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Classification Practice

Intro: You are going to hear a conversation between a university

professor and a student about an assignment.

A: Thank you for seeing me at such short notice, Professor Barrett.

B: Oh, its no trouble, Emma. Students often want to meet with me at

this time in the semester. I gather from your email that you need
some advice on your assignment. You chose the child development
topic, didnt you?

A: Yeah, thats right. After your comments on my first draft last

week, Im worried Im on completely the wrong track and I need to do
well. You know, I wont pass this module unless I manage to get a
distinction in this essay.

B: Alright. Lets have a look at it and see what you have included
and what still needs work.. OK.. yesI remember. The main problem
is that you have chosen to address only one part of the current
debate on the topic.

A: Well, I summarised the nativist belief that children have an

instinctive understanding of the laws of nature.

B: Yes, you did, and that was well-written, but if you look at the
essay question, you were asked to evaluate different theories. Do
you know of any which disagree with nativism?

A: Well, theres constructivism, where children have to learn about

the world around them, but hasnt that theory been superseded. I
mean I didnt think I needed to mention it because its been
proved wrong.

B: But neither of the two schools of thought has been accepted

without doubt: they are both still theoretical.

A: Oh I see. So I should add something about constructivism.

B: I think it would be wise to do so.. that would present a more

balanced essay.

Emma: Alright, I think I can outline constructivism before leading

into the section on nativism.

B: That should read well. Nowlets look at what you did say on the
subject of nativist research.

A: Well, I feel I understand the nativist experiments quite well.

B: Mmmm but you seem to have only touched on the results. You
really need to show that youve understood their significance.

A: Oh, I see. Well.. OK. I can expand that section.

B: Now another important aspect of this topic is the concept of
object permanence?

A: Oh, you mean the idea that something still exists even when you
cant see it?

B: Yes, that was well done. You had a nice explanation of that, so
make sure you keep that.

A: Thanks Professor. Is there anything else? What about the studies

I referred to? Were they OK?

B: Well, the one thing I did notice is that youve left out the most
recent research in this field.

A: Oh, I thought Baillargeon was the most up-to-date.

B: Actually, no. A little more reading required then.

A: Yeah, I guess so. Back to the library for me!

B: Mmm.. Now, the last point about the content of the essay is that
your bibliography needs to be more complete. If you look carefully,
youll see that you havent cross-referenced the sources from your
lectures properly. So read your notes again to find the citations.

A: Yes, I was expecting that. I did rush the draft a little. Well
Professor. This has been very helpful. I dont want to take up any
more of your time but what do you think I should do next?

B: Mmm.Well Overall, the essay was long enough, so dont worry

about the length but you will need to restructure it to include the
other studies.

A: OK. Is the format alright? I mean, there cant be many students

who give you handwritten essays these days.

B: Thats true. LookI dont insist on word processed assignments.

As long as I can read the essay, Im happy.

A: Well, thanks Professor. Ive still got a fair bit of work to do

then. Would I be able to come and see you next week?

B: Next week isnt great for me. Ive got to prepare for a set of
lectures. Youve still got some time before the due date, havent

A: Yes. Could we make it in two weeks time? Ill have finished the
second draft by then.

B: Thatll be fine. Lets have a look at it then.

A: Alright. Thanks again, Professor. Youve been a great help.

B: Youre welcome.

A: Bye.

B: Bye.

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