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Ryan Friend- Current Event Week 9: Politics

I selected Why Has Trump Turned to Flawed Andrew Jackson as a Role Model? by
Erik Ortiz from NBC News Politics section. It can be found by using the following link:

This article written by NBCs Erik Ortiz analyzes Donald Trumps admiration of late
United States President Andrew Jackson. The article starts off by reciting the saying
carved above the entrance to Jacksons Historical home in Tennessee. It reads as
follows: I was born for a storm, and a calm doesnt suit me. Many have compared this
style to that of newly elected President Donald Trump. The writing then goes on to
make reference to the Obama administrations efforts to remove Jacksons footprint
from many things including switching his spot on the twenty dollar bill with Harriet
Tubman. From the time of his election, Trump has been giving direct nods to the
early-19th century president who championed a rousing sense of populism and
groomed himself as a man of the people (Ortiz). His Inauguration speech was
characterized as very Jacksonian, and many of his other points of interest have come
to parallel those of Jackson. Both of the men show a great deal of patriotism through
their decisions and speech. President Trump even went as far as to compare his
election win to that of Andrew Jackson. Although Trumps inauguration speech
preached America First much like Jacksons views had, historians still believe
President Trump will fall short of Andrew Jackson. According to Dan Feller, a history
professor at the University of Tennessee, President Trump is too far behind Jackson in
terms of experience. He presents all of Jacksons accomplishments and participation in
other American events, and when compared to Trumps endeavors, it seems far off.
After reading the article, I found it easy to see how some people would
characterize them in the same vicinity in terms of how they view certain situations. Both
men have a strong sense of patriotism and prefer to wear that on their sleeve. I also
agree, however that Jackson has contributed much more to the American history. I can
and do agree with the fact that Donald looks towards Jacksons viewpoints, and Im
anxious to see how far his modeling goes throughout his presidency.

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