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INTRUCAT: (A) __Locatorul define define in proprietate centrul comercial Feeria, amplasat pe Soseaua Bucuresti- Ploiesti nr. 4A, Sector. 1, Bucuresti (Proprietatea”), conform autorizatiei de construire nr. 1184/123/B/37440/18 noiembrie 2005 si conform procesului verbal de recepfie la terminarea lucrarilor nr. 1 din 15.02.2006. (B) _Locatorul convine sa inchirieze Locatarului, iar Locatarul convine s& inchirieze de la Locator, in termenii si coniifiile prezentului Contract, Spatiul in Locate (dupa cum este definit mai jos). PRIN URMARE, Parle la acest Contract convin dupa cum urmeazi: 1. DEFINITI $I INTERPRETARE 1.1 Definifii, in acest Contract, termenii urmatori vor avea ingelesul precizat in acest Articol 1.1 “Drumuri de Acces” are infelesul stabilit in Regulament, care se gaseste atasat la acest Contract ca Anexa 1. “Chiria de Bazi" inseamné chiria pe metru patrat de Spajiu in Locatie, astfel cum este stabiliti tn Axticolul 4.2. »Chiria in Funefie de Cifra de Afaceri” are {nelesul stabilit la Articolul 4.3 de mai jos. “Data Intrarii in Vigoare” inseamna data ce apare prima scrisi mai sus, si la care prezentul Contract a fost semnat de catre Parti, are “Spatii Comune” stabilit in Regulament. injelesul “Tarife aferente Spafiilor Comune” inseamna cheltuielile efectuate in legaturd cu Spatiile Comune ce rezulti fn urma prestirilor de servieii cate Locatar, dupa cum sunt acestea definite in Articolul 44. »Tarife aferente Utilititilor” inseamnd o suma de pant Ta 100% din valoarea facturii pe Luna precedent pentru utilititile folosite in legatur’ cu Spatiul in Locatie, ce se va achita de catre Locatar Locatorului conform Articolului 4.6.1 din Contract ‘WHEREAS: (A) The Landlord owns Feeria Commercial Center, located on 4A Bucuresti —Ploiesti Road, Ist District, Bucharest (the “Property”), based on construction authorization no. 1184/123/B/37440/18 ‘November 2005 and based on the reception protocol at the end of works no, 1 dated 15.02.2006. (B) The Landlord agrees to lease to the Tenant, and the Tenan agrees to rent, under the terms and conditions of the present Agreement, the Leased Premises (2s defined hereunder). NOW THEREFORE, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS INTERPRETATION AND L1 Definitions. In the Agreement the following terms shall have the meaning given to them in this, Section 1.1 “Access Roads” has the meaning set out in the Set of Rules, attached hereto as Appendix 1. "Basic Rent" means the rent per square meter of the ‘Leased Premises, as set out in Article 4.2. “Turnover Rent” has the meaning established within Article 4.3 from below. “Commencement Date” means the date first written above on which the Agreement has been signed by all Parties, “Common Area” has the meaning set out in the Set, of Rules. “Common Area Charges” means the expenses in connection with the Common Area as a result of the services provided to the Tenant, as set out in Section 44, “Utilities Charges” means an amount of up to 100% of the value of the invoice for the previous Month for the utilities used in relation to the Leased Premises, to be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord according to art. 4.6.1 from the Contract. 2 (fico

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