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Surname, NAME of the Author

Institution, town, e-mail
Scientific coordinator: didactical qualification, Surname and NAME

The article should contain 4-6 pages, written in Romanian
and English, except for the section devoted to foreign
languages, where articles can also be written in French or
German. Each article should contain an abstract (100
150 words) written in English and there should be up to 5

Keywords: no more than 5 keywords.

Short guidebook regarding style

Page setup: top, bottom, left, right: 2.5 cm; format A4; font Times New Roman; 1 line
Title of the paper: uppercase; size 20; bold; centred;
Authors name and affiliation: size 14; alignment - right;
Abstract: size 12; la centre; Italic;
Keywords: size 12; bold; justify;
Titles and subtitles: size 12; bold;
Body text: size 12; justified;
Tables: must be preceded by a title; reference to the table should be made between round
parentheses (Table 1);
Charts and figures: should be prepared in a clear manner, so that they are legible in black and
white printing;
They should be accompanied by a title (size 10); reference to charts and figures should be
made between round parentheses (Figure 1);
Formulas and equations: should be numbered consecutively in round parentheses: (1), (2) etc.

[1] Moshe Idel, Ascension on High in Jewish Mysticism: Pillars, Lines, Ladders,
(Budapest: Central University Press, 2005), 33.
[2] Sandu Frunz and Michael S. Jones, Education and Cultural Diversity, (Cluj:
Provopress, 2006), 17.

Idel, Moshe. Ascension on High in Jewish Mysticism: Pillars, Lines, Ladders. Budapest:
Central University Press, 2005.
Frunz, Mihaela, Sandu Frunz, Nicu Gavrilu, and Silviu E. Rogobete. Tinerii i
politica. mpreuna pentru o politic mai bun. Cluj: Provopress, 2006.

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