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V Interschool Spelling Bee Contest

Word list for 6th. Grade - Elementary

1 accelerate 45 boundary 89 creative 133 extrinsic
2 achievement 46 bracelet 90 criticism 134 fabricate
3 acquittal 47 breathing 91 crosswalk 135 faithful
4 advantage 48 brochure 92 curiosity 136 fantastic
5 affectionately 49 bulldozer 93 customary 137 fascination
6 algae 50 burglarious 94 cutlery 138 fatigue
7 allegiance 51 bushel 95 dandruff 139 feasibility
8 alliance 52 business 96 Danish 140 feckless
9 alpinist 53 camouflage 97 deprivation 141 fervently
10 altruism 54 campsite 98 derelict 142 forbidden
11 ancestor 55 caricature 99 descendant 143 forfeit
12 anniversary 56 carnival 100 description 144 forgetting
13 antidote 57 catastrophic 101 desperate 145 forgiveness
14 antiquated 58 cathedral 102 destination 146 formidable
15 antonym 59 cauliflower 103 detective 147 foundation
16 aperture 60 cavalcade 104 detergent 148 friendship
17 apologize 61 centimeter 105 diagnosis 149 frontier
18 appendix 62 character 106 dialogue 150 functionary
19 appetizer 63 charismatic 107 different 151 fundamental
20 aqueduct 64 chocolate 108 dilemma 152 gladiatorial
21 Arabic 65 chronology 109 diligent 153 gnarled
22 archaeology 66 cinnamon 110 discipline 154 gourd
23 arduous 67 cliffhanger 111 discreetly 155 government
24 armadillo 68 cloverleaf 112 dreadful 156 gravity
25 artillery 69 collision 113 European 157 grayish
26 assailant 70 commemorate 114 elementary 158 grumble
27 attorney 71 communicate 115 embarrass 159 guarantee
28 auction 72 community 116 emperor 160 habanero
29 austere 73 compatriots 117 enchantment 161 hairdresser
30 authentic 74 competition 118 encourage 162 headache
31 authenticate 75 complete 119 enervating 163 heartbreak
32 avalanche 76 composition 120 engineer 164 heredity
33 avian 77 compromise 121 engineering 165 herring
34 bachelor 78 concise 122 enumerated 166 Holocaust
35 bankruptcy 79 conclusion 123 epithets 167 homogenize
36 beachfront 80 concussion 124 equestrian 168 homophone
37 bedlam 81 condominium 125 esteem 169 honesty
38 bedraggled 82 confident 126 exaggerator 170 Honolulu
39 bestial 83 conflagration 127 examination 171 hospital
40 beverage 84 consequence 128 excitement 172 hovel
41 bilingual 85 contagious 129 exclusivity 173 hurricane
42 bloodhound 86 convalescent 130 exhausted 174 hydrogen
43 botany 87 conventionally 131 exquisite 175 hydrophobia
44 boulevards 88 coronet 132 extremely 176 hypotenuse
177 Icarus 221 magnesium 265 partridge 309 purchase
178 idiosyncrasy 222 magnetic 266 pasteurize 310 quandary
179 illuminable 223 magnificent 267 pauper 311 quashed
180 immigration 224 mahogany 268 pearlescent 312 quizzical
181 implacable 225 Mandarin 269 peculiar 313 quotation
182 improvement 226 margarine 270 pedestrian 314 raspberry
183 inadvertent 227 marionette 271 pendulum 315 ravine
184 incompetent 228 marvelous 272 penicillin 316 realism
185 inconceivable 229 mastiff 273 pensive 317 recognize
186 independent 230 measure 274 percentage 318 recover
187 indifference 231 megaphone 275 perception 319 recycle
188 infection 232 microphone 276 perhaps 320 reggae
189 infuriating 233 microscope 277 perilous 321 rehearse
190 ingredient 234 mildew 278 perimeter 322 reimburse
191 inlet 235 Missouri 279 perpetrator 323 rendition
192 inspire 236 moisture 280 petrifying 324 repetitive
193 inspiring 237 monochrome 281 pharmacist 325 reservoir
194 instance 238 multitude 282 phenomenal 326 resonate
195 instrument 239 musician 283 phenomenon 327 responsible
196 insulin 240 mystery 284 photograph 328 restaurant
197 interesting 241 mystic 285 physicists 329 revolution
198 intrinsic 242 naturalist 286 pilgrimages 330 sanctum
199 investigate 243 neutron 287 pitiful 331 satchel
200 irresistible 244 nonchalance 288 pneumonia 332 satellite
201 itinerary 245 nonviolent 289 politician 333 satisfactorily
202 javelin 246 nostalgia 290 pollute 334 schedule
203 jewelry 247 nuisance 291 porcelain 335 scholarship
204 justice 248 oblivious 292 Portuguese 336 scientist
205 justifiable 249 official 293 possibility 337 scissors
