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By: Celeste Chavez & Nellely

An appeal to authority (Figures prove is a variation)
Trust me Im an expert.
Visual form
Pantene with Stacy London. Aug
11 2009.
Annotated Stills
Simple white A balanced number of
background highlights shampoos is displayed- 5
the celebrity- Stacy 3 are downwards while 2 on
London- figure of the outside face upwards-
significance this symbolizes the balance
your hair will receive with
this product
Beauty magazines that
have praised this The company name is
product are in white- placed at the end for
pop out- implying that impact-to engrave in
the product pops out your mind
from the others Pantene is in a much
larger font- that is what
The slogan and the is most important out of
A distinction from a specific
product name meet at the entire commercial
beauty magazine- proves how
effective the product is - the a perfect 90 degree
word best is much larger angle- once again
than the other words- this representing the
product beats others by a long simplicity and balance-
shot- nothing compares natural
The potential purpose of this visuals creator is to sell the product of Pantene shampoo intended for
more modern and middle aged women looking to take careful care of their hair. The simple introductory
background of white highlights the star: Stacy London. These defined colors, completely opposite, create a
balance and sense of modernism. This advertisement features London, not coincidentally. As many are
familiar with the television fashion star, people trust her and what products she promotes. London goes on to
repeat the word expert, which makes the audience believe that the product promoted is professional
therefore meets the audience's needs. Throughout the advertisment, London references many experts, such
as beauty experts and real experts (female consumers). She is titled a style expert at the beginning of the
advertisement, which further conveys the subtle message that women should buy this product because an
expert said so. Our inner reptilian hot button is fazed by what seems to be a good fit in todays society and
assurance from a known figure- both key for a product which will give the consumer societal approval.
Towards the end, the product is on display with soft colors and in a number of five. Three in the middle are
facing downward while the two on the outside face upward. This strategy is useful in maintaining the
consistent balance, which the consumers want for their hair. Overall, this mixture of visual and verbal effects
is successful in persuading the audience and makes for a concise and discreet advertisement.
Textual form

Pear , Robert , Thomas Kaplan, and

Maggie Haberman.
"In Major Defeat for Trump,
Push to Repeal Health Law
Fails ." The New York Times. "Pittenger: Hopefully cooler heads will prevail."
The New York Times, 24 Mar. Congressman Robert Pittenger. N.p., 24 Mar.
2017 . Web. 26 Mar. 2017. 2017. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

The way Reagan handled issues is

The inclusion of Ronald Reagan creates a presented to say that if he did that, then
stronger claim of the failure to repeal they should follow his example.
Health Law.
Using Reagan is effective since he was
Specific example is used in order to president and the speaker is supporting the
reveal and add to the advice in order current president producing a more
to persuade. compelling connection.
In order to create a more powerful argument, the congressman Robert Pittenger appeals to a stronger
authority to persuade and advice those who helped stop the repealment of the Health Law. The immediate
reference to past president Ronald Reagan, subtly and instantly captures all attention as he is widely known.
It compels an older audience because they have better knowledge of when Reagan was a powerful figure,
although many were not very fond of him. Accompanying the example follows a connection to the current
president, Donald Trump without directly addressing him but providing a similar figure since he is the one
insisting the repealment. Pittenger speaks highly of Reagan: a master who understood government by
consensus. The speaker provides yet another example with 80 percent, 100 percenton top of the
presidential figure, to understand his perspective on the thoughtful ways of Reagan. With the percentages,
Pittenger is claiming that if Reagan could obtain 80 percent, not the full 100, he would proudly take it as a
victory. Therefore using Reagan and his tactics as something to learn from and follow. The acceptance of
only 60 votes should occur; however, later perhaps it could be brought back and win them all. But the bill
should not be forced upon and the government should be as considerate as Reagan to become successful.
With the example of such an icon, this advice could not only be for the hard-line conservatives but also
anyone who reads or hears it, so they too understand and accept the failure of the repealment.
Text 1- Take it from Taylor Swift!
She uses Puckers to protect her
Text 2
lips during her day to day

Text 1
Text 2- Do you want smooth
luscious lips and dazzle the
paparazzi or be ignored for the
rest of your life?
Only the top half of the star is depicted- this reinforces the idea
that this product is the best- the top of all other products
which compare to it- it also makes the audience relate it to
fame and luxury- the color gold is often associated with #1 as
This text catches attention- if stars
love Puckers so much and the
audience has a desire for a sense of
approval from a known figure then
they should buy the product as well

The color of the product promoted is

brighter than the red carpet displayed-
implying that the product is the best of
the best- surpasses the red carpet

The celebrity Taylor Swift is used to

gain the attention of fans and pop
music fans or those interested in
beauty- a vast majority- If Taylor says
so then it must be a good product!
The Puckers invention is designed for teen girls and young women for full protection of their lips so they can stay
perfectly clean. It is a smooth rubber stick-on that can be used up to ten times and comes in a variety of colors. The Ad
Verecundiam is presented with the words involving a very popular icon: take it from Taylor Swift. Any fans of the singer are
immediately allured and convinced to buy the product, since they want to look as fabulous as their favorite pop singer. Lights
are shining on each corner of the add, the lines leading down to the stars: a bright yellow star and the pop culture icon Taylor
Swift. The Either or Fallacy has a subtle connection to the pop icon as well, continuing with a question that captures every girls
dream of becoming a superstar. The vibrant stars pop out of the white background providing that dazzle that has been
promised. Particularly the large golden star, standing above anything, suggesting it is the best out of any lip product. In addition
the wordsluscious,paparazzitransforms the dream into a potential future of the targeted audience. The audience receives
only two options - you either use the product and gain from it or you become isolated as a result of not using the product. This,
of course, is an exaggerated scenario, but works to impulse the audience to buy it. The concluding fallacy used is
Overgeneralizing, which gives the final push inside the buyers logical reason that can result in a lovemark. Leading down the
page is the famous and glamourous red carpet where the owners of puckers can also show off their smooth lips. To complete
the fabulous hollywood scenery, the red carpet goes down to the final message: All the Brightest Stars Love Puckers. The craze
and love over Taylor Swift is enough to persuade girls to buy the Puckers many times, no matter the price. Especially with girls
dreaming of becoming a hollywood star: they are entrapped by the promises, and their loyalty immediately lies with the product
since they are led to believe that it will help their dreams come true.

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