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ASTL principle one, student learning, states that teachers are committed to students and

their learning. This semester, in EDUC 613, I gained a better understanding of how students

learn. I also garnered a stronger understanding of learning theories and learning factors

associated with student learning. In completing the performance based assessment, case study of

a learner, I learned of the impact emotional and social elements can have on a student. The

student I studied, Sam, sometimes spoke lowly of her abilities in the classroom and of her

feelings toward school. Studying Sam taught me that while the academic curriculum is very

important, I cannot forgo teaching my students healthy and prosperous emotional behaviors. One

behavior in particular I will intertwine into my instructional practices is growth mindset (Dweck,

2006). Students with a growth mindset have the grit necessary to be successful when they are

faced with challenges. Growth mindset does not relate to ones abilities, it relates to ones belief

in themselves and ones unending determination and perseverance.

While completing the case study of a learner, I also realized the power of social learning.

I observed my case study student, Sam, learning and understanding more concepts through her

peers than she did through her teachers. Another change I will make to my instructional practices

is incorporating more opportunities for cooperative learning (Sharan, 2010). In cooperative

learning, students work together towards a common goal.

ASTL principle five, learning community, states that teachers are members of learning

communities. While completing the learning theory group project in EDUC 613, I worked

together with a group of teachers to gain a deeper understanding of behaviorism. We collaborated

to create a presentation and a handout that described this learning theory and how it relates to

everyday classroom practices. Through my collaborations, I was able to see behaviorism through

various perspectives; which broadened my understanding of the theory.


Dweck, C.S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Ballantine Books.


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