206 kaleidoscope 250 opinion 294 potpourri 338 scrumptiously
207 knowledge 251 opinionated 295 precious 339 sediment
208 laboratory 252 optimistic 296 precipitation 340 semaphore
209 labyrinth 253 optometrist 297 precursor 341 sentries
210 language 254 oracle 298 predicament 342 servant
211 lasagna 255 orchestra 299 preliminary 343 servitude
212 legitimately 256 ornament 300 preparation 344 several
213 linen 257 orthography 301 preserve 345 sidewalk
214 lonesome 258 overweening 302 pressure 346 silhouette
215 loyalty 259 paisley 303 pretzel 347 skateboard
216 lucrative 260 panoramic 304 preventative 348 skeptical
217 luggage 261 paragraph 305 prodigious 349 spaceship
218 machete 262 partially 306 promotional 350 spasmodic
219 machinery 263 participant 307 prosecutor 351 spatula
220 magician 264 particular 308 prosthetic 352 speaker
353 specialist 397 wheelchair
354 sponsor 398 withdraw
355 stationary 399 zodiac
356 stethoscope 400 zoology
357 Scandinavia
358 stratagems
359 struggle
360 succeed
361 suddenly
362 surface
363 suspend
364 swimming
365 sympathetic
366 talkative
367 technician
368 technology
369 tenacious
370 thaumaturge
371 thesaurus
372 thicket
373 thoughtful
374 tortoise
375 tranquilize
376 transmutation
377 treatise
378 tremendous
379 tremulous
380 tuition
381 unappealing
382 undulating
383 unscrupulous
384 uranium
385 usually
386 vaccinate
387 vagabonds
388 varsity
389 vegetarian
390 venerable
391 vengeance
392 vertical
393 visibility
394 vitamin
395 vulpine
396 warning
V Interschool Spelling Bee Contest
Word list for 6th. Grade - Elementary
1 accelerate to speed up, cause to move faster
2 achievement an accomplishment that takes work or skill
3 acquittal a release from serving possible jail time
4 advantage something good about or in favor of
5 affectionately full of emotion and love
6 algae green, red or brown organisms growing in water
7 allegiance loyalty to a country or cause
8 alliance an arrangement between countries or groups to achieve something
9 alpinist a climber of high mountains
10 altruism charitable selflessness
11 ancestor person that one is descended from, relative
12 anniversary yearly commemoration of a previous event
13 antidote a medicine taken to counteract a poison
14 antiquated old and left over from the past
15 antonym word that means the opposite of another word
16 aperture hole or opening in something
17 apologize ask forgiveness
18 appendix supplementary writing at the end of a book
19 appetizer small portion of food served before main meal
20 aqueduct a channel that carries water
21 Arabic classical language established by the Koran
22 archaeology the study of ancient sites and cultures
23 arduous difficult and marked by great effort
24 armadillo small animal whose head and body have armor
25 artillery weapons, especially large, crewed firearms
26 assailant a person who attacks another person
27 attorney a person trained in legal matters
28 auction sale where items are bid on for purchase
29 austere very plain or simple
30 authentic in true form, verifiable and real
31 authenticate to establish that something is genuine
32 avalanche a large, falling mass
33 avian pertaining to or related to birds
34 bachelor an unmarried man
35 bankruptcy the inability to pay back debts
36 beachfront a strip of land facing or running along a beach
37 bedlam confusion and chaos
38 bedraggled in need of serious repair; wet and untidy
39 bestial resembling a beast; brutal, savagely cruel
40 beverage a drinkable liquid
41 bilingual able to speak two languages fluently
42 bloodhound sizable brown dog with acute sense of smell
43 botany branch of biology devoted to studying plants
44 boulevards wide city streets, often lined with trees
45 boundary something which shows the border or limit
46 bracelet an ornamental band or chain worn on the wrist
47 breathing taking air into the lungs, then expelling it
48 brochure a pamphlet that gives information
49 bulldozer machine that destroys houses and clears land
50 burglarious Of or relating to burglary
51 bushel a unit of measure for grain or fruit
