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any Deader to me

Kelly and Rin were stuck in an abandoned home in the woods after what was supposed to

be a short hike. It was around 2 or 3pm, when Kelly, a 24 year old woman, and her girlfriend

Rin, 25 year old woman with striking red hair, was hiding from Johnny Tuguns a 45 year old

mobster who was being chased by the Police, your typical clich fat bellied messy ones. The

police officers were listening for clues on their Radio, hunting down the mobster.

"You have one new voicemail..." it was Johnny Tuguns, "Rin I treated you like a wife and

was loyal to you and you STEAL from me! You fake piece of crap! You cheated on me and stole

my money! . I want my money you piece of crap. Were you screwing her when you were

supposed to be screwing me?! WHEN I FIND YOU I'M GOING TO RIP OUT HER DIRTY LITTLE


YOU NEXT- " Rin threw the phone on the ground effectively ending the message.

Kelly stroked Rin's long red hair, "you know we can just return his part of the money before we

go babe..."

Rin placed her hand on kelly's cheek

"No! This is my way of getting back at him for 4 years of hell from being with him and paying

you back for continuing to love me even though we had to hide for awhile."

Kelly smiled softly at Rin "Well in that case let's continue hiding for a little while longer since

our lives kinda depend on it" Rin and kelly share a small laugh and sit down on the floor basking
in each other's presence.

"what's the first thing you want to do when we get to wherever we're going?" Rin asked after a


Kelly looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully "I wanna dance.. I don't care where I don't care

whose watching hell.. I don't even care if there's no music... I just wanna dance."

Rin giggled softly "why do you wanna dance babe?"

Kelly shrugged her shoulders "dancing washes all my fears away and it'll be my way of assuring

myself everything's ok.. But most of all I wanna dance with you because you're the reason our

dreams are going to come true."

Rin shyly ducked her head "that's sweet.. When we dance i want it to be outside after a moonlit

dinner with soft music playing in the background And I want you to pick out a beautiful gown fit

for a goddess and heels to match"

Kelly sighed sadly "babe that sounds expensive and I don't want you spending money like that

on me."

Rin sat up swiftly "do you not see all this money we have to blow?" She asked As she Pointed at
the duffle bags sitting on the floor

"yeah but-" kelly stared before she was angrily cut off by Rin.

"no buts! Now that we have all this cash we're not about to go back to the past of me

pretending to be happy with Johnny and sneaking around with you or you working to jobs as a

banker and my maid and STILL barely gettin' by!"

Kelly shot off the floor yelling "I KNOW WE HAVE THE MONEY IT'S JUST THAT-!" But was yet

again interrupted by Rin.


Kelly pushed Rin back slightly and yelled " THAT WE END UP BACK RIGHT WHERE WE STARTED!"

Rin stood speechless as kelly took a deep calming breath and spoke quieter "I'm afraid that if

we aren't careful with our spending we're gonna lose all the money and struggle all over again

but much worse"

Rin's look softened and she nodded "I need you to understand that even if we do somehow lose

the money it'll never be as bad as it was for us"

"how can you be so sure? Rin you can't tell the future so how do you know it won't get that

bad?" Kelly asked.

Rin walked closer to kelly "because we aren't hiding anymore" She stopped in front of kelly and

wrapped her arms around kelly's waist, "we can finally just be.. Happily together"

kelly thought over Rin's words for a few seconds before wrapping her arms around Rin.

"what color should I wear?" Kelly asked with a breathtaking smile claiming her face

Rin smiled back and quickly kissed kelly "white that color looks beautiful on-" Rin was

interrupted by the radio.

