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While comparing the similarities between romanticism and enlightenment, the

romanticism and enlightenment are both different in style of writing and use different technique

to create a novel. In general, romanticism sees emotion, inspiration and faith are important

sources of knowledge. In contrast, enlightenment doesnt see emotion inspiration or faith as an

important thing, but they admired science and facts that seems to be more logical instead.

Romanticism depends on creativity of different people, and reject facts that can be explained

scientifically. For example, In 1818 the novel called, Frankenstein. The author, Mary Shelley,

was influenced by Romanticism, so he created an 8-foot monster called Frankenstein. In

enlightenment, it is based on facts and it can be proved using scientific explanation. For example,

the Encyclopedia is a type of reference work that summarized an information that based on

scientific research. In conclusion, logical and philosophical thinking are influenced by the

enlightenment. Novels, music or poetry are all influenced by Romanticism. There are a lot of

differences between these two categories.

Work Cited

Aron. Difference Between Enlightenment and Romanticism. 9 Oct.


romanticism/. Accessed 14 May 2017.

Frankenstein Published. History. 2007 Accessed 14 May


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