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Caves of Steels Book Report

This book, Caves of steel, was wrote by Isaac Asimov, the father of robotics,
futuristic, and IA novels. I didnt chose the booke really, the teacher did it,
because she wanted a book about a computer science topic. And the chosen
one is an adventure, mistery and futuristic story.

Talking about the story, the main themes are the racism bewteen earthmen,
people who lives in earth, and spacers, people who are settle in anothers
planets, another main theme isthe integration of robots into the peoples life,
since most people dont trust in them. The story occurs in Earth on 47th

The topics that we talked above are treated along the investigation of the
murder of one of this spacers by one earthmen by the main character Elijah
Baley, although everyone calls him Lije Baley, an nostalgic and quick temper
detective, he are very protective with his family, especially with his wife,
Jessie Baley, he has high sense of loyalty and duty. His partner R. Daneel
Olivaw (All robots are called tiwh the R before its name) is assigned for the
spacers to Lije for the investigation of this murder, Daneel is the first
humanoid robot, or humaniform, he is ruled by the three laws of robotics,
and learns awesome capabilities like how to influence the mental state of
other creatures or read human emotions.

This book is very interesting, it makes you think a lot about themes like
xenophobia, injustice but also makes you think about how both amazing and
sad could be the life in the future. I definitively would recommend this book,
and obviously i want to read more of this author, I like very much this topics
and the science fiction ambientation.

In conclusion, I think this book is very interesting and Asimov was a genius
living forward his era.

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