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Team Action Plan

Group: Safe and Sound

Name Perceived strength Development area

Victor Tan Lit Wen - A very easy-going person, it will be Very indecisive. It will take me
easy for the team to get along & work ages to decide something because
with me. I always compare the pros & cons
- Stress is not in my gene, so I can between the choices. In order to
work everything calmly overcome that I need to find a
- Very neat & tidy when it comes to way to decide things faster.

Yap Tshun li Responsible to my work. Will always Critical thinking skill and
try my best to get the job done on communication between
time team members.

Kenji Loh Jien Yi Properly allocate and distribute work. Enhance communication and
Summarize and point out key points. increase productivity.

Tan Kee Ka My perceived strength is friendliness. My development area is

I fairly comfortable meeting most communicating skill. I need to
new people but there are sometimes I improve my communicate skill so
prefer to focus on the task that I could talkative and give a
good response to my team
Teo Mae Ling Complete my job on time Communication between team

Very respectful to all team members. Very easy to get frustrated when
Lai Chia Hern Able to accept team members opinion facing difficult work and also
and try not to criticize others team need to improve

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