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Theoretical framework

The main factors causing stress among final year nursing students is the career itself. Most of
the final year nursing students felt stress due to lack of knowledge of the preparation career,
how to write a resume, English proficiency when working later, career challenges as well as
career opportunities in the future. Nursing students with career information clearly will be
able to achieve excellence and skills in the field of career in their future. Thus, they will be
depressed if they do not have inventories which is comprehensive career. Furthermore, the
increasing of competition in career in the present as well as the recruitment criteria
established by the hospitals indirectly put pressure on students.

Apart from that, the intrapersonal factor as the leading cause of stress among students. The
workload is too much in a short time can also lead to stress. Most students feel stress when
workload of academic is too much. The college assignment instructions are not clear,
difficulties in finding reference materials in the library as well as perform many tasks at the
same time is also a cause of stress among nursing students.

For the environmental factors, most final year nursing students feel stress when no
comfortable place to study, environment noisy during college and the lecture rooms are a bit
cramped and uncomfortable.

Based on factors that involve interpersonal relationships with peers, lecturers and academic
adviser, shown that the relationship with a friend or peer contribute more to stress among the
nursing students compared lecturer and an academic advisor. The daily lives of the students
were more focused with peers not only in the classroom, even outside the classroom. In fact,
they felt the stress of having a conflict with a friend compared conflicting with the lecturers
or academic advisor. Examples of situations that can cause stress to the students is the
difficulty resisting friend request despite being busy.

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