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An Interview with Stevie Ray Vaughan


Give a brief description of where and why you are interviewing your subject.

I am going to interview Stevie Ray Vaughan in the Rock&Roll Hall Of Fame,

because Stevie was added to it not to long ago. I'm interviewing Stevie
because i wrote my paper about him.

What is your name and how old are you?

I am Stevie Ray Vaughan and I am 35 years old

At what age were you introduced to a guitar?

I began playing when I was 7 years old

Why did you drop out of high school?

The reason I dropped out of high school was to pursue my career even more to play

What was the name of the first band you ever played in?
Marc Bennos

As you formed your own band what were some names you guys thought of?
At first it was the Triple Threat Revue before we renamed the name to Double Trouble

During your career what made you famous?

The fame began after I performed at Montreux Jazz Festival

What year was it that your single made a hit?

It was around 1983 after I performed at the festival

Is it true that you're a addict?

Yes, but I have sobered up and moved on to pursue my music.

When you went on tour, who did you go with?

Jeff Beck in 1989 and Joe Crocker in 1990

Right now what are you most inspired for your music?
By American and British Blues Rock

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