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1. Write 70% as a fraction.

2. Write 20% as a fraction.

3. Write % as a fraction.

4. Write 1 as a percentage.
5. Write 58% as a decimal
6. Write 11% as a decimal

7. Write % as a decimal
8. What is 65% of 40?

9. What is 32 % of 4 hours in minutes?

10.What is 53% of 1km in metres
11.What is 175% of $4.00
12.What percentage of 15 is 9?
13.What percent of $30.00 is $19.00? (To two decimal places.)
14.What is 840cm as a percentage of 12 metres? (To one decimal place.)
15.If Peter scored 76 marks out of a possible 95 marks, what % did he get?
16.In the University class of 60 students, 42 are boys. What % are girls?
17.45% of my allowance is $27.00. What is my allowance?
18.240 is 25% of what number?

19.55 % of Jane's dolls is 74. What is 60% of them?

20.In a Biology exam, Kerwin got 82% of the questions correct. If he had 27 incorrect
answers, how many questions were there in the quiz?
21.Roy spent $13.00 on snacks and has $12.00 left. What percentage of his money did
he spend? (Answer to two decimal places).
22.Questions 22 - 23 are based on the following information.
In a survey of favourite music, it was found that 40% of the students preferred soca,
25% preferred reggae, 15% preferred dub and 12 students preferred hip hop.
How many students took part in the survey?

23.How many more students preferred reggae than dub?

24.52mm increased by 75% is?

25.Calculate 640km decreased by 33 %.

26.Calculate 20 minutes, increased by 22 %. (Answer in minutes to one decimal

27. When a number was increased by 36% it became 170. What is the


28.When a sum of money was decreased by 87 % it became $51.00. What is the

amount of money?
29.60% of the students in the club are boys. If there are 24 boys, how many girls are
there in the club?
30.42% of my allowance is equal to 70% of Albert's allowance. If my allowance is
$35.00, how much is Albert's allowance?
Please fill in the correct form of the Verb given in the brackets.
1. George _________ that we should go ahead without him. (say, says)
2. Carol _________ the story differently from the way Joe tells it. (tell, tells)
3. Shiva _________ around the corner, into his sister's room. (sneak, snuck)
4. Sometimes Avinash _________ his bike to Anil. (lend, lends)
5. Most foods can be preserved via _________ . (freeze, freezing)
6. The farmer _________ a wide variety of crops. (planted, plant
7. Johan quickly _________ his bicycle tyre. (pump, pumped)
8. On weekends, we _________ our grandparents. (visit, visits)
9. Neither Marlon nor his sister _________ to eat broccoli. (like, likes)
10.Either Maria or I _________ going to be chosen to perfom in the play. (am, are,
11.The boys _________ the harsh punishment by the skin of their teeth. (escaped,
12.Goats, like cows, _________ grass. (eat, eats
13.I _________ you for your effort. (applaud, applauds
14.All, but Asha, _________ with the new lunch menu. (disagree, disagrees
15.Sheldon _________ happily in time with the parang music. (dance, dances)
16.The teams, accompanied by their mascots, must _________ across the field.
(march, marches
17.A crowd of people _________ in front of the stage. (gather, gathered)
18.An entire row of brownies _________ missing from the serving tray. (was,
19.He must sign the agreement to _________ a position at the firm. (secure,
20.My granny _________ as a hobby. (knit, knits)
21.Gretta _________ rumours that the film was banned. (has heard, have heard)
22.Kevin must _________ all the vocabulary by Friday. (learn, learns)
23.Did anyone _________ what happened? (see, sees)
24.Did you _________ Dennis about the hike on Sunday. (tell, tells)
25.Maria _________ very weak legs. (has, have
26.Navin _________ the camera for the concert. (borrowed, borrowing)
27.The light in the garage _________ a lot of heat. (generate, generates
28.Carlos did not _________ to knock over the glass of juice. (mean, means)
29.Will the injured athlete _________ from the race? (withdraw, withdraws
30.Will she _________ the costume in time for the show? (repair, repairs)
31.Neither Annie nor Jerome _________ Andrea will pass the driving test. (think,
32.Either Kareem or Robert _________ the jug with water everyday. (fill, fills
33.Mr. Roberts _________ clothes to the Children's Foundation every January.
(donate, donates
34.My shirt _________ more and more everytime I wash it. (fade, fades)
35.She _________ recycling by practising it in her own home. (supports, support)
36.Everyone should _________ at least one foreign language in their lifetime.
(pursues, pursue)
37.Verria _________ in the Miss Caribbean beauty pageant last year. (compete,
38.Christian _________ already signed over the company to Mr. Yang. (have, has)
39.A batch of cookies _________ shared amongst the children. (was, were)
40.We watched the crew of sailors as they _________ the large boat. (boarded,

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