52 business the concern or private matters of a person
53 camouflage concealing coloration
54 campsite a base in the wilderness for setting up tents
55 caricature exaggerated artistic or literary description
56 carnival traveling fair with rides, games and sideshows
57 catastrophic extremely bad or disastrous
58 cathedral a main or major church in a district
59 cauliflower vegetable grown for its head of white flowers
60 cavalcade traveling procession of vehicles or horses
61 centimeter metric unit that is one hundredth of a meter
62 character pattern of behavior traits; a marked feature
63 charismatic possessing personal magnetism
64 chocolate a sweet treat made with cocoa beans
65 chronology a list of events in a time sequence
66 cinnamon aromatic spice from the bark of a tree
67 cliffhanger an ending that leaves you in suspense
68 cloverleaf shaped like a shamrock
69 collision impact or encounter, often unintentional
70 commemorate to honor, to remember
71 communicate express your thoughts and feelings so that others understand them
72 community group unified by a shared location
73 compatriots fellow citizens of the same country
74 competition event in which people strive against each other
75 complete having all its parts
76 composition a work of art, music, or literature
77 compromise to come to a mutual agreement
78 concise using just a few clear words
79 conclusion the result, end or finish of something
80 concussion injury to the brain causing loss of function
81 condominium privately owned home on commonly owned land
82 confident feeling certain, sure of oneself
83 conflagration an intense, destructive fire
84 consequence result, outcome of an event, often negative
85 contagious easily spread from one person to another
86 convalescent someone who is recovering from an illness
87 conventionally conforming to agreed upon standards
88 coronet simple crown
89 creative original and inventive
90 criticism an act of making an unfavorable judgment
91 crosswalk pedestrian path which intersects a street
92 curiosity a desire to know or learn
93 customary usual, regular or conventional
94 cutlery forks, spoons, and knives used to eat with
95 dandruff oily or dry flakes of skin on the scalp
96 Danish of or relating to Denmark
97 deprivation a state or act of denying needed things
98 derelict rundown and abandoned; negligent
99 descendant the offspring from ancestors
100 description a statement or account giving details
101 desperate urgently needing something, despairing
102 destination place to which one is going
103 detective a person whose job is to solve crimes
104 detergent chemical cleaning substance similar to soap
105 diagnosis doctor's opinion of illness or injury
106 dialogue the exact words spoken by two or more people
107 different something new
108 dilemma a difficult situation or problem
109 diligent showing effort and care
110 discipline train to obey rules, often by punishing
111 discreetly prudently, or with self-restraint
112 dreadful not pleasant at all; just terrible
113 European relating to any of the countries of Europe
114 elementary basic and easy; early grades of school
115 embarrass cause to feel ashamed or uncomfortable
116 emperor the male leader of a group of nations
117 enchantment the act of charming or being charmed, a spell
118 encourage to inspire or give support
119 enervating make (someone) feel drained of energy or vitality
120 engineer trained person who designs or builds
121 engineering application of science and math for practical use
122 enumerated ordered in a numbered list
123 epithets a phrase that expresses an attriubute considered characteristic of the person
124 equestrian having to do with horseback riding
125 esteem a feeling of great respect or admiration
126 exaggerator a person who magnifys the truth
127 examination a test of knowledge
128 excitement state of being joyful and eager
129 exclusivity restriction to a particular person, group, or area
130 exhausted to be depleted of resources; to be tired out
131 exquisite extremely beautiful and often delicate
132 extremely greatly or intensely
