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PRESS RELEASE - May 14, 2017

The attention of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has been drawn to a story in some
sections of the media of an incident that occurred at the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange on
Saturday, May 13, 2017.
It is about a trader who was alleged to have been assaulted by personnel of the AMA Rapid
Response Unit (RRU); a unit tasked to ensure that hawkers do not encroach the pavements
around the Interchange.

The publications so far contained some factual inaccuracies that the AMA would like to
correct in order not to give the public a misleading impression about the incident. It is
unfortunate that none of the media that carried the story verified their facts with the AMA
before publication.

What occurred there did not involve the AMA Rapid Response Unit (RRU). It was rather
between personnel of the United Creative Solutions (UCS), a company contracted by the AMA
to manage the lawn and other facilities at the circle Interchange, and a trader who was
believed to have trespassed to the decongested area.

Contrary to media reports, no one died as a result of the incident though regrettably one
trader was injured and is receiving medical attention at the 37 Military Hospital at the full
expense of management of UCS.
AMA is investigating the matter and will put measures in place to avoid any future
occurrence of such incidences.

The AMA have also noticed that some undisciplined traders want to use this incident as a
leeway to frustrate the efforts of sanitising the enclave.

We therefore state unequivocally that the AMA will not relent in its efforts to fully implement
our bylaws and activate the punitive sanctions thereof.

The AMA however entreats all city dwellers to support the efforts being rolled out as we
strive to make Accra the cleanest city in Africa.

Director, Public Relations

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