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Determinant of Hipertensions Case at Clinic Botania Batam City 2016. Medical

Thesis University Of Batam.
Background: Hipertension or high blood tension is cause of death and cause of
diseases. Hipertension also called as The Silent Killer because hipertension is
hidden killer which unknown cause or without any sympyom, hipertension can be
cause of many complications to other diseases, even cause coronary heart
diseases, stroke, and kidneys diseases. At this time, hipertension still be high risk
of the death at the world. From many sources show adult patient of hipertension
in the world at 2000 is 957-987 millions peoples. This number already predicted
will increase every single year to 1,56 milliard (60% from adults population in
the world) at 2025.
Methods: This research used analitic study by cross sectional.techic of this
sample is accidental sampling. Data will get by spread many questioner to score
many factors which influence to hipertension.
Result: From 85 respondents, there are 56 respondent (65,9) who get
hipertension, 45,9% in overweight category, 29,4% lights smoker, 52,9% in less
body exercise, 54,1% less pressure or srtess, 64,7% are not drink any alcohol to
hipertensions case.
Conclusion: Based on result, there are significant connection between body mass
indeks (BMI) to hipertension where some respondents who at overweight and
obesity category got hipertension based on result of chi-square test where p value
= 0,003.There are significant connection between smokes habits to hipertension
where respondens who smoke 10 cigarettes everyday, based on chi-square test
where p value = 0,090. There are significant connection between stress to
hipertension, based on chi-square test p value = 0,008. There is no significant
connection between body exercise to hipertension and alcohol consumtion to
hipertension on this reasearch, based on chi-square test p value = 0,137 for body
exercise, and p value = 0,190 for alcohol consumtion.

Keyword: Determinant of Hipertensions Case


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