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Ruben Cequier Espinar

My favourite Photo Ingress: Abaddon Anomaly

One of my favourite photos is this one with my team CL09-CAT.

I like it because its a Picture of my friends and I doing the geek in Seville.
This is a Picture of my last weekend in Seville, in the Picture we are sitting
on stairs in the Sevilles mushrooms.
Here we are really happy because on Saturday we won the Abaddon
anomaly, and we were going to the anomaly after party in an 80s rock bar.
A guy from Seville took the photo.
In the moment that the guy took the photo we were posing for it.
If you are interested to know what is Abaddon anomaly its from an
augmented reality game called ingress, for android and ios, if you want I can

send you an invitation.

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