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Parts to be Auditioned

Alice Female Aged 10-14. Large role. Singing and speaking. Alice is
curious and very confident. She talks to herself a lot and is not afraid to
investigate Wonderland and speak to all the creatures she meets.

White Rabbit Male of any age. Large role. Singing and speaking. Always
in a hurry. Manic yet timid. Frantically rushes around.

Cheshire Cat Any gender, any age. Large role. Singing and speaking. A
cheeky grin is essential. A Wonderland creature who is of the highest
status. Very laid back and always cool and calm with a very big grin.

The Mad Hatter Male aged 14+. Large role. Speaking and singing. An
impolite creature who lives in a never ending tea party. Although mad, one
of the wisest and most helpful characters to Alice.

March Hare Any gender. Any age. Small speaking and singing role. Is
present at the Mad Hatters Tea party and is in a permanent state of
confusion. He continually asks Alice if she would like a drink but when she
goes to drink it, takes it off her.

Queen of Hearts Female aged 18+ Large role. Singing and speaking
role. The ruler of Wonderland and villain of the piece. She dominates
everyone including her own husband. Everyone fears her. Very powerful
but hated by the creatures of Wonderland.

King of Hearts Male aged 18+. Medium sized speaking only role. He is
the co-ruler of Wonderland. He fears his wife and follows along with
whatever she says.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee Comedy Duo. Any gender. Age 14+.
Singing and speaking role. Mischief making duo often finishing each others

The Caterpillar Any gender. Aged 8-14. Small speaking only role. A
Wonderland Creature. Cool and calm and smokes a pipe which blows

The Duchess Female 18+ Medium sized role. Speaking only. Aggressive
and mean at home but much more gentle and kind towards Alice.

Older Alice Female aged 21+ Small singing role. Looks back on her
adventures in Wonderland. Telling her children.

Alices Sister -Female aged 14+. Small speaking role. Gives Alice a history
lesson at the start of the story.

Other Roles not needing Audition

The Knave of Hearts Male aged 14+ Small speaking role.
The Dormouse Any age, any gender. Falls asleep at the tea-party.
Alices Cat Dinah Physical role.
Playing cards
Other creatures of Wonderland

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