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Photo by Diamond Fisher

By Diamond Fisher
April 29, 2017 6:08 p.m.
College Park, Md. - At 5:30 p.m. on April 25, 2017, University of Maryland College

Parks English Undergraduate Association hosted a Jane Austen inspired event in the Tawes

English building on campus.

Flyers were posted all around campus advertising for lovers of Jane Austen and literature

to come and join the undergraduate English Association for a discussion of their favorite books

written by Jane Austen and activities such as learning how to cross stitch, etiquette quizzes,

matchmaking, high tea and free pizza.

The event kicked off with the reading of a passage by the club's president, Elizabeth, who

was dressed in a dress that closely resembled the timely dresses characters in Jane Austen's

books wore. There were about 30 people attending the event, the majority being English Majors

or members of the club.

The event had taken two weeks to plan according to the president and most of the

planning consisted of the group deciding the best time and date for the event and what member

would lead each activity.

It really isnt a lot to do, we have the full support of the English department and other

students, its really an opportunity to relax and chat with others with similar interests to your

own, said the clubs president, Elizabeth.

The event lasted until 7:30 p.m. and many people came and went. The first thing guests

did was go around introducing themselves and learning the names of others. Classical music

played in the background as guests drank tea and ate cookies members of the club had made for

the event. Many gathered around the club treasurer, Vaishnavi, as she taught them how to cross

stitch a heart; all of the materials needed were provided for guests.

The event came to an end after a rowdy game of matchmaking where guests had to go

around the room looking for someone who fit the characteristics on the character card they had

been given. All of the characters were from a number of Jane Austen stories and knowledge of

the character and the book helped a few find their match faster. After the game was over

everyone settled down to test just how much knowledge they possessed about proper etiquette.

The English Undergraduate Association plans and host events and look into ways to

improve the English undergraduate experience at the University. Anyone may join the group

regardless of major or minor and University status although many of the members are English


The group has been active for around 8 years and every semester they have three events.

These events are apart of their Writers Dead and Gone series and each event focuses on one
author and their work. They provide guests with the opportunities to participate in activities seen

in the author's books and the time and place the books take place in.

The organization gets their funding from the English Department and every year they

apply for a special club scholarship and the scholarship covers the cost of hosting their events

and being able to provide guests with food and activities and other materials that will assist them

in venturing into the world of whichever author the event is focused on.

The group consists of the basic official roles that many clubs have; a president, vice

president, secretary and treasurer. Every member has a say in what events should be done for the

semester and during their group meetings at the beginning of each semester they throw around

ideas to each other and then they have a final vote.

One author that they do every fall semester is Edgar Allan Poe simply because the group

is based in Maryland and Edgar Allan Poe was such a prominent author and a resident of

Maryland. The final event of the 2016-2017 school year was focused on the female author Jane

Austen. Along with their Writers Dead and Gone events, the association has a book club and

creative writing club.

We like to show honor and appreciation to the wonderful writers who have work that

outlives them and continues to speak on timeless topics, says club treasurer Vaishnavi.

Students can look forward to the Writers Dead and Gone series starting backup at the

beginning of the 2017 fall semester with another event offering free food and a glimpse into a

world written by a author.

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