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Parthasarathy Udayakumar

4500 Cass Avenue

Apt 1113
MI - 48201

Dear Internship Coordinator,

I believe one day I will change the way the automotive industry
operates. Every day I remind myself of the two philosophies that I follow as my mantra. Be the
change you wish to see in this world and Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Two quotes by two
different kinds of men.

My intern experience at Hyundai International Motors Limited has sparked my interest in the way
a company views and treats its products and customers. During my intern, I did a project to
optimize the knockdown parts from warehouse to the assembly line. I successfully reduced the
time to transport by 50% and manual labor time by 60%. I wanted to learn more about this, so I
came to the international automotive hub of the world Detroit. My time at Hyundai helped me to
be accustomed to the way corporate works. Through these experiences, I learned the value of
people management, effective communication, humility and most importantly leadership.

I am confident in my experiences, skills and the strong interest in the goals of changing the
automotive industry have molded be to be a strong intern for your program. I look forward to
discussing my qualifications with you. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Parthasarathy Udayakumar

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