"We interrupt to ask EVERYONE to be on the look out for two young women Kellylotte Evans

and Rin Morelli Visit our Instagram and twitter pages to see pictures of the two women.. These

women robbed Central Cities Bank at eleven this morning they left NO ONE alive && NOTHING

untouched they left blood, bodies, bullet holes, && broken glass in their wake.. They emptied

out all the safes and took everything the bank had to offer.. Help use find these women and get

justice for all the innocent lives taken this morning. If you have any added information about

the crime committed," Rin walked over to the radio, "the women's whereabouts, or any

information that would help us locate these fiends please contact-"

Rin smacked down the radio causing it to shut off immediately kelly jumped in shock at the

sudden noise

"Jesus Rin! You could've just turned it off you didn't have to slam it down-" Kelly scolded but

was interrupted by Rin laughing hysterically Kelly eyed her critically, "what's funny?"

Rin calmed her laughter before she began "they called us fiends and made it sound like we did

something overly terrible" rin smirked eyeing Kelly as she walked closer to her

Kelly rolled her eyes and scoffed mockingly "because we kinda did"

Rin pulled kelly close by her waist "mmm but it was kinda cool the way you laid waste to that

boring place" Rin tilted her head back in ecstasy, "and their screams! God I love you" Rin buried

her face in Kelly's neck holding her close.

Kelly stared off distantly hugging Rin back "yeah..I know"

Rin kept her head in kelly's neck "yeah babe?"

Kelly what If we go to jail or Johnny-(gets cut off by Rin angrily pushing her away) (kelly looks


Rin:(angrily states) We won't have to do anything because we're NOT going to jail and Johnny is

NOT gonna do anything

Kelly:(frustratedly runs a hand through her hair) you ain't a fortune teller girl.. Today could be

our last day of freedom or our last day period and we need to talk about it...

Rin:(exasperatedly throws hands in the air and shouts) THERES NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT

DAMMIT! (Rin storms away outta the room slamming a door)

Kelly:(flinches from the slamming of the door she sighs and sits on the floor with a roll of her


(Thinking internally) Rin...babe please don't ignore this... Screamin' and walkin' away won't

diminish the possibility of both of us gettin' ourselves killed or possibly bein' carted off to jail.

Both of those are life changin' roles and I'm afraid of havin' dreamed of spendin' the rest of a

much better life with you and not even makin' it to at least a part of it I'm not afraid of dying

but I'm afraid of dying without you I'm afraid of leaving you behind in this cold blooded world

without somebody that cares, and dammit we don't even have a plan for those possibilities!

We ALWAYS have a plan.. And girl you don't even wanna talk about it let alone THINK about it I

just need you to know that I'm thankful you always been about it and down for me.. god I love

you.. (Rin slowly walks back in and sits by kelly)

Rin:I know i can't tell the future but I can't tell you what should happen because I don't even

wanna think like that.. Just know I love you ok.. And I'll never stop I loved you yesterday, I love

you today, and I'll love you even more the next day...just whatever happens it'll end with us

sticking together (Rin kisses kelly's forehead as kelly hugs her) come on it's time to go (kelly

nods as they grabbed the duffle bags)

Rin and kelly: (lock hands share a kiss and whisper) freedom. Together ( walk off stage scene

changes to outside)

(Rin and kelly freeze in shock police officers are armed and waiting for them)

Police officer:Drop the bags put your hands in the air and get on your knees! You have the right

to remain-(get cut off by a gunshot instantly killing kelly Rin drops down with her screaming the

police turn in the direction of the sounding of the shot as they call for back up)

Rin:(crying and screaming hysterically clutching kelly to her chest) NO..oh god NO KELLYLOTTE..

get up baby please.. BREATHE SCREAM CRY SOMETHING! BABY PLEASE GET UP damm-(gets cut

off by another gunshot killing her instantly)

Police officer: find the shooter NOW!(The police run off looking for the shooter)

Johnny Tuguns:(comes out of the shadows in the opposite direction the police ran off to with

his hands in his pocket and a blank look on his face he completely ignores Rin and kellys body as

he grabs a duffle bag filled with money and starts away only to stop and stare down at rin and

kelly's unmoving bodies) i loved ya Rin.. But now you and your little girlfriend can never be any

deader to me...(Johnny places a cigarette in his mouth cracks a sinister smile and walks away

with one last chilling laugh)

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