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Kalyushik 1

Olha Kalyushik


CP English 10

4 May 2017


Both passages from Elie Wiesels novel, illustrates a two prisoners who were hanged in

front of others, coming through the same procedure of execution and being respected by

everyone. Ten thousand prisoners (Wiesel 1) had watched the execution of first man and paid

their respect (Wiesel 1) to the unfortunate fellow. However, a death was daily event in

concentration camp, such a cruelty astonished Jews. For that moment, author did not care about

crematoria anymore, but the hanged man upset [him] deeply (Wiesel 1). In a same way,

prisoners respected the executed Pipel by taking their caps off (Wiesel 2), in the second

passage. By using the simile, author compare this child to an angel in order to depict the

innocence and cleanness that was killed by SS men. Also, Elie Wiesel eluded the novel to the

Bible, by comparing the Pipel to the God hanged from [the] gallows (wiesel 2), who took all

the pain and tortures. Both deaths awoke a strong negative feelings toward the Nazi and rouse

the respect for dead. Additionally, both excerpts emphasis the alike procedure of every

execution. Firstable, the head of the camp read verdict (Wiesel 2), that always was a death

sentence. Secondly, everyone pay respect to the corpses and, lastly, the officers force prisoners to

look at their dead comrades. The last thing, brings the outlines of inhumanity to this process. The

cruelty practiced to frighten Jews in camp, sometimes used to shock even skilled Kapos.

Unfortunately, inhumanity is one of mankinds inherent feature that may rise to infinity, if one
Kalyushik 2

gets too much power. In the novel Night, by Elie Wiesel, both passages emphasize the

inhumanity toward prisoners by depicting a similar execution of two different characters.

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