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This is your opportunity to
follow the journey of a resilient
detective - James Lore who
struggles to identify himself due
to unimaginable actions and
consequences. Will he be able to
escape from his inner hatred of
the society around him or will he
be pressured into taking the
wrong path?

In a society of corruption, lack of narcissism and helplessness, inexperienced

Detective James Lore leads his own journey to avenge the death of his partner
and renowned detective Robert. The details of this murder is primarily unclear.
However, hints arise due to the familiarisation of an infamous serial killer after
discovering his identity. James is now bombarded with the absence of his
friend, the strenuous case concerning the serial killer, pressure from
authorities to discover the truth and his own personal problems after going
through an existential crisis. After being deafened by these disturbances, he
starts to lose control and slowly begins to CHANGE.

He begins to be known as the most ruthless and brutal man in town. Following
the confusing clues, hints and evidence, the mystery finally unfolds and it turns
out that the serial killer is none other than Roberts previous partners son.
However, as a father protecting his son, Roberts murder was committed by his
ex partner. James results in finishing off the serial killer for food in cold blood
and the events of his change and if he killed his partner is left as a mystery.
C O N TAC T U S : @ApertureProductions

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