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Puritanism Lit . . .

Sinners in the Hands

of an Angry Principal
English III

The preacher Jonathan Edwards wrote and delivered speeches with passion fueled by fire and
brimstone. He didnt deliver his message with many gestures or movements, but his sermon,
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, had a dramatic effect on his parishioners, many of
whom wept and moaned. Some even considered suicide.

Thats powerful stuff.

Do you think you can achieve that same level of impact? Well, we are going to find out.

Imagine that our school has just hired a new principal. Using Jonathan Edwards sermon as a
model, write a modern day speech that this principal might make in front of an audience of
students. Imagine that the new principal views all students as potential troublemakers and is
addressing our student body in the auditorium, with language designed to intimidate them and
frighten students into being good.

Here are the specifics of what your speech should include:

Use strong & appropriate language
Choose a specific sin (e.g. skipping class) to focus on
Include powerful, emphatic opening & closing statements
Incorporate figurative language (e.g. simile, metaphor)
Should be about 1 page (take it and run with it!!)

After you turn your speech in via Google Classroom, we will also be giving the speeches in class
at a later date.

This assignment is worth the following:

Written Speech: 25 points
Delivered Speech: 25 points

You should write your speech in the space below. When you are all done, simply click the Turn
In button above.

Oh you tired student! You are always sleepy and never awaken. You are lazy and disrespectful
and now this attitude brought you now to a fiery pit of failure in school, at home, and at your
future job. It is like you are cached in quicksand, you can not avoid it anymore.
The only performance you did in the school year was sleeping in class, sleeping on the practice
field, and even sleeping during Lunch. Your grades were laying on the ground, sleeping like you
all, and nobody woke them up.

You have been warned thousand of times in class, but you still slept the next day. You were told
to stop playing computer games til the morning, but you still did it. If we woke you students up
in class, you just ignored us teacher. But you did not just ignored us, you did other things. You
played with your pens and pencils, or just looked down to the ground and down on your phone,
but you did not listened.

This should be a wakening call for all of you, but Im sure that some of you already sleep and get
waken up by your friends so we do not see you sleeping. You may have heard this many times
before, or not, if you were asleep.

Now it is on you if you want to change your attitude or not. If you want to fail this school year
too or if you want to make your parents proud of you. If you change something now, you can
save your future. You have to wake up now. You have to stand up now, and you have to change
it now. When the half school year is over, you missed your to change something. You are like a
little fly which is with one wing in a spider web. You can try to escape, but the end is
unchangeable. Change your attitude now, wake up, and save your future.

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