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Iris Looc

Whitney Dwyer

5 May 2017

Career Prep

LTI Reflection

Throughout my two years so far in high school, Ive had two internships. My first

internship was Sequoia Elementary, which consisted supporting students with their

reading and writing skills. My second and current internship is Vonnah Bagners Law

Office, which filing and organizing papers are involved. To be specific, Im interested in

becoming a pediatrician and Im determined to reach that goal.

Reflecting on my past internships, I think working at an elementary school helped

prepare me a lot. Working with kids took a lot of time and patience, and I feel that Ive

gained a lot of those skills/characteristics throughout my time interning there. It gave me

a better perspective on how to handle kids. Interning at the law office made me realize

it wasnt the career path that I wanted to head towards to. I didnt want to end up filing

papers and organizing my whole entire life.

My next steps in terms of career preparation is Childrens Hospital. Next year, Ill

be able to start my rotations and have a little experience around the medical field for

kids, just like I wanted. Ill be prepared for how it will be as a pediatrician, or maybe

even a pediatric surgeon. Some skills and experience I want to gain from CHAMPS (my

next internship) would be to be in a operating room and witness a surgery. Hopefully,

next year Ill get assigned to a decent rotation and experience what I will in the future.

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