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Our primary objective is to develop an ecosystem for fin-startup.

Unlike every
other start-ups, you might think all it requires is An idea. But it should be
related to finance and to many of us the word finance is still a jargon. So who
will be the nerds of fin-start-ups are our target customers. The nerds are the
working professionals in banking and related sectors aged 30 plus with good
amount of experience. They are one who would have actually faced a business
problem in their tenure and might have had a solution/idea to it. Our first step
would be create a platform for this intrapreneurs.
Platform will be business forum, discussions, online questionnaire about the
existing problem in the banking sector seeking a feasible idea/solution. This will
drive the intrapreneurs to pitch in their ideas. Once the ideas are generated,
feedback will be given. And the best ideas i.e better feasible ones have to be
brought to our ecosystem.
Designing an ecosystem, these intrapreneurs are working professional, so they
wont be needing a seed capital i.e. four or five intrapreneurs can generate a
fund more than seed capital. All they need is a business support to nurture their
idea into reality i.e. business. Our ecosystem should provide a business support
by incubating the idea for the minimum of two years. Business support meaning
both technical and functional.
Environment should have a technical support to provide robust technology for
the idea. Functional support such as marketing,finance,HR. Marketing a team to
market the product/service via digital marketing. Finance team to manage the
transactions, assets,credit. HR team to create policies and hire people. Timely
feedback from business entrepreneurs.
Our ecosystem aim is to link all the new start-ups with the intrapreneurs. For
technical support, ecosystem will provide link to desired start-ups that provides
technical support for organisation, which in turn is a business for start-ups and
they can or will offer discount to intrapreneurs, who avails service through
ecosystem. For functional support such as marketing, ecosystem will link to
stratup that provide marketing solutions i.e.

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