133 extrinsic nonessential or coming from the outside
134 fabricate to create or make up
135 faithful is loyal or trusting to another
136 fantastic excellent or great, almost unbelievable
137 fascination state of being very interested in something
138 fatigue to tire from mental or physical exertion
139 feasibility likelihood or degree of sensibility
140 feckless being indifferent or ineffective
141 fervently enthusiastically
142 forbidden not allowed, off limits
143 forfeit to lose or surrender
144 forgetting not remembering, leaving behind by accident
145 forgiveness act of granting pardon
146 formidable difficult, powerful or of impressive strength
147 foundation the base on which a thing is supported
148 friendship condition of having shared affection and trust
149 frontier the land beyond a border; unclaimed land
150 functionary a person with certain official duties
151 fundamental relating to the most important or basic part
152 gladiatorial of or relating to gladiators
153 gnarled rough and twisted, especially with age
154 gourd a type of fruit with a hard shell
155 government an authoritative system to rule or control
156 gravity a force that pulls things towards the Earth
157 grayish being an off-white or dull silver color
158 grumble to complain
159 guarantee to complain
160 habanero an extremely hot chilli pepper
161 hairdresser person who washes, cuts, and styles hair
162 headache a pain behind the face
163 heartbreak sorrow, often caused by loss of a loved one
164 heredity passage of traits from parents to children
165 herring small, silvery, elongated fish used for food
166 Holocaust great destruction, typically by fire
167 homogenize blend to make the quality consistent
168 homophone same sound but different spelling and/or meaning
169 honesty quality of one who is truthful and fair
170 Honolulu the capital city of Hawaii
171 hospital place where the sick or injured are made well
172 hovel small, dirty or poorly built home
173 hurricane cyclonic tropical storm with powerful winds
174 hydrogen gaseous element with one proton
175 hydrophobia fear of water
176 hypotenuse the longest side of a right triangle
177 Icarus From Greek Mythology, the son of Daedalus
178 idiosyncrasy quirky behavior or odd habit
179 illuminable capable of being illuminated
180 immigration permanent relocation into a foreign country
181 implacable not able to be appeased
182 improvement an act or thing that makes something better
183 inadvertent happening by accident
184 incompetent not having the skills to do something
185 inconceivable incapable of being imagined or believed
186 independent free from control or guidance from others
187 indifference lack of concern or interest
188 infection invasion of the body by disease-causing germs
189 infuriating extremely maddening, causing wrath
190 ingredient an element added to make a mixture
191 inlet an entrance for a gas or liquid to flow
192 inspire to create a feeling in a person
193 inspiring relates to that which is motivating
194 instance example, or illustration
195 instrument a device used to produce music
196 insulin hormone used in treatment of diabetes
197 interesting causing curiosity or a wish to know more
198 intrinsic pertaining to the essence of a thing
199 investigate to search for knowledge, facts or information
200 irresistible impossible to refuse or withstand
201 itinerary a plan of events or a traveled route
202 javelin a spear for throwing, as in a competition
203 jewelry decorative accessories worn by people
204 justice fair behavior or treatment
205 justifiable having good reason
206 kaleidoscope a mirrored tube filled with colorful pieces
207 knowledge information that is acquired or learned
208 laboratory place where scientific research is conducted
209 labyrinth a set of intersecting pathways, a maze
210 language word or speech system of a nation or people
211 lasagna layered dish of pasta, cheese, and meat
212 legitimately according to the proper laws or rules
213 linen natural fabric or woven cloth made from flax
214 lonesome by one's self
215 loyalty faithfulness towards a person or thing.
