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Caroline Wolfgramm Irwin - POB 214—Saguache CO 81149-0214 Phone: 719.850.0051 or eMail: October 2016 Re: Kelsey Hammel To Whom It May Concern: ‘This letter is being written to introduce your organization to an extraordinary young woman by the name of Kelsey Hammel. | have known Kelsey for over 13 years as a family friend, her former Sunday ‘School teacher, and now as the President of the Center Branch Young Women’s organization. What captures my attention about Kelsey is her level of commitment and determination. When | need someone to lead a discussion, find out information, be willing to learn a new skill, or serve others, Kelsey is the one I turn too. Her life is busy with school, family, and community interests, yet when she gives her word that she will do something, she d Ihave watched Keley’s interaction with others and she is constantly reaching out to make a difference ‘whether in the sports arena or in the community. Kelsey is teachable. Kelsey is aware of and committed to serving others. These two traits, awareness and commitment, are ingrained in her by her parents, her actions, and her choices. Prior to re sment, | served in administration for public education, the non-profit world, and local government. Part of my duties was to find, train, and retain individuals for these organizations. If! had Kelsey's application in my stack of resumes, | would snatch her up quickly and count her as a “keeper”. 1am hopeful that your organization will feel the same way. If you wish to discuss my recommendation of Kelsey Hammel, my contact information can be found above. icerely, Cod Sou

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