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Thien Ha FEB 5/9/17

Writing Journal: My Plans and goals for the next school year

Im currently finishing my IGCSE programs next month. After that I am moving back to America, to my
hometown, to finish up high school there. Im still unsure as to which school I would be attend next year
as I am deciding whether to go to a private school to get into the IB programs or just attend a public
school and do the normal AP classes and follow the governments school system. Each have their own
benefits as the private school is hard to get into and is quite expense whereas the public school is basically
free for me and it is easy to get in to. I have many goals for next year, but there Aare really school related
as I dont want the focus too much in school as I want to work on my film projects that I have written this
year and make them it in to short films. I also want to work on my business skills by experiencing
different jobs and internships in small local business. It also to do and work but I really hope I can
accomplish it all next year.

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