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Ryan Friend- Current Event Week 12: Terrorism

The article Why Do They Hate Us? by Fareed Zakaria was chosen for us as our
current event this week. It can be found by using the following link:

The Article begins by speaking to the question, Why do the terrorists hate us? It
then continues on to acknowledge the fact that after thousands of people are brutally
killed, Americans dont rush to consider the terrorists feelings. Theyre filled with anger
rather than analysis (Zakaria). Zakaria then pushes on to discuss possible reasons for
the hatred. He first touches on the idea of jealousy but then quickly retracts that
argument stating that if jealousy was the issue then places like Beverly Hills would
have become morgues long ago (Zakaria). According to the article, answers of their
hatred will vary based on perspective. If you were to ask Osama Bin Laden what fuels
his hatred, his simple and quick response would be Religion. His beliefs fuel him to hate
the Western world and everything that comes with it. The article moves on to examine
the Arab viewpoint on these issues. Zakaria then explains that American stands at the
center of the new age of world globalization. Its always a front runner of new styles,
food, and many technological advances. Many believe it is these factors that cause a
strong sense of hatred. The Western world and its ideals are toxic to that of an Arab
culture and religion. Because we are different from their beliefs, their hatred flourishes.
After reading the article, I found a better understanding of the Terrorist viewpoint
and a majority of their religious beliefs. I also strongly agree that a majority of the terror
acts boil down to religion. Many of the groups that commit these attacks have extremely
strong religious ties. Their love and devotion to their entities propels them to commit
these attacks. Their judgement, whatever amount it may be, takes a back seat to the
almighty powers they devote their lives to. They act on the precedences of that religion
and see nothing wrong with what theyre doing. They commit these acts of terror in
honor of their almighty leaders. Their beliefs disagree with ours and the stature of how
we leave in our Western culture, and because of that, their hatred for us grows.

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