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CO trim adds a fixed time to the real-time injection pulse-width.

This is added across the

entire RPM range. A CO trim of +1 adds 10 microseconds to the real-time pulse. A value of
+10 adds 100 uS. Conversely, -10 will subtract 100 uS.

The affect appears non-linear because it's is the same amount for any given TPS/RPM
value. For example, at idle, the real-time pulse-width may be 2500 uS. If you set CO at +10,
the pulse-width becomes 2600 uS. If the pulse-width is 8000 uS at 7000 RPM, the pulse will
now become 8100 uS. This is a 4% increase at idle and 2.3% increase at 7000 RPM. Ergo,
the affect appears non-linear and has the greater affect at idle.

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