216 lucrative profitable or something that makes money
217 luggage cases used to carry a traveler's belongings
218 machete a sharp, broad, heavy knife
219 machinery a group of machines described collectively
220 magician a person who does magic tricks and illusions
221 magnesium silvery white metallic element; symbol: Mg
222 magnetic having the property of attracting metals
223 magnificent exceptionally impressive or lavish
224 mahogany a reddish-brown wood used for furniture
225 Mandarin standard language of China
226 margarine butter substitute, made from vegetable oils
227 marionette a puppet hanging and controlled by strings
228 marvelous extraordinarily good or great
229 mastiff a breed of large, square jawed dog
230 measure to find the size of something
231 megaphone a cone-shaped device that amplifies voices
232 microphone device used to record or amplify sound
233 microscope optical instrument to magnify tiny things
234 mildew fungi that grow in areas of high moisture
235 Missouri midwestern state that is home to St. Louis
236 moisture wetness, the quality of being damp
237 monochrome having only one color
238 multitude a great many or a large number
239 musician someone who makes or performs songs
240 mystery something that is unexplained, secret
241 mystic someone very much in touch with spirituality
242 naturalist an expert in botany and zoology
243 neutron an atomic particle with no electric charge
244 nonchalance casual lack of concern
245 nonviolent peaceful instead of roughly physical
246 nostalgia a yearning or affection for the past
247 nuisance an inconvenience or bother
248 oblivious completely unaware of something
249 official something coming from an authority, genuine
250 opinion a belief or judgment held without proof
251 opinionated someone who holds to their own beliefs
252 optimistic hopeful and confident about the future
253 optometrist an eye doctor
254 oracle giver of wisdom, or the wisdom given
255 orchestra large group of instrumental musicians
256 ornament something that adorns or decorates
257 orthography the art of writing with correct usage and spelling
258 overweening exaggeratedly conceited and arrogant
259 paisley swirled pattern of abstract curved shapes
260 panoramic unobstructed in all directions
261 paragraph group of related sentences
262 partially somewhat or incompletely
263 participant one who takes part in an activity
264 particular specific piece, an individual item or thing
265 partridge a type of small game bird
266 pasteurize to heat food to kill harmful germs
267 pauper someone who is extremely poor
268 pearlescent having a luster resembling that of mother-of-pearl
269 peculiar unusual or strange
270 pedestrian a person who travels on foot
271 pendulum object that swings rhythmically back and forth
272 penicillin antibiotic medicine used to cure infection
273 pensive in deep thought
274 percentage a proportion or ration in hundredths
275 perception use of the senses to understand something
276 perhaps in a way that is possible, but not for sure
277 perilous dangerous or extremely risky
278 perimeter the length of a boundary enclosing a plane
279 perpetrator one who commits a wrongdoing
280 petrifying paralyzing with fear
281 pharmacist a person who mixes and dispenses medication
282 phenomenal very remarkable, unbelievably great
283 phenomenon strange occurrence
284 photograph a picture taken by a camera
285 physicists Experts in physics
286 pilgrimages a religious journey made by Pilgrims
287 pitiful causing someone to feel sad or compassionate
288 pneumonia illness with fever and fluid in the lungs
289 politician a person who seeks public office
290 pollute to make unfit or harmful to living things
291 porcelain glazed ceramic
292 Portuguese romance language spoken in Portugal and Brazil
293 possibility a potential outcome, a chance
294 potpourri a scented mix of dried plants and fruit
295 precious greatly loved or treasured
296 precipitation a form of water that falls from the sky
297 precursor a person or thing that goes before
298 predicament a difficult or trying situation
299 preliminary introductory or beginning
300 preparation the act of getting ready or being ready
301 preserve to protect and maintain without change
302 pressure continuous and even force
303 pretzel a baked dough snack sprinkled with salt
304 preventative intended to hinder
305 prodigious enormous, huge or very impressive
306 promotional of or relating to the publicizing of a product
307 prosecutor a public official, who institutes legal proceedings against someone
308 prosthetic relating to an artificial body part
309 purchase to buy or receive in exchange for payment
310 quandary a state of uncertainty or confusion
311 quashed rejected or voided, especially by legal procedure
312 quizzical puzzled or perplexed, sometimes mockingly
313 quotation a repetition of what a person said or wrote
314 raspberry a small red fruit that grows on a bush
315 ravine a huge ditch or gorge
316 realism a presentation of things as they actually are
317 recognize to remember something or someone
318 recover to get better or get something back
319 recycle to reuse items rather than throw them away
320 reggae a popular type of music from Jamaica
321 rehearse to practice for a performance
322 reimburse to pay money back to
323 rendition a version, representation or interpretation
324 repetitive happening over and over; redundant
325 reservoir place where liquid is stored for future use
326 resonate to sound good, strike a chord, or echo
327 responsible having care of or being careful, trustworthy
328 restaurant a public place where food is served
329 revolution a huge fundamental change, as in government
330 sanctum a holy or private place
331 satchel a rectangular bag with a shoulder strap
332 satellite object or celestial body orbiting around a planet
333 satisfactorily well enough or adequately
334 schedule a timetable of planned events
335 scholarship money given to students to pay for school
336 scientist one who studies any part of the world
337 scissors handheld cutting tool with two sharp blades
338 scrumptiously greatly pleasing to the taste, delicious
339 sediment matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid
340 semaphore a communication system with signaling devices
341 sentries soldiers positioned to keep guard
342 servant employee who performs domestic duties
343 servitude subjection to a person of higher rank
344 several more than two or three but not many
345 sidewalk a paved path on the side of a street
346 silhouette profile portrait in black, outline
347 skateboard a board on wheels ridden while standing
348 skeptical disbelieving, doubtful
349 spaceship a vehicle designed to travel beyond earth
350 spasmodic occurring or done in brief, irregular bursts
351 spatula an implement with a broad, flat, blunt blade
352 speaker one who talks or delivers a public speech
353 specialist a person highly skilled in a specific field
354 sponsor a person or organization who funds a project
355 stationary fixed in place or not movable
356 stethoscope instrument used to hear noises of the body
357 Scandinavia Denmark, Sweden, Norway, sometimes Finland
358 stratagems plans or schemes
359 struggle to proceed with effort through difficulties
360 succeed to achieve the desired end
361 suddenly happening quickly or without warning
362 surface outer layer of something
363 suspend keep undecided, or hold back
364 swimming propelling oneself through water
365 sympathetic looking upon with favor or feeling for
366 talkative conversing a great deal
367 technician a person whose job requires technical skills
368 technology combination of knowledge, equipment, or methods in scientific or industrial work
369 tenacious holding fast, not easily pulled apart or away
370 thaumaturge a worker of wonders and performer of miracles; a magician
371 thesaurus book of word groups with similar meanings
372 thicket a dense growth of bushes
373 thoughtful showing care and consideration
374 tortoise a large land-living turtle
375 tranquilize bring into a relaxed state
376 transmutation change of one chemical element into another
377 treatise formal, extensive written work on a subject
378 tremendous overpowering or giant in size or importance
379 tremulous feeling shaky, nervous or timid
380 tuition money paid for an education
381 unappealing incapable of attracting interest or desire
382 undulating moving in a wave-like fashion
383 unscrupulous without principles, corrupt
384 uranium radioactive element with ninety-two protons
385 usually as is normal or customary
386 vaccinate to protect from illness with an inoculation
387 vagabonds wanderers or rovers
388 varsity the most skilled sports team in a school
389 vegetarian person who doesn't eat meat
390 venerable honored and wise
391 vengeance retaliation for a wrong that has been experienced
392 vertical going straight up and/or down
393 visibility the ability to be seen
394 vitamin a food substance that protects health
395 vulpine relating to a fox or foxes
396 warning an advance notice or advice against danger
397 wheelchair a chair with wheels used to move people
398 withdraw take away or take back
399 zodiac calendar using twelve constellations
400 zoology the scientific study of animals

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