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Teacher: McCormick_ Art M/J

Concept/Topic: Still life

Unit Essential Students will draw a still life using shading pencils.
Date/Time: 2-3 weeks
Grade Level: 6-8

Learning Objectives Students will revisit how to create the illusion of 3-D with the use of value.
Students will draw a still life using shading pencils.
LEQ (Lesson Essential Students will demonstrate their ability to look at something and draw it
Question): realistically and demonstrate their knowledge of value with their shading
NGSSS VA.68.H.2.1: Describe how previous cultural trends have led to the
development of new art styles.
VA.68.F.1.1: Use non-traditional thinking and various techniques to create
two-, three-, and/or four-dimensional artworks.
VA.68.C.2.2: Evaluate artwork objectively during group assessment to
determine areas for refinement.
VA.68.S.2.2: Create artwork requiring sequentially ordered procedures and
specific media to achieve intended results.
VA.68.S.3.2: Develop spontaneity and visual unity in artwork through
repeated practice and refined craftsmanship.
VA.68.C.1.3: Identify qualities of exemplary artworks that are evident and
transferable to the judgment of personal work.
VA.68.S.1.4: Use accurate art vocabulary to explain the creative and art-
making process.
VA.68.S.3.1: Use two-dimensional or three-dimensional art materials and
tools to understand the potential and limitations of each.
Cross Curricular Connections MAFS.K12.MP.5.1: Use appropriate tools strategically.
MAFS.K12.MP.6.1: Attend to precision.
MAFS.4.G.1.1: Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute,
obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-
dimensional figures.
MAFS.7.G.1.2: Drawing freehand geometric shapes with given conditions.
Student Activities & 1. First will show example of the project.
Procedures 2. Go over evaluation sheet rubric and expectations.
3. Students will complete a pre test drawing.
4. Drawing will continue onto day 2.
5. Over the weekend, students will be given homework, they will draw
a piece of fruit at home, if they do not have fruit, they can draw a 3 d
object, must have value, shadow etc.
6. Day 3 students will be given a power point on how to begin and look at a
still life from another point of view. Students will then be broken up into
pairs of 2-3 (or use giant still life) and be given one flower, cube and one
fruit, students will sit in pairs and draw objects learning the 3 Ps.
7. Students will work on their individual drawings for 3- 5 days.
8. Students will then go back to the large still life and begin drawing the
still life, contour lines of the objects. They may make a view finder so it
is easier for them to see what area they are of the still from the view
point at their seats.
9. Students will continue to draw the still life for 3-5 days.
10. Students will finish drawing the still life and begin shading, showing 10
values of the gray scale.
11. Students will finish shading and turn in their still life. The more details
the better the grade!
Resources/Materials Powerpoint
Worksheet With how to Visual
Tissues and Q-tips to blend
example of a still life drawing
9x12 white paper
12x18 white paper
flowers (1 per every 2-3 students)
shading pencils
blending sticks
items for still life

Assessment/HOT-Q Pretest, giving the students 2 days to draw a still life and to demonstrate
already bought skills from previous lessons.
Performance Formative assessment- Drawing with teacher under step by
step instruction
Performance assessment: Drawing their own still life
Classroom Observation Behavior
Group Critique
ESE Accommodations ESE/ELL/ESL Students will be provided with extra time as needed.
ESOL One on one time will be given to each student. ESE/ELL/ESL learners will
Differentiated Instruction be given a buddy to help with instruction.
Small group instruction for ALL students.
Visuals will be available to everyone.
Instructional worksheets will be provided to everyone
ESE/ELL/ESL students will receive additional support by a teacher
example being made side by side with the student following. The teacher
may even provide additional assistance by moving the students hands to
help them with the method.
ALL students will have rest time. Every 25 minutes a 5 minute break.
Teacher Example
Vocabulary Professionalism, value, grey scale, proportion, perspective, texture, shadow,
reflection, contour lines, Foreground, middleground, background, focal point,
positive space, negative space, contrast, line quality, thumbnail sketch, still life,
organic, geometric, sighting.

Civics Connection Engage in metacognition, use critical thinking to identify and solve
problems, use appropriate behavior in a variety of settings. Engage in civil
dialog and discourse, open-minded, empathy, Self discipline, engage in
reflective practice, persistent and patient.

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