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Rosas 1

Alan Rosas

Mrs. Hellmich

ELA1/Dev. Reading

Periods 3-4

9 October 2013

The Lady or the Tiger: Death or Marriage

The choices one makes in life have consequences. In The Lady or the Tiger by Frank

Stockton, the princess falls in love with the lowly servant. He must now face punishment or

reward under the Kings law. The princess for her part, loved him equally, for he was

handsomer and braver than any man in the kingdom(25). The princess knows which door holds

the tiger or the lady in the Kings arena, and she is very much in love with him because he is her

soulmate. This shows that the princess will choose to secretly indicate to her lover the door with

the lady behind it. In wild horror [she] covered her face with her hands as she thought of her

lover opening the door on the other side which waited the cruel fangs of the tiger(27). She cant

bear to see the blood and gore all over the arena when her lover gets torn apart by the tiger.

Therefore the only choice she has is to choose the door with the marvelous and beautiful lady. In

conclusion, the door the princess chooses for her lover to open has pleasant consequences.

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