangsa es teh dan es jeruk
berkisar 2.000 an, untuk yang berbau jus harganya 4.000an, pop ice 2.500,
milkshake mulai 4.500an.

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