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Torro, eres una alma torturada.

Torro, tu dolor tambin duele mi favor por mi pas nativo .

Torro, eres la violencia en televisin.

Torro, eres una animal que no se respeta.

Torro, me produce asco tu tratamiento.

Llamar cultura al sadismo organizado, a la violencia, a la muerte o al dolor

es un insulto a la propia inteligencia, al desarrollo de nuestra evolucin.

Tu indiferencia les hace poderosos, manifiesta tu repulsa a la fiesta criminal

no colabores con un juego de dementes, violencia.

Abajo con taurinos al cdigo penal.


Torro, you're a tortured soul.

Torro, your pain also hurts my favor for my native country.

Torro, you're the violence on television.

Torro, you are an animal that is not respected.

Torro, I am disgusted by your treatment.

Call culture to organized sadism, violence, death or pain

Is an insult to our own intelligence, to the development of our evolution.

Your indifference makes them powerful, express your repulsion to the criminal party
Do not collaborate with a game of insane violence.

Down with bullfighting.

AP English
AP test killed me.

I swear it was not english.

Maybe got a four.

World Leaders

Is Mike Pence low key really gay?

If he was he would really slay.

Donald Trump Mike Pence affair.

Vlad P affair with a bear.

U.S, Russia relations